2NLs are starting to be sent for May interviews (DV2019). Please note – I am saying STARTING to be sent, some 2NLs will be sent right up until the end of the month.
Please also understand that 2NLs are only sent to cases which are current, had submitted their DS260 so that processing has been completed on that AND they have sent their documents some time ago. If someone only sent their documents in the last week or two, that was probably not in enough time to get on the list to be scheduled this month, and the interview will be held in a later month.
Some people previously got 2NL emails but then had to wait days or even a couple of weeks before the interview letter showed on the ESC page. Other people waited until the beginning of the following month to get their 2NLs and ESC page update. So – be patient, stay calm. Some physicians won’t schedule the medicals unless you have the 2NL in hand, BUT there is plenty of time before these interviews, no need to stress out!
VERY IMPORTANT. 2NLs will be sent during the remainder of the month. If you do not get yours today – no need to freak out, just wait. There is no need to ask me about specific regions or countries, assume any country or region could have 2NLs as late as the last day of the month (last day in the USA, not where you live).
Also, you will not get the 2NL if you have not submitted your DS260 AND your documents to KCC AND your case number is current (lower than the VB number for your region). If ANY of those three things are not true you will not get the 2NL, and there is no need to ask me about that – it should be clear (especially as I have repeated this information many times before and a couple of times in this article).
The email itself has no useful information. It simply tells you to check the ESC site for the interview details. Some people that receive the email will find the ESC site is not ready, those people should try again after a few hours. Also, some people find the email itself goes to a trash or spam folder or somehow miss it. So – if you think you may have been scheduled but missed your email, you can check the ESC site, just in case. The 1NL (you have been selected letter) is replaced by a new letter which gives the appointment details. You log in to the ESC page with your original confirmation code (from when you entered the lottery.
May 9, 2019 at 14:20
Hi Brit,
My case number is 2020EU57xxx
Please advise do I have a chance for being interviewed?
Thanks a lot!
May 9, 2019 at 17:52
April 12, 2019 at 07:06
Hello Simon. Thanks for all of your help. I am writing to ask you a question about – my nephew, who is a Russian citizen lives and works in a neighbouring Central Asian country with his mother relatives (went there to find work). He missed his interview scheduled in Moscow in March as his 2NL interview invitation letter went to the scam folder. He learned just two days before the interview when he was in oilfield, working. Since then, he has obtained permission to reschedule his interview. However, he cannot get interview as it appears that there are no interview times available, although he checked every day for four weeks now. We’ve contacted embassy in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tashkent, with no response, except Kazakh embassy has declined his request to schedule his interview in Kazakhstan. His Number is EU25XX. What are his options in this situation, Simon?
We would greatly appreciate your advice.
April 12, 2019 at 14:14
Contacting the embassy is the only option. KCC have passed the file to the embassy.
April 9, 2019 at 12:19
Greetings! I’m am from Cameroon CN AF43xxx. I just received the email to forward documents.
April 7, 2019 at 21:25
Hi Brit thanks for your amazing work and helps. Please can you explain me backlogs in this process . I meant how it works. Thank
April 8, 2019 at 04:02
April 3, 2019 at 05:07
Thanks a million