I am getting constant messages from people – all asking the same thing. Have the 2NLs gone out yet and why are they late.


OK first of all – they are not technically late – they won’t be technically late until AFTER the end of the month. Yes they have gone out earlier in previous months but when they (KCC) are busy they might need some extra time to schedule interviews.

OK – so why they might be busy. Well unless you are not paying attention at all, you should probably be aware that DV-2015 is about to end (tomorrow). Right now, KCC are probably having to work very hard to make sure that as many approved cases as possible get allocated visas before the end of the day tomorrow.


So – they are busy doing the best job they can for DV-2015 applicants. We should let them do that important work. So – Don’t call them. Don’t email them. Doing so will take time away from a deserving DV-2105 case – just because you can’t contain your desire to know the details of an interview in November. Just relax and be patient.

So – I hope 2NLs will be sent today or tomorrow – but even if they are sent on October 1 – RELAX!