*** Update – the system is fixed. Many are still having problems – but that is because they are entering information incorrectly – see https://britsimonsays.com/faq/checking-esc-page-check-without-mistakes/



OK – so there is an official confirmation of the issue. This might take a day or two to get resolved. Something similar happened a couple of years ago and it took around 3 days to fix. So – everyone relax. Stop checking every 5 minutes and no need to call KCC or anyone else – they know!


Now – in terms of reasons. I am now 100% certain it is not related to the old photos. For those that are worrying about that being the reason – it is not the reason you cannot check. Using an old photo was a silly thing to do – it is clearly stated in the rules not to do that – but that is NOT why you can’t check the result.

As best as I can guess  (and this is speculation or an educated guess) the reason (for those that might want to speculate) is probably to do with how the system stores the entries.

In DV2012 there was a huge problem that caused a redraw – but as part of the court case there was a description of the system that stores the entries. The entries are too numerous to be stored on one physical drive (think about a hard drive). For good reasons they separated the entries into different drives. In DV2012, that was done by date. So – the first few days were on drive 1, then drive 2 for a few days then drive 3 and so on. In DV2012 the draw only included entries on drive 1. The whole selection process was then repeated with all drives and results re-announced.

So – imagine they still separate the data on different drives. That could be by date of entry, name of entrant, or some other reason. Somehow they will be separating the entries. Now – if certain drives (one or more of the several drives) cannot be accessed for the checking, it would be as if the entry doesn’t even exist (which explains why the forgotten conf number link also doesn’t work for those cases). That does not necessarily mean those entries were not included in the draw. As long as they were included in the draw, then the draw will be considered fair and not need to be repeated (like DV2012). All they need to do is plug in the drives – and people will be able to check their results. Once that happens we will be watching or people that experience the glitch but do get selected. There will have to be some cases like that – as well as many that will be not selected once they can see their results. Remember – for every person who is selected – there are around 100 more who are not selected.


So – everyone – please be patient and keep checking my site for updates.