The entry period for DV-2018 has been announced.


The online entry system will open on October 4th, 2016 and remain open until November 7th, 2016. The “winners” will be announced in early May 2017, and processing will begin in October 2017.

The entry process is VERY simple, it is completely free. PLEASE DO NOT enter through an agent. The agents will often mess up the application, and sometimes force you to pay thousands of dollars in fees.

Entries are chosen at random – there is no rush to enter early. I will publish a guide to entering the lottery in due course.

The official entry site is here – Nearer the time they will publish the instructions.

By the way, I am usually asked these sort of questions.

  • Can I apply if I am waiting to be processed in DV2017?
  • Can I apply if I was refused before?
  • Can I apply if I am finishing my studies?
  • And just about any other version of can I apply if….

In ALL cases, the answer is YES. Anyone can apply. Entering the lottery is open to anyone. If you are selected you then decide whether you meet the requirements of not or whether you want to proceed with the application.

One last piece of advice. If you do enter, be 100% honest in your entry. Mistakes or lies on your entry can get you disqualified later. Follow the instructions!!! The things that normally get people disqualified is:

  1. Wrong marital status – saying single when you are married (certain disqualification)
  2. Leaving a spouse or child off the application (certain disqualification)
  3. Choosing wrong country of chargeability, it should be based on place of birth (frequent disqualification)
  4. Entering more than once (causes the entry to be eliminated from the draw)
  5. Not following the photo instructions (usually causes the entry to be eliminated from the draw)