DoS have now issued an extremely clear statement explaining exactly what can and can’t be done for DV 2020 cases. It is saying almost exactly everything I have been explained since Friday – so it’s great to see it clarified and posted so fast. The statement will also be matched by cables to the embassies to explain how they are to be handled.
The one thing I do not see in the statement, that I would have preferred to see is the wording relating to mission critical processing. However, the statement says the following “that the Department must make good-faith efforts to expeditiously process and adjudicate DV-2020 diversity visa applications by September 30, 2020″ – the emphasis added by me. This should be enough to wake up any resistant embassies.
Update: they confirmed the cases are mission critical.

However, the more damaging aspect of the statement (and also an email sent to the legal team regarding named plaintiffs), is the statement regarding the five Covid travel restrictions (China, Iran, the Schengen Area, the UK, Ireland, or Brazil). The statement says the restrictions remain in force, that is correct and not challenged by the order. However, the policy (and email) say that people at embassies in those areas will not be issued visas because of the travel restriction. I believe Judge Mehta covered this under his ruling showing the no-visa policy as being unlawful, and point 1 of the order (in my opinion) was crafted in a way that should allow issuance of visas including within the five restricted regions (as listed). I have reached out to the lawyers to get their insight into that, and will report back anything I hear. I have further suggested they seek clarity from Judge Mehta on this point. However until that clarity is received, people within the five listed areas will still be blocked by the policy, so I hope the policy will quickly be changed, one way or another.
So – now you should start to see some movement from the embassies, but remember all the things I have explained in my updates about how each group should behave. Once KCC opens later today, they should be aware of this policy change and start to make their efforts to help where they can.
The statement does make clear the following (does not apply to people in the restricted areas of China, Iran, the Schengen Area, the UK, Ireland, or Brazil):
- Embassies could process re-issuances (group 1) immediately but new medicals will be required to ensure the validity period is useful.
- AP cases (group 2) can be adjudicated (assuming the AP is completed), but again a new medical will be required.
- Cancelled interview cases can be scheduled by the embassies if local conditions allow – embassies should do this expeditiously – so make sure you stress that to the embassies and get emergency/mission critical appointments. Again, get a new medical.
- People ready for scheduling (group 4) need to contact KCC and possibly the embassy. As I explain in the video below, you can speak to KCC and the embassy at the same time – try to book your appointment with the embassy and then all KCC have to do is send the case electronically to the embassy, that might speed things up, especially in embassies where there are a small number of cases.
- Group 5 people have the greatest risk still – so by all means push KCC, but the chances are small to none without an extension.
- Travel will not be possible while the proclamation is in force, which is why people should get new medicals to allow travel into early 2021.
- September 30th is still the current deadline so all of what is said above assumes that deadline will remain firm. If an extension is granted, things will obviously change, but don’t bank on that, as it is unlikely (not impossible, but unlikely) to happen.
- I reached out to the legal team this morning and whilst they are taking different approaches, they are all working on this. YOu can choose to participate in Curtis’ DV3.0 lawsuit BUT you can also get help from the AILA team as they will be giving Judge Mehta as much information as possible where the government has not used best efforts to help ALL selectees. Jesse Bless of the AILA has asked people to register with their questionnaire here.
September 14, 2020 at 16:22
Hi Brit , I am Group 3 ,I had gotten email from kcc that was May Appointment Cancelled for covid19 .as you suggest I email my Consulate and kcc for emergency …I only get a feedback from the Consulate saying they don’t have my case in there system for them to schedule my appointment.if they get it they will schedule an interview appointment for me.
At my Consulate in Johannesburg they don’t have plaintiffs case but why kcc doesn’t not respond to our email? I sent them emails only automatic reply ,from September 5,for my first email untill today for my last e-mail .what do you suggest me?
September 14, 2020 at 15:47
Hello just want to inform you,I have received my visa which states that NOT SUBJECT TO PP10041,since it’s a Reissue. Thanks once morw
September 14, 2020 at 16:19
Hello Hera! I’m so happy for you! ?
In which country are you?
Have you been interviewed again and resubmitted all the docs or it hasn’t been necessary?
September 15, 2020 at 07:05
Was not interviewed plus I only returned my package and passport and paid the renewal fees
September 15, 2020 at 07:41
Great! So if I get the appointment I don’t have to prepare all the docs again!
Thanks for sharing Hera! ?
September 15, 2020 at 11:59
Hello HERA please did u submit your DS 260 again to the embassy or it was only your passport and the package that u submitted back to the embassy.Thank you
September 14, 2020 at 16:35
Awesome – thanks for that update. I have said before that if only a handful of people got their rights restored, then all the effort would have been worth it.
September 12, 2020 at 13:32
Hi Brit!
Am Dv2020 winner Group 4 since June.
While pushing harder by email for both KCC and Consulate; I contacted medical physician for test. Surprisingly he told unexpected feedback that I wish you to kindly advice.
a) He told me he can’t do any tests to me&my kids as long as I don’t have 2NL letter. I mailed KCC but till now no response.
b) Dr also said for the children’s some tests last at least one month which period may go beyond 30th September 2020.
Without fully medical report to the interview am afraid to have negative decision.(due to incomplete report)
Mr.Simon what advices within this remaining days.
Thank you
September 12, 2020 at 21:43
a. Some physicians are like that.
b. If the physician insists on tests taking that long, your chance will be ended. Challenge the statement politely but firmly. Consider processing the principal only to later bring the kids. There may be no other choice.
September 12, 2020 at 10:38
Hello Simon, first of all I want to thank you for your inestimabile work.
I am really confused, please help me clarify how I should proceed: I am in the Shegen area and I have an expired visa (It was issued on February) and expired medicals. During the q&a you told me that the embassy should reissue (So far they haven’t even replied to my emails yet), but you also suggest to move outside the area.
I am willing to move if it is needed, but what I do not understand is how it would work: do I need to transfer the case? How can I do it without having an appointment since my interview was already made in February?
September 12, 2020 at 21:35
You have probably left this too late to move – you literally had days. There is a hearing on Monday that seeks to clarify the governments stance on the Schengen area ban – perhaps you want to wait for that.
September 12, 2020 at 06:36
Hi Brit
Please Brit I really need your help.I am one of the plaintiff in the Gomez v Trump.i have email kcc with my email attached and uptill now I have not receive any response from them.I am pleading with you to help guide me on how to write cause maybe am not doing it in the right way.i emailed them using this address [email protected] it’s the right address.
September 12, 2020 at 20:03
[email protected]
September 12, 2020 at 06:29
September 11, 2020 at 21:47
Hello sir,
Case number af35xxx
Email from kcc
Thank you for your inquiry
Your case number is now current for interview processing. Once the interview date has been scheduled, you will receive notification via email to check If you need to make changes to your DS-260 you should contact the consular section where you will be interviewed, or bring the information about your changes to your interview appointment. Because your case is ready to be scheduled, KCC can no longer unlock your application.
what does it mean ????
September 12, 2020 at 08:02
It means that you can be happy
September 11, 2020 at 17:09
Hello Brit thank you very much for the concern and love you have for person in this noble platform. I just received a mail from the embassy of Ghana about re-issuing of my family visa and I pray that may the Good lord be with you. I also pray you become the president of America one-day. Thank you
September 11, 2020 at 19:42
Ha – as I am foreign born I can’t be president – and I think the current President has reminded us why job needs a much smarter person than I am.
September 11, 2020 at 16:29
Hello Brit ?
I belong to group 3 ( Interview on April than cancelled)
Please help me understand this
Please have a look at this paragraph from the email I got today from the embassy:
As ordered by the court, we are giving priority to individuals who are plaintiffs in the Gomez v. Trump also accompanies members who are applying for Diversity Visas. In addition, we have set priorities based on statutory standards and the categories of cases that have the most opportunities to obtain a visa before this date. Accordingly, we are giving priority to applicants who have already been interviewed and are either eligible to obtain a visa or will be identified as such, based on additional information.
September 11, 2020 at 19:30
That means they are going to work on non named cases by case number order AND based on my grouping 4 & 5. It means they will help people who are in group 4 before group 5, and low case numbers before high case numbers. THat is the correct legal approach and the smartest approach. But there is not enough time to help everyone.
September 11, 2020 at 19:31
Oh – and by the way – group 3 is helped before group 4.
September 11, 2020 at 19:36
understand, thank you a lot, it looks like will be in my favor maybe. lets hope ? thank you for your time
September 11, 2020 at 13:10
Hello Brit
Please Brit can you direct me on the recent article. Don’t be offended please
September 11, 2020 at 13:57
Hello Britsimon
I am pleased to say that i have been scheduled for an interview on Monday. However I would need your help in clarifying what the public charge is all about and how it can affect my case. I ask so because in the new instructions I’ve been told to fill the public charge form and bring along to my interview.
September 11, 2020 at 15:47
Which country and embassy/consulate?
September 11, 2020 at 16:12
Hi Arnold, you will need to fill in the DS 5540 form and if you have a sponsor, then bring along your I-134 and any supporting documents which can prove that you will be financially self-sufficient and won’t become a public charge once you are in the US (bank statements, etc.) Simon has previously posted useful information and videos on his channel regarding the completion of DS 5540.
September 11, 2020 at 18:46
Fill out a DS5540 and get an I-134. You should already know about this.
September 11, 2020 at 18:43
What is your question. Be clear.
September 11, 2020 at 12:47
Hello Mr. Simon. Today I finally got scheduled for an interview on the embassy. I was scheduled previously which got cancelled. Thank you very much for all your support and information as I have been an avid reader of your blog. I just want to confirm something before I contact my sponsor. What documents do I need from my sponsor? Is it I-134 or I-864? I saw that i-134 was for non immigrant visa and I got confused.
September 11, 2020 at 18:42
September 11, 2020 at 12:11
Hi Brit!!
I am a DV winner from Nairobi Kenya. Just received good news that my interview was rescheduled by the Embassy to the 21st. Feeling really hopeful. This was after many calls and emails pressuring them. Thanks Simon for the advice to fight for our case! Guys, don’t lose hope, keep fighting and pressuring the embassies till they work for you.
I shall try to get a new medical quickly in the meantime. Although IOM here say that they need an email from the Embassy saying I should redo my medical. Simon, should I wait and ask the embassy to send them an email at the interview or ask them now to send it to IOM??
Good luck and God bless you all!!!
September 11, 2020 at 18:39
Try and persuade IOM and at the same time ask the embassy for email confirmation. Keep pushing – you are doing great!
September 14, 2020 at 13:00
Hi Shawn, what email did use to reach the embassy.. I’m also from Nairobi and I’ve been trying to call the embassy to no avail?
September 11, 2020 at 08:57
Hi Brit, i need your help to interpret this,
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your inquiry.
You can request a transfer to a post outside the Schengen Area, UK, or Ireland by contacting the desired post (Yaounde) directly. However, please note that not all transfer requests will be able to be accommodated and applicants would not be issuable unless they have been physically outside for area covered by the regional proclamation for at least 14 days. Please review additional information at Travel.State.Gov.
Please also note that DV-2020 applicants may be processed in Stockholm following the September 4, 2020, U.S. District Court ruling in Gomez v. Trump.
However, the Regional COVID Proclamation that suspends entry of immigrants who were physically present in the Schengen Area (which includes Sweden), the UK, or Ireland (as well as proclamations for China, Iran, and Brazil) within 14 days of entry into the United States are still in effect.
Thus, while DV applicants subject to this and other regional COVID Proclamations may be interviewed and processed, applicants who have been physically present in the affected regions during the preceding 14-day period will not be issued an immigrant visa, unless excepted under the relevant proclamation or until they have been outside the affected region for 14 days.
Please review the additional information on:
Please let us know as soon as possible whether or not you want to be scheduled for interview in Stockholm or you will contact the U.S. embassy in Cameroon for case transfer.
We hope this information will be of assistance.
Best regards
September 11, 2020 at 18:28
Discussed heer:
September 11, 2020 at 08:41
Hi Brit, Hope you are well.
Thank you so much for the effort, really appreciate it.
I am in group 3 have been scheduled the interview then got cancelled. I’ve been contacted consulate in Sydney, I called them twice, they asked me to e-mail to the consulate straight away, I e-mailed them request for emergency appointment four times, until now I haven’t got any reply. No response at all. Makes me feel so frustrated. Should I just keep sending e-mail every single day until they reply? Do you have any advice? Thank you so so much.
September 11, 2020 at 09:10
I forgot to mention, when I called the customer service agent after I e-mailed the consulate and got no respond, they told me that they won’t be able to push the consulate reply me any time sooner, and also cannot predict when will the consulate reply me, there is nothing they can do, the only thing that I can do it “WAIT.”
September 11, 2020 at 18:24
Yes – keep trying. Every day if needed.
September 11, 2020 at 08:25
Dear Simon.
Thank you for your great work you are doing for us I really appreciate it. I have a question.
I am a dv winner with case number 20202EU19***. I am not in the schengen area. I had my first interview on 2 Aprill. Now I am waiting for the embassy to contact me again. What do you suggest me. Should I apply to Curtis Morisson third lawsuit? Please I am so confused.
Best regards Raison
September 11, 2020 at 18:23
Don’t wait for the embassy – call them.
September 11, 2020 at 06:12
Hello Brit
May our good Lord bless you for everything. I received this letter on Sunday 4 of September. All I need from you is advice on what to do.Dear DV-2020 Selectee:
You are receiving this email from counsel in Gomez v. Trump because you responded to a call for plaintiffs from or contacted us directly as a DV-2020 selectee and/or an individual acting on their behalf. If you are already represented by an attorney in the Mohammed v. Pompeo, Fonjong v. Trump, or Aker v. Trump lawsuits, please contact your attorney regarding next steps.
DV-2020 Selectees may now pursue their Diversity visas at their local consulates immediately. We recommend that you request an emergency visa appointment and ask to be treated as “mission critical.”
This is because on Friday, September 4, 2020, a federal court GRANTED our request for a preliminary injunction and blocked the State Department from refusing to process DV-2020 visa applications because of the April and June Presidential Proclamations. YOU DO NOT NEED TO JOIN A NEW LAWSUIT OR PAY AN ATTORNEY TO GET THE BENEFIT OF THE COURT’S ORDER. A copy of the Court’s order is available here.
If you are denied a “mission critical” emergency appointment or do not receive a timely response, please let us know immediately by filling out this form. We will be reporting back to the Court what is happening at the consulates on a regular basis, and we will seek further relief from the Court if Diversity Visa winners are unable to receive their visas by the September 30 deadline.
Thank you and good luck,
The Gomez v Trump Team
September 11, 2020 at 06:15
Follow the instructions. Read my recent articles which explain what to do. Take action.
September 11, 2020 at 01:24
Hello Britsimon,
Please help me with the following… I don’t fully understand the message that is posted on the embassy’s website, specifically do they process some visas as exception or not at all…
1. So, on the non-immigrant visa section it is stated the following:
“In response to the international COVID-19 crisis, all routine visa services have been suspended. The United States Embassy in Chisinau remains unable to resume routine immigrant and non-immigrant visa services at this time. We will resume routine visa services as soon as possible but are unable to provide a specific date.”
Q: Will the emergency appointment request as the “mission critical” case (as stated in the court order) be considered as routine or non-routine visa service?
2. In the same non-immigrant visa section, lower in the text, it is stated:
“Applicants for H1B, H2B, H4, L and certain J categories of non-immigrant visas are covered by Presidential Proclamation 10052 and should request an appointment only if you have reason to believe you may qualify for one of the exceptions listed in the Proclamation”
Q: Do I understand it correctly that for some non-immigrant visas they do appointments and it could be the case for immigrant visas too?
On Immigrant Visas section it is mentioned only President Proclamation (nothing about COVID) as a reason for not processing visas.
Thank you in advance and your opinion and recommendations would be highly appreciated!
September 11, 2020 at 01:57
I only answer DV questions.
September 11, 2020 at 02:38
Sorry for not being clear. I am EU DV2020 lottery winner (my country is not in Schengen zone) and I am trying to understand if I have any chance to proceed or not
September 11, 2020 at 03:35
DV2020 is non routine, emergency. Its that simple. They will perform interviews.
September 11, 2020 at 03:41
Thank you so much for your conclusion!
September 11, 2020 at 00:08
Congrats mr leslie so what is their reply
September 10, 2020 at 22:44
Luckily no one has told me to apply for DV2022 so far, but let them come with it and watch my response. THE DISRESPECT IS REAL! It’s clear, they ARE NOT operating in good faith. Sick and tired of this consular center who were in hibernation for half a year. Our only hope be grant facilitation of an extension.
September 11, 2020 at 00:04
The lawsuit revealed they were TOLD to stop work.
September 10, 2020 at 22:17
Hi Brit,
Good news from Ghana. I am in group 1, the embassy just gave me an appointment. Will have to take medical exam and prove eligibility again. Its gratifying to have heard from them at least. Thanks so much for your support
September 11, 2020 at 01:18
Please mr leslie am also a DV2020 winner and am also in group 1. please what is the good news all about.kindly reach me on [email protected]. Thank u
September 11, 2020 at 09:45
You were plaintiffs, expired visa or both???
September 10, 2020 at 20:29
Hello Brisimon and everyone here. I just got a message from Curtis Morrison about DV 3.0 lawsuit about sending attached files to them: (1) Proposed retainer agreement (2) Questionnaire and evidence list. I don’t know how to write proposed retainer agreement. Did anyone here have filed them? I am in group 4, there is only extension to save my case. Since now I cannot back to my country till September 30 because I am out of my country. If I am going back to my country this time I will be quarantine 21 days. Good luck for all of you!!!
September 11, 2020 at 02:59
Anyone that has filled this please help us
September 11, 2020 at 16:20
You just have to sign on the second page of the file Curtis send to you. Near your name you have to sign and write a date
September 10, 2020 at 20:16
What about a new case for 2021 and fight for November and december?
September 10, 2020 at 23:59
That won’t happen. There is no irreparable harm to be proved.
September 10, 2020 at 17:43
Hi Brit
Is there any great news for DV 2021?
September 10, 2020 at 23:47
DV2020 is the focus right now.
September 10, 2020 at 17:36
Dear Simon,
I would like to hear your opinion
all dv-2020 who will not be raffled off this year. Could they be carried over to dv2021(i mean for dv-2021 will be a more places then 55000)? Or its unreal?
September 10, 2020 at 23:46
September 10, 2020 at 16:35
hello sir,
i send US embassy a mail. like this I got my interview date last april 14th 2020 in Madrid ,Spain , but due to a corona pandemic, the interview was cancelled . As DV lottery winners have a date line of 30th september. so will it be possible to get my interview appointment before the end of september.?
and they send me mail :.
Regrettably we are still prohibited from issuing Diversity visas to persons physically present in Spain under Presidential Proclamation 9993, which has suspended routine travel from the Schengen Area to the United States due to COVID-19. DV applicants may qualify for a national interest exception (NIE).
If the DV applicant has a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident child (unmarried, under the age of 21) or spouse, we will review the request to see if the visa can be issued.
my question is still block for europa.?
September 10, 2020 at 23:42
Yes. The Schengen area ban is still in force.
There is one small chance to move your interview to another embassy, but that is difficult and you would need to immediately go to another country. See my reply to a similar question below, although this person is a named applicant and therefore has a good chance to move the interview. If you are not a named plaintiff you have more risk.
September 10, 2020 at 16:30
Just got this email: I am group 3 previously scheduled for April 28
Dear applicant,
We are pleased to proceed with the processing of your Diversity Immigrant Visa application. Your interview is scheduled for Thursday, September 17, 2020, at 09:30 am. In order to help you get prepared and ready for your interview, we have made the attached follow-up instructional package and medical instructions available to you, which provides you with more details on the documents required before you appear for your appointment at the consular Section. Please read the instructions carefully and compile all the necessary documentation. We would like to make sure that your file is complete to allow the interviewing officer make a decision as quick as possible for you to obtain your visa and immigrate before the visa and medical expiration date.
Please note the DV-2020 Program expires on September 30, 2020. This means the entire process must be completed, application approved, and visa issued on or before September 30, 2020. As part of the in-person interview, the consular officer will ensure you have submitted all required forms and documents; confirm you paid any outstanding fees to the consular section’s cashier; review your medical records; and determine your eligibility for the visa.
Also note that your visa validity is tied to the medical exam expiration date; typically six months from the date the exam was conducted. Please undergo your medical examination immediately upon receipt of this email. You may attend your interview even if your medical report is pending with the panel physician but WE WILL NOT ISSUE ANY DIVERSITY VISA WITHOUT A FULLY CLEARED MEDICAL REPORT AFTER SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2020!!! Diversity Visa holders’ entry into the United States, however, is currently suspended under Presidential Proclamation 10014 (PP10014). This proclamation is scheduled to expire on December 31, 2020 but can be extended. In the meantime, please do not make plans to travel to the United States until a time when you know PP10014 is no longer in effect and your visa is still valid, unless your visa is annotated as having been issued pursuant to an exception to any applicable Proclamation(s). Please monitor for the latest information on PP10014. In addition, the regional COVID-related Presidential Proclamations (PP 9984, 9992, 9993, 9996, and 10041) remain in effect and DV applicants therefore also remain subject to those Proclamations. This means we will be unable to issue visas to those physically present in China, Iran, Schengen Zone, UK, Ireland, or Brazil within 14 days of visa adjudication.
Given these limitations, please let us know as soon as possible if you would like to decline this interview time so we can free it for another applicant. Otherwise, please print this letter and show it to the security officers at the Consular entrance to be granted access to the section.
Kind regards,
Visa Section
U.S. Embassy
Yaoundé, Cameroon
[email protected]
September 10, 2020 at 19:42
Hi Rag,pls inbox me on my email let talk [email protected]
September 11, 2020 at 07:23
Hi Reg plis contact me here is my number 651603420
September 10, 2020 at 16:20
We are in group 4 and followed Brit‘s advice to contact both KCC on Saturday and the immigration department of our local Consulate in Johannesburg per email yesterday and mentioned that our application is mission critical, sent them the “ Ready for Scheduling E-Mail“ that we received on 6th March and our correspondence with KCC. Our local Consulate contacted KCC today (and cc’d us) and requested our documents and said they are ready to schedule our interview. Thanks for your guidance Brit… it has been super helpful. We are on the right path. Your help, patience and information Brit has been exceptional. I hope this will also encourage others not to give up.
September 10, 2020 at 23:35
Best of luck!
September 10, 2020 at 15:01
Hi Mr Brit , hope u are doing well. Am group 4. I called kcc yesterday and below is the reply:
Thank you for your inquiry.
On Wednesday, April 22, President Trump signed a proclamation suspending entry into the United States of certain immigrants who present risk to the U.S. labor market during the economic recovery following the COVID-19 outbreak. The proclamation was effective at 11:59 p.m. EDT on Thursday, April 23. It was continued by President Trump on June 22, and will expire on December 31, 2020, unless continued. Applicants for immigrant visas covered by the proclamation, including Diversity Visa 2020 (DV-2020) applicants, who have not been issued an immigrant visa as of April 23 are subject to the proclamation’s restrictions unless eligible for an exception: No valid visas will be revoked under this proclamation.
1) should i write kcc and attach the mail i received from the lawyers.?
September 10, 2020 at 23:32
If you are not a named plaintiff you are not their priority right now. Wait a couple of days and see if things change. Once they deal with the named cases they might start working on group 4, but they might prioritize those in case number order.
September 10, 2020 at 14:35
Hi Brit, for the interview, do we need to take an original high school certificate if we already have a university transcript and the original university certificates?
September 10, 2020 at 17:14
Hi Chap,
You will need to bring your High School Diploma (original) and translation if it’s not in English. It’s a requirement.
September 10, 2020 at 23:27
Yes – take them to be well prepared.
September 10, 2020 at 23:55
thanks. International express courier on its way to me with the originals.
September 10, 2020 at 14:03
My case is in group 4 and I am a named plaintiff from Curtis. I just called KCC to know more details about when will they schedule my case. The lady only seem to knew about Gomez vs. Trump plaintiffs, which I told her there are more lawsuits gather in the Judge decision…She also told me they started scheduling cases for plaintiffs this morning
September 10, 2020 at 23:27
They refer to all the cases under the Gomez v Trump main case (the AILA case). So – sit tight, they should get to you very soon.
September 10, 2020 at 13:51
The consular sector of Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo) is not working. This is the answer we give if you call the embassy to request an emergency interview.
So we don’t know when this sector will resume work. We will certainly be late with the medical examinations. They could have asked the hospital to receive the selected DV2020 who have already passed the first medical check-up. A matter of saving time
September 10, 2020 at 23:26
Frustrating. But perhaps their story will change in a few days. Keep trying.
September 10, 2020 at 13:50
So i called KCC and the operator said that she can see that i am ready to be scheduled for an interview but they are processing cases based on priority method they use. unfortunately i will have to wait,which we all have be doing for the past 6 months..
and Ahmad i also enquired if it will be possible to schedule the cases at the embassy in Guinea conakry and she said that wont be possible because the embassy does not process DV cases
with 20 days left Extention is the only option for us in group 4 and 5. good luck to groups 1-3 i hope you guys pull trough and secure the visa
September 10, 2020 at 13:17
Just called KCC, they confirmed it’s going to be numerical processing after they finish with the prioritized named plaintiffs and cancelled interviews during March, April, and May.
Although my documents were processed in June, it seems very unlikely.
Good luck everybody.
September 10, 2020 at 23:25