DV Lottery information and other stuff....

Month June 2023

Are you a DV2023 winner from Latin America, planning to move later this year?

I have spoken to some documentary filmmakers who are working on a project to document the move to the USA for a DV winner, and for various reasons they would love to speak to, and work with someone from Latin… Continue Reading →

Visa Bulletin for August 2023 interviews released

The new Visa Bulletin was released, giving the numbers which will be current for August interviews. If your DS260 has been processed, and you are now current, then you should be getting your interview notification soon, but it depends on… Continue Reading →

DV2024 Basic Questions

We will have many DV2024 selectees with very basic questions. Let me try and address the most frequent ones here in the hope that people will read this. If you ask a question and I give you a link to… Continue Reading →

Lottery Secrets Revealed

This week the government revealed a number of interesting secrets about how the draw process works, including when the draw happens, what is the biggest reason that causes entries to be disqualified prior to the results being announced and some… Continue Reading →

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