2NLs are starting to be sent for February interviews. That is a nice Christmas gift for some people! The email itself has no useful information. It simply tells you to check the ESC site for the interview details. Some people that receive… Continue Reading →
AFRICA 14,300 Except: Egypt: 10,300 Ethiopia: 13,500 ASIA 4,050 Except: Iran: 3,700 Nepal: 3,225 EUROPE 10,700 NORTH AMERICA (BAHAMAS) 6 OCEANIA 615 SOUTH AMERICA, and the CARIBBEAN 625 The “January” bulletin has been released. It includes… Continue Reading →
Without any announcement the Visa Bulletin url has changed. The new address is: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/visa-law0/visa-bulletin.html
The government have released the annual visa issuances for DV lottery cases along with some other categories. You can see the per country, regional and global totals at this link. The global number of visas issued were 49067. Remember this… Continue Reading →
As many of you will know, there have been 3 versions of the travel ban. There have been various blocks placed on each of the travel bans, and it is quite difficult to keep up with the current status. So… Continue Reading →
This is very early – so that might mean it will take a few days before all 2NLs are sent. The email itself has no useful information. It simply tells you to check the ESC site for the interview details. Some people… Continue Reading →
AFRICA: 13,000Except:Egypt: 8,300Ethiopia: 9,200ASIA: 3,400Except:Iran: 2,800Nepal: 2,650EUROPE: 8,200 NORTH AMERICA (BAHAMAS): 5OCEANIA: 475SOUTH AMERICA,and the CARIBBEAN: 500 The “December” bulletin has been released. It includes details of case numbers that are current for January interviews. Those that are current, and have… Continue Reading →
Trump says idiotic things every of the week. Honestly, it is hard to even take him seriously anymore – but I know people will be concerned about his comments today – so I will address them. As many will know,… Continue Reading →
As I mentioned in my post the other day the latest version of the travel ban was blocked by a Federal judge in Hawaii, and now also by one additional court. The block eliminates the travel ban restrictions for the… Continue Reading →
People have started receiving their 2NLs for December 2017 interviews. This will take a few hours – and possibly even a couple of days before all have gone out. The email itself has no useful information. It simply tells you to check… Continue Reading →
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