I made some predictions about VB progress before the DV2020 processing started – let’s look at where we are compared to those predictions.
I made some predictions about VB progress before the DV2020 processing started – let’s look at where we are compared to those predictions.
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December 4, 2019 at 19:55
Hello mate. Really appreciate this service you provide for people. I’m in need of your support too now. I am Indika from Sri Lanka. I am facing an issue while submitting mu husband’s application. After I entered the address information for him on the page, the page starts to reload. I have tried for more than 6 times but everytime I got the same result. Could you please be kind to advise me on this matter. thank you.
December 6, 2019 at 03:42
I don’t know what issue you are having.
November 28, 2019 at 16:29
2020 i am send ds 260 and send document but i writing ds 260 city is send this ,,mekaneselam ,, passport city is ,,mekanselam,, document send is this is there problem or dificalt simon.
,,e,, ds 260 have there is
,,e,, document is non
November 28, 2019 at 16:43
November 25, 2019 at 23:18
Helo beritsimon i am winner dv 2020 i am send ds 260 and send document but i writing ds 260 adress is send this ,,mekaneselam ,, passport adress is ,,mekanselam,, document send is this is there problem or dificalt simon.
,,e,, ds 260 have there is
,,e,, document is non
November 27, 2019 at 22:51
In the address? Not a problem.
November 25, 2019 at 12:02
Dear britisimon
this year in Ethiopia the randomly selected applicants are very low a ready half of the last year, do you think may have a burden for the high case number applicants.
Thank you for your support.
November 27, 2019 at 22:42
Your question is illogical. Lower selectees doesn’t make things harder.
November 24, 2019 at 22:29
Hi Brit
I am one of 2019 DV winners. I when through the processed and successful in the interview dated in July 2019 and issue an immgran visa and package to deliver at port of entry in the U.S. Which I delivered to Newark International Airport to immigration and my visa was stamp on September 17, 2019. Then I came to Philadelphia and paid for my Green card and filed in for SS Card on October 2, 2019.
Then later I received my Green Card with error on my date of birth. while my spouse own was correct. Immediately. I informed uscis on the error on it (Green Card). Later, I was acknowledged by one of the uscis officers that uscis was liable for the error and attributed it to typographical error. Hence, I do not have to pay for the replacement of it but I should file I-90 along with my green card (with the error) and all supporting documents of proof to uscis which I did on November 18, 2019.
Then later I received a called from uscis that the correction was made in their system. Then I went to the SSA office to followup on the Social card. Only to be informed that it was not in their system and it may take 2-3days for the SSA system to be updated.
And since I filed in for SS Card on October 2, 2019 I have not receive it up to present neither to receive any formal communication why I have not receive it yet. Because of this I am not working and my bills are piling up that have created and creating anxiety, stress and living in state of delima in the U.S.
Now No SS# to work and as per my status I am a legal resident and with permission to work in the U.S. I have been there(SSA office) twice and not receive yet.
As for my spouse, she had received her SS card now. Whereas, both of us filed together.
Sir, my question is what this means to my permanent resident status which was approved on September 17, 2019?
November 27, 2019 at 22:36
You need to focus on the pressing problem – your SSN. That is not to do with the GC.
So – go to the SSA office and be *politely* persistent with the staff for as long as it takes to get the problem rectified. They are good at telling you whatever it takes to get you out of the office – but make sure they understand the difficulty this is causing and ask them to help you to resolve the problem.
November 22, 2019 at 18:55
Good afternoon Britt I am winner of the DV2020SA37** I live in the USA I have a visa extension I already made the DS260, KKC sent me a reply email and told me to pay a fee of 330,00$, when USCIS told me that I am eligible, my question which would be the next steps to follow , at which time Uscis tells me that I am eligible?
November 23, 2019 at 17:31
Adjustment of Status (AOS) is a different process than most DV winners. So – I recommend you go to the link below:
December 20, 2019 at 23:53
I am in the same situation like you. I noticed the USCIS will not tell you anything. What makes you eligible is you won the green card through DV program. Since you have paid $330, you will wait until KCC transfers your documents to USCIS and your case becomes current, and I think that is when we shall be instructed to fill form I-485 followed by interview. It will take some time.
December 31, 2019 at 15:44
Hi George,
I also get the same email from KCC to pay the fees of $330. just wondering how did you pay that fee. Do we need fill any forms along with the check. Would mind sharing your number and email.
December 31, 2019 at 17:45
Click the link I gave above and read!
November 19, 2019 at 11:10
Helo britsimon how are you i fine i have quation i am dv 2020 winer but i send document if may document .passport.brieth year 91
And birthe cirtficate 1991
Is it 91 and 1991 is diferent ?
Thank you
Your sincer
November 20, 2019 at 04:59
Its the same.
November 18, 2019 at 06:37
Helo sire i am dv 2020 winer in ethiopia may casnumbwr is Af 24###
1. the document is slowly send i send document send novmber 16 2019 so the intervew is slowly sir.?
2 birt certificat is writin small litter is it difucalt
Thank you
November 18, 2019 at 07:46
Girma if you want, you can join a telegram ethiopia group named by ” dv 2020 winners” and we can help each other.
November 18, 2019 at 21:26
1. No. Just be patient.
2. No problem.