Communicating with KCC
Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) is the centralized department that controls the running of the DV lottery process. If you need to contact them for any reason you can do so – but please remember that time spent answering your questions is time they are not spending on processing cases (yours and others) so don’t hassle them for nothing!
KCC Contact details
Their email address is [email protected].
If you email them you need to include your full name, Full case number (like 2015AF00031999) and your date of birth in Month/Day/Year format.
Their phone number is (+USA country code) (606) 526-7500 .
You will get a recorded message but you can bypass the message by pressing zero on your phone. This saves you from having to listen to the recorded message (unless you really want to!). Again, they will always ask your three key identifying details, name, case number and date of birth. They are mostly patient and kind – but just be aware they are human and they have good days and bad days like the rest of us…
They work between 7:30 a.m. EST to 4:00 p.m. EST The time there now can be seen here
Communicating with KCC
Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) is the centralized department that controls the running of the DV lottery process. If you need to contact them for any reason you can do so – but please remember that time spent answering your questions is time they are not spending on processing cases (yours and others) so don’t hassle them for nothing!
KCC Contact details
Their email address is [email protected].
If you email them you need to include your full name, Full case number (like 2015AF00031999) and your date of birth in Month/Day/Year format.
Their phone number is (+USA country code) (606) 526-7500 .
You will get a recorded message but you can bypass the message by pressing zero on your phone. This saves you from having to listen to the recorded message (unless you really want to!). Again, they will always ask your three key identifying details, name, case number and date of birth. They are mostly patient and kind – but just be aware they are human and they have good days and bad days like the rest of us…
They work between 7:30 a.m. EST to 4:00 p.m. EST The time there now can be seen here
Example emails you can send to KCC
Your emails to KCC do not need to be very wordy or over polite. Just get to the point – they are busy. Always include the case identifying information – full name, Full case number (like 20204AF00031999) and your date of birth in Month/Day/Year format.
Then just write simply what you need.
For example:
“Please unlock my DS260 so that I can make some corrections”
“Please let me know whether my DS260 has been processed”.
What do their responses mean?
KCC staff tend to use some Template/Generic emails over and over rather than typing specific responses. DV experts are asked OVER and OVER again – what do these responses mean. So – here is what they mean!
Typically people are emailing to see if their DS260 has been processed yet – and for that question you will typically get one of three answers depending on how far your forms are processed.
Stage 1. Processing
“Your forms have been received and are currently processing. Allow several weeks for processing. Interviews are scheduled numerically based on case numbers that have completed processing.”
This means your forms are still being processed. Most people are waiting around 4 months for this processing – hence what we are calling the DS260 backlog. Hopefully that will increase speed – but right now – this post explains the timelines.
Stage 2. Documents required
“The Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) has completed processing of your DS-260 Diversity Visa application form and the DS-260s of all accompanying family members.
In order to continue processing your case, you must submit electronic copies of the documents ….”
There is a more complete version of that email in this article.
So this means your DS260 is processed, and they now want you to send the documents. This is a modified process implemented from the beginning of 2019. They will not schedule the interview unless you send the documents.
Stage 3. Your documents are processed and you are ready to be scheduled.
“Records indicate you have submitted a complete and valid DS-260 application for each family member, and you have provided all required documentation elc.”
You want to see this email. They may only send that if you ask about the status of your case, so for some people they will simply get the 2NL without this stage 3 email.
Stage 4. Right in the middle of being scheduled
There is one more message that is quite rare. It reads:-
Your case number is now current for interview processing. Once the interview date has been scheduled, you will receive notification via email to check If you need to make changes to your DS-260 you should contact the consular section where you will be interviewed, or bring the information about your changes to your interview appointment. Because your case is ready to be scheduled, KCC can no longer unlock your application.
You will only get this message during the period of time when the VB has been set (announced, or about to be announced) and before you see the 2NL itself. If you see that response, just wait patiently!!
Stage 5 – the 2NL itself
You can read about that 2NL here:
Hope that helps you – and hopefully less of you will ask what these generic messages mean. I will add any others here I can think of.
What do their responses mean?
KCC staff tend to use some Template/Generic emails over and over rather than typing specific responses. DV experts are asked OVER and OVER again – what do these responses mean. So – here is what they mean!
Typically people are emailing to see if their DS260 has been processed yet – and for that question you will typically get one of three answers depending on how far your forms are processed.
Stage 1. Processing
“Your forms have been received and are currently processing. Allow several weeks for processing. Interviews are scheduled numerically based on case numbers that have completed processing.”
This means your forms are still being processed. Most people are waiting around 4 months for this processing – hence what we are calling the DS260 backlog. Hopefully that will increase speed – but right now – this post explains the timelines.
Stage 2. Documents required
“The Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) has completed processing of your DS-260 Diversity Visa application form and the DS-260s of all accompanying family members.
In order to continue processing your case, you must submit electronic copies of the documents ….”
There is a more complete version of that email in this article.
So this means your DS260 is processed, and they now want you to send the documents. This is a modified process implemented from the beginning of 2019. They will not schedule the interview unless you send the documents.
Stage 3. Your documents are processed and you are ready to be scheduled.
“Records indicate you have submitted a complete and valid DS-260 application for each family member, and you have provided all required documentation elc.”
You want to see this email. They may only send that if you ask about the status of your case, so for some people they will simply get the 2NL without this stage 3 email.
Stage 4. Right in the middle of being scheduled
There is one more message that is quite rare. It reads:-
Your case number is now current for interview processing. Once the interview date has been scheduled, you will receive notification via email to check If you need to make changes to your DS-260 you should contact the consular section where you will be interviewed, or bring the information about your changes to your interview appointment. Because your case is ready to be scheduled, KCC can no longer unlock your application.
You will only get this message during the period of time when the VB has been set (announced, or about to be announced) and before you see the 2NL itself. If you see that response, just wait patiently!!
Stage 5 – the 2NL itself
You can read about that 2NL here:
Hope that helps you – and hopefully less of you will ask what these generic messages mean. I will add any others here I can think of.
September 7, 2024 at 15:30
My case number is 2024AF00***, my dv- 260 form is failing to submit, on the last sheet of signing and submit, it keeps showing an error on the case number i have been entering although it is correct, what would be the issue?.
September 7, 2024 at 16:40
You probably need to remove the leading zeros.
May 27, 2024 at 07:00
Hi Simon,
Records indicate you have submitted a complete and valid DS-260 application for each family member to the Kentucky Consular Center.
and you have provided all required documentation
Still the same meaning that the forms are being processed?
May 27, 2024 at 08:42
Processing complete.
August 13, 2024 at 08:55
Thank you! the same email to me without: you have provided all required documents. Is that normal?
August 13, 2024 at 12:59
April 22, 2024 at 13:50
Hi Brit,
I am from Ghana and my case number is 2024AF36***. In my DS260 I chose the Lome embassy in Togo because of the of the under performance of the Accra embassy. Now my case has been current for sometime but I have not received my 2NL. I reached out to KCC and the response was that my case is current and that i should contact my embassy, I contacted the embassy (Lome) but they said my case is not in their data base.
Please what could be the issue?
April 22, 2024 at 13:56
The embassy won’t know anything about your case until the 2NL is sent. Lome has scheduled cases above your range, so I suspect KCC ignored your initial selection and have locked you in to Accra embassy. You can confirm that by asking which embassy you are allocated to. In that case, you would lose your chance at Accra unless you can convince KCC to honor your initial embassy selection.
September 6, 2023 at 21:41
Hi Brit
We are trying to complete the 260 form, however the message says “case number currently unavailable”. This is due that we entered a birth month incorrectly in the original entry. As we entered information incorrectly while trying to access DS260 it appears that we blocked our form. We have written via email to the KCC and have been receiving the same reply that the enquiry has been forwarded to the appropriate department. It has been almost four months. Is there any hope that they will actually look into this matter and unblock the form? We are in the 24FY lottery. We are hoping that they may look into it at the beginning of October, but we are slowly losing our hopes!
Have you encountered similar issues in the past and have they been resolved?
Many thanks
September 6, 2023 at 23:22
Yes I have seen that before – and yes it normally gets resolved after a few weeks.
July 30, 2022 at 16:25
Hi ,Simon
It’s for my nephew who was selected for dv 2022.and he just know that he was selected and he submitted ds 260 form recently is he has still chance of getting 2nl bcz the cases behind him are showing ready as per xarthuus cec data
August 2, 2022 at 12:26
I don’t know
June 30, 2021 at 23:31
Hello, please tell me what this means? I am a DV21 winner, my case11k, is there any hope of getting an interview letter?
Thank you for your inquiry.
Your case number is now current for interview processing. Once the interview date has been scheduled, you will receive notification via email to check If you need to make changes to your DS-260 you should contact the consular section where you will be interviewed, or bring the information about your changes to your interview appointment. Because your case is ready to be scheduled, KCC can no longer unlock your application.
In order for the Kentucky Consular Center to assist with inquiries regarding a specific Diversity Visa (DV) case, you must provide the Principal Applicant’s full name, complete case number, and date of birth in the following format (MMDDYYYY) as entered on the original entry. Please remember that the Kentucky Consular Center does not have the authority to tell you whether or not your specific case will be disqualified. Only a consular officer can do that at the time of your visa interview. Do not send any paper documents to the Kentucky Consular Center.
July 2, 2021 at 04:23
Maybe. Is your embassy working?
November 27, 2020 at 18:31
Hi Brit,
I just gave birth to a baby four months after my Ds-260 is filed. What guideline should I follow to include the new comer in my previous family list?
Kind regards
November 27, 2020 at 21:47
Quick look in the FAQ would have led you to the link below.
November 23, 2020 at 23:24
Hi Brit, I have a question about documents to sent to KCC. I am not married and never was, didn’t serve in military, didn’t do any crime, didn’t stay in any other country more than 12 months (in one about 5 months). My documentation should be:
Passport page,
Birth certificate,
Police certificate (my country),
Court certificate (that am not in investigation).
Is this correct?
PS: A friend of mine who won DV some years ago advised that I need a certificate from military of my country that shows I never served. This doest make sens to me, but I want to be sure so do I need it?
Thank you, appreciate it.
November 24, 2020 at 22:48
YOu don’t need court papers if you were never in court.
Whether you need military papers (to show why you were exempt) or not varies by country. Read the country specific instructions.
November 25, 2020 at 18:19
I am from Kosovo, we are a young country in transition, court and police are separated and It’s possible that you don’t have any record in police but be in investigation in court, so for that reason I need both. At least I am thinking so.
I am not exempt from others, we don’t have military services since 20-30 years ago so nobody served in military from my generation, I’m 24 years old. So do I need any paper from military?
Thank you, best regards.
November 25, 2020 at 18:25
You need to decide what you think applies to you.
November 6, 2020 at 14:42
Good day sir i wish to ask, when inquiring from kcc about the status of your case. Are your informations written on the area of subject?
November 6, 2020 at 21:37
October 29, 2020 at 16:00
KCC has not be answering phone calls and responding to emails for the past 1 month. How can I communicate to KCC? Our number becomes current this month.
October 29, 2020 at 22:42
No interviews are being arranged right now. Just be patient.
December 26, 2019 at 04:30
hi brit, I submitted my ds-260 form and all the required documents on November 9th 2019. when I check the visa bulletin for December, I can see my case number is within the number but I haven’t received an email for interview, is too early for me to expect the email for interview or should I continue waiting?
December 26, 2019 at 19:17
Keep waiting. You may get the 2NL by the end of this month.