OK – this is early days of DV2021, so it is too soon to know everything, but to help people understand about case numbers I put this video together.
OK – this is early days of DV2021, so it is too soon to know everything, but to help people understand about case numbers I put this video together.
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February 19, 2021 at 00:48
Hello Brit
Just watched your video on how holes are created on case numbers by being disqualified my question is the disqualified holes are just done random or they check if something was not right during DV application like photo etc?
February 19, 2021 at 04:03
Those are fraud concerns, bad photos and so on.
February 19, 2021 at 20:33
Thanks we’ll answered
February 10, 2021 at 14:45
Good evening BritSimon,
I am the winner of 2021 and I have completed my DS260 August 31, 2020 so until now I have not received the email from the KCC, my case number beingAF7XXX.
Thank you in advance.
February 10, 2021 at 17:45
Hmm, you may have missed their request. Contact them.
February 1, 2021 at 08:49
Hi Brit. My case number is 2021AF32××× from ghana. Is it likely to be scheduled for interview?
February 1, 2021 at 14:48
I have no predictions.
January 24, 2021 at 05:11
Hi Birt. I am glad that I found your page tonight. I am from Iran and I have been living in US for almost 8 years on F1 visa and OPT work authorization. I won DV2021 and my case number is AS00009***. I check visa bulletin every day and the current numbers are very low compare to the past years this time. My question is that when we can submit our documents? for example the current numbers for March are already published on January, does it mean someone who has a number below the current number on March, can submit their documents right now, or do they need to wait until March?
January 24, 2021 at 05:55
For your example, they could submit now.
January 25, 2021 at 05:28
Thanks for your reply. Another question is whether it is likely that the higher case number never get current? I see in Visa bulletin around July-August all numbers become current, but since this year the procedure is very slow, I am a little concerned.
January 25, 2021 at 13:54
It is not true that case numbers normally become current. That happens sometimes, but is unlikely to happen this year.
January 26, 2021 at 05:58
Thanks. Would you please explain it more? Do You mean that they usually don’t call high case numbers at all?
January 26, 2021 at 17:16
I have written many articles and videos about this. But yes, in some years they select too many people and that can mean that high case numbers don’t get a chance. We have the added impacts from Covid and Trump’s bans this year, so now we have lost half the processing time. So there is significant risk for medium to high case numbers.
January 26, 2021 at 14:46
Hi Brit. I was reading and watching through your website and now I am more concerned realizing that there is no interview for DV2021 yet. I also noticed that you have mentioned the cases for AOS are processing for dv2021. I am from Iran and live in US on non-immigrant visa. My case number is AS000096**. is there any chances that I can get a green card through AOS? I haven’t filed my DS-260. would you suggest to fill it now? is submitting DS-260 would be helpful for KCC to find eligible cases for green card faster and increase the speed of available visas on VB? Sorry if my questions/ assumptions are naïve/wrong. I just have 18 months of my OPT work authorization left and I am very nervous.
January 26, 2021 at 17:51
You would probably be better off on the AOS process. It offers certain advantages for you. Do not file the DS260 until you understand the two methods. The link below has a spreadsheet linked from the first post, and that is an excellent resource to explain the AOS process. The member Sm1smom is THE expert on DV related AOS.
January 20, 2021 at 19:40
Hello Brit, thanks for your time and wonderful responses. I am dv winner from Ghana with case number 2021AF614xx. I submitted my application on the 15th of October 2020 in the UK and changed my interview location to London,UK as i now live here. As of today(20 Jan 2021) I still haven’t received any email to send supporting documents. Anything to be worried about? and what does my high case number mean. Thank you
January 20, 2021 at 21:33
Your case number is high so they may not contact you for documents for some time (months). Your case number means you cannot expect an interview anytime soon. Remain patient.
January 20, 2021 at 15:44
Brit, I really thank u so much for your latest video that explained everything that I wanted to know regarding Pres. Trump’s lifting the ban on schenges region. Hopefully. Pres. Biden will lift immigration ban and replace it with other appropriate measures like covid-19 free certificate or prove of vaccination to allow free mov’t hence starting of 2nls. Am the last person to lose hope. Good day
January 20, 2021 at 17:12
Yes, we will have to wait to see what measures they implement. Fingers crossed.
December 19, 2020 at 19:49
I’m winner of the 2021dvand I summitted all my document.but ididn’t received any email from Kcc dvstill up to now. my case no 20217f463. What shall I do???
December 19, 2020 at 22:51
KCC are not yet scheduling interviews, so you’ll need to remain patient.
November 13, 2020 at 07:23
Greetings sir Brit
From Africa 2021AF361**
I submitted my ds260 since the 7 August and till now I haven’t received any email concerning submitting documents
Wanted to ask if I can email KCC to verify what is happening or for any updates from them?
November 13, 2020 at 18:38
Third answer in a row where people are being impatient about documents email for no reason at all.
Your case number won’t be current for months. So why are you worried about getting the document email now??? You have MONTHS to wait for interview anyway.
November 12, 2020 at 23:50
Hey… I’m George I won the Dv 2021 my case number is 31k is it Safe from Africa (Liberia) thanks
November 13, 2020 at 01:08
November 13, 2020 at 06:54
Good day Brit,you have been a great help to me,regarding the follow ups of the th 2021.Please I know you told me tobe patient when I asked tou about a reply I was waiting from KCC,My case number is 2021AF000077×× .I was suppose to recieve an email from kcc 3-6 weeks after submiting my documents,I did not recieve after that time.I wrote to them as requested,then an email came back ,saying that my 260 form has been processed and i am suppose to have recieve a mail ,but if I have not ,then I will have it soon.I recieved this mail on the 28th October 2020,and today is 13th November, My question here is ,should I still be patient? And please under which month so you think my number falls looking at the monthly visa bulletins? Thanks.
November 13, 2020 at 18:35
You are struggling with the concept of being patient. Really – Be patient. Your case number is not current yet, NO interviews have been scheduled – so there is no possible way you get an interview prior to February at the earliest – so why count days???
November 13, 2020 at 19:14
Thanks alot Brit,it’s really very helpful ,thanks for the patients.i will be patient
this time. do have a great day.
October 29, 2020 at 23:17
My case number is AF519XX (Ghana) – Do I have a chance of getting an interview?
October 29, 2020 at 23:57
DV2021? Maybe. Wait and see.
October 21, 2020 at 05:40
Greetings Sir Brit
I wish to ask that is it every DV winner who receives an email to send supporting documents or not everyone received the email but can receive email for interview???
October 21, 2020 at 14:15
They send the documents email to everyone.
October 11, 2020 at 15:29
Thanks alot,this is very helpful.have a blessed day
October 11, 2020 at 06:56
Good day Brit,I have summited my documents on the 8th september,for my daughter and i. I have not recieve and email from KCC till now.Please am I surpose to do something like register for an interview before I will recieve an email from them ,or should I just wait patiently? Thanks
October 11, 2020 at 13:17
Year/region/case number?
October 11, 2020 at 14:16
Hi Brit,I donot,I was selected for the 2021 DV Lottery,from South west region ,Camerioon,my case number is 2021AF00007756,.I donot understand your reply to my first question,
You replied my first question ,by saying,
Year/region/case number?
Should I send these informations to KCC,or did you want to know it so as to give me a respond to my first question?
October 11, 2020 at 15:07
I asked about your case number as it might have changed my answer. You need to be patient. Interviews won’t start until January, so, no need to rush.
January 20, 2021 at 10:40
January 20, 2021 at 15:30
It may be 2 or 3 months from now.
October 10, 2020 at 08:47
Greetings Sir Brit,
1 my case number is AF36***,I submitted my ds260 in Aug 7 but I haven’t received any email to submit supporting documents yet.
2 Then i also wanted to find out that which email address is used by KCC to send information is it the one used while filling the ds260??
October 10, 2020 at 19:28
1. Patience. No need to rush.
2. Yes
October 5, 2020 at 21:48
AS27000, I haven’t submitted it yet . I have incomplete information. Do I still have to make rush ?
October 5, 2020 at 22:59
January 21, 2021 at 13:45
Hi Brit,happy new year,thanks for all the informations you have been helping use with.I have a question,on the 21st of December,i rcieved a mail from KCC,which said Congratulation,our records shows that you are ready to be scheduled for an interview.My question now is ,what should I do next?,because when I look at my form ,it is not still current,should I still wait for another email, before I register for an interview.?
January 21, 2021 at 14:04
You just wait to be scheduled.
October 3, 2020 at 14:03
Hello sir,my case number is AF6****, when will the kcc contact me?
Will I get a visa?
Is that number too large?
October 5, 2020 at 17:07
You have to be clear about the year and the number.
October 2, 2020 at 13:16
Dear Brit Simon,
I know it is still early, and you are not a fortune teller, however I have tried to look over previous years bulletins, and from my understanding the EU number has only gone above 40k three times the past ten years. My number is >EU37xxx (2021). My question is; I tried to look at past years bulletins from October, and noticed that year with higher case numbers usually (not always, but in most cases) have higher numbers early on. Is there any truth to this? The current case number in the October bulletin is 4.800 for November, which is kinda lower than some previous Octobers.
Just wondering if there is any logic to this, or if the “holes” are so random from year to year that it is impossible to foresee anything (eg. there can be fewer holes in the lower numbers, and more holes in the higher numbers?). And it is probably too early to tell anything about the holes for the 2021 lottery?
Thank you in advance.
October 3, 2020 at 01:08
The numbers are higher now in previous years because there are more holes. I know how many holes, but not the precise distribution. It will ALWAYS be that there are more holes in higher ranges. But look, you have months to wait. For now – think about something else.
October 3, 2020 at 04:05
Thank you for your reply. I was thinking I might have found some logic behind it (but it is of course impossible to foresee), I’m just going to keep my fingers crossed and wait. Have a great day 🙂
October 1, 2020 at 07:03
Hi Brit.
I followed your advice , not to rush in filling D’s 260. I got all documents,. I.e. certified marriage certificate, PP n police clearance certificate.
Can I submit ds260 , though my case is high 2021 AF56K
October 1, 2020 at 20:12
September 22, 2020 at 20:01
Hello brit,
Your efforts are really very helpful to us,
I already watched some of your videos,
And i came with a conclusion that my case number is relatively low and king of can guaranty an interview,
It is 2021AS000103xx,
Do you agree ?
September 23, 2020 at 00:21
There are lots of variables this year. Let’s see what happens.
September 22, 2020 at 15:45
Hello Brit ,I have a question
When I was filling my ds260 form in the educational section I was still in the second year of the university and so the number of institutions attended
that’s above the secondary school was asked I added university in it though am still going to my third year,so is it going to be a problem?
September 23, 2020 at 00:11
September 21, 2020 at 08:10
Hello sir. I wanted to ask about something – when I was applying for DV2021, it asked me for my passport number, and I filled in the number of my citizen (internal) passport instead of the “foreign passport” that is used for traveling. This was caused by the fact that when we say “passport” in my language we usually mean the citizen passport. Will that cause me any issues in the future? I do have a valid foreign passport, which I used to fill the ds260.
September 21, 2020 at 15:40
I don’t know whether that will cause problems or not. Once interviews start we will have a better idea of how they will handle such cases.