OK, I get this question multiple times a day at the moment due to the concerns people are having with waiting for their cases, and this is a subject which needs a little explanation. I am writing this as of late March 2022, and although these comments are somewhat generic, I will also refer to some current situations and events – so this article should be understood in that time context.
Transfer versus changing the selected embassy
First – what you are asking for depends on the stage you are at. The terminology is important because the process is different.
If you have not yet been scheduled (no 2NL) you are not asking for a “transfer”, you are asking to change your selected embassy. That process ONLY involves KCC and has no need to contact the embassy. It has nothingv to do with the embassy, and yet I see people writing to the embassy at this point which is a waste of everyone’s time.
A transfer is the process needed when you have already been sent a 2NL (interview appointment) and for some reason need the interview to happen in some other embassy. That process ONLY involves the two embassies. It has nothing to do with KCC, so email them is a waste of everyone’s time.
Hopefully you see the point. Get the terminolgy right, to make sure you follow the correct process.
Change your selected embassy – normal process
If you need to change the embassy selected you have to contact KCC and ask them to do that. Changing embassies is normally only needed or appropriate if you have moved to another country. So – in that case you do the following:
- Request to unlock your form for an address update
- Update your new address in the new country
- Email KCC and ask them to change the embassy selected based on the address move. They will normally do that (with some exceptions explained later) but the selection in the DS260 will still show the OLD embassy selection. However, they will (hopefully) schedule the case at the correct embassy. It can go wrong, but you will not know until you receive the 2NL.
When you originally completed the DS260 you selected from a drop down list the embassy that you wanted to be scheduled at. That selection is a ONE TIME option. The applicant cannot ever update that field, even if the DS260 is unlocked. Only KCC can do it. So – some people ask KCC to change their embassy and get a slightly confusing reply that explains only KCC can do it. Some people take it as an answer of “no” to the request to change the embassy, and stop there. It simply means that KCC are the only ones to change the embassy, it does NOT mean it is impossible to change.
Changing the selected embassy because your embassy is working too slow
So many people are watching the CEAC data and comparing the activity from their country to another country, and that makes them want to change embassies. I am nervous of people doing this without using some caution. What I have seen is that people assume their own embassy is moving too slow, so they transfer to another embassy which is accepting a lot of cases but then they find that new embassy is overwhelmed and they would have been better off staying at their old embassy. Changing back may not be easy. So – be careful. Your embassy may be taking few cases because it is a small embassy with a small amount of cases to schedule, that might be a good thing for you! OR maybe it is about to open and become a high performing embassy (as happened in Nepal for instance). SO – exercise caution. KNow what you are doing and be sure what you are asking for ais a good idea.
Now, how can you do this. Well KCC might be reluctant to change cases based on this reasoning. From their point of view you are just a number, and they would prefer to keep the numbers in the countries where they live because that is how their capacity is arranged. So – you can ask them to move your case by being honest about the reason (that you think your chance of interview will be better elsewhere), but don’t be surprised if they put barriers in your way, or simply refuse the request. They might for example explain that your requested country will only take people already (legally) residing there. They may ask for proof of your residence. That might also be requested at an interview. SO – I DO NOT recommend lying to KCC about this in saying you live in the new country when in fact you don’t.
However, if you do have ties to the target country (you have citizenship there, family or friends there who can host you, or something of that nature) then your request may be more readily accepted. Just be CERTAIN that you will be able to travel to that country (visa requirements, COVID controls etc).
Special situations
Now, let’s say you want to change because you live in one of the countries affected by current events. There are some special arrangements in place for several countries.
Russia and Ukraine Because of the war in Ukraine (because Putin is a moron) Russian and Ukrainian people cannot interview in their home countries. Russians are allocated to Warsaw and Ukrainian cases are allocated to Frankfurt. Ukrainians can also ask for their cases to be transferred to some other country as described in this official announcement.
Iraq and Afghanistan both these consulates are closed because of the awful situation there. In reaction to lawsuits (one by Curtis) the government announced special arrangements for people from those two countries. That was announced here – please note is is VERY important to follow the instructions about the email request PRECISELY in this case
There are also a number of “homeless embassies” where a standing arrangement is in place to process cases in other embassies, but I assume you are probably already aware of thos arrangements if you are affected by that situation. Iran is an example of that, as is Cuba, although the latter case is currently changing.
Transfer request
As I explained above this happens when you have already been scheduled, but cannot attend the interview in that country. I stress the word CANNOT. This is not something you do on a whim, if you are lucky enough to get an interview, my first advice is get there on that date if you can. However, is that is simply not possible then the transfer process is this.
Let’s say you have been scheduled for embassy A but want to switch to embassy B.
- You contact embassy B and ask them if they can accept your case to be transferred.
- If embassy B agrees, you contact embassy A and ask them to initiate the transfer. There is a special status in CEAC of “in transfer” for this process.
- Monitor the situation by checking with the embassies and confirm with embassy B the new date and time of the interview. The process can cause a later interview date – so be sure that is OK.
- Note that once you switch embassies your medical will need to be performed in the physician listed by embassy B.
OK – I hope this helps.
August 8, 2024 at 14:17
Dear Brit, I’m a winner case number 2024eu36k scheduled for Warsaw. But currently Warsaw is doing obviously not well. Is it worth moving the case to Paris, if I can prove my residence in Paris as well?
August 8, 2024 at 15:01
It is probably too late.
August 4, 2024 at 16:07
Hi Brit, In my case, main applicant’s and spouse’s selected interview locations (in DS260) are two places because we are in two countries. How is the process going on? The interview will be held on main applicant selected embussy for both off us or seperate embussies?
Thank you!
August 4, 2024 at 19:28
A second interview for the derivatives can be arranged, but it adds delay and complication, so avoid that if possible.
August 3, 2024 at 09:13
Hey Simon, I am DV2025 winner from Nepal and currently working in UAE. While filling ds-260 I put my present address of Dubai and chose Abu Dhabi for interview,but this month I realized I should move to Kathmandu and emailed KCC to change my interview location from ABD to my home country and they did straight away. They sent an email stating that my interview location has been changed from ABD to KDU. Now my concern is do I still need to unlock my ds-260 and update present address?KCC simply changed my location based on my home country. I will be returning Nepal after some months.
August 3, 2024 at 10:18
Yes you should change your address once you have moved to Nepal.
August 3, 2024 at 22:52
If I fail to update my address then won’t they send my 2nl for KDU? When I email KCC asking about my current interview location they say it’s kathmandu and doesn’t appear on ds-260 but will be used for scheduling purposes.
August 3, 2024 at 22:56
The thing is I will be moving to Kathmandu after receiving my 2nl because my company won’t grant me leave so often and I want to cancel my contract once I get mt 2nl and I want to update the address straight at the embassy??
August 4, 2024 at 09:07
KCC chooses the embassy based on the address, so even if they agreed, they might make a mistake.
August 4, 2024 at 09:13
Everytime I email them they reply that my location is in Kathmandu and will be used for scheduling purposes.
August 19, 2023 at 01:37
Hi dear simon,
KCC has unlocked my case to change the current address.
Should I first submit my DS260 with new address first and then ask KCC to change my embassy or vice versa?
August 19, 2023 at 09:28
Focus on the address only. Later, after submission, ask them to change the embassy location.
August 19, 2023 at 09:39
Thanks for your reply dear Simon,,
I have already unlocked my wife and son’s forms too.
(Q1) They might move from our home country with me our join me to the new country near the interview,,,should I change their address too or it is not necessary?
(Q2) If I dont change my wife and son’s address,should I ask KCC to change their embassy as well or they will change all of us embassy automatically?
Btw we are from Iran
August 19, 2023 at 10:27
Their address doesn’t matter, only one interview will be scheduled.
July 1, 2024 at 15:53
Hi Mr. Simon.
I Am Emmanuel And Am Winner Of The DV 2024 And My Case Number Is In The 86 Thousand Range Am From Liberia And I Want To Transfer My Case To A Nearby Country Which Is Sierra Leone Can You Kindly Please Help Me Sir?
July 1, 2024 at 16:10
The article above tells you what to do. But you need to act now.
June 18, 2023 at 17:26
Hi sir. I moved to Canada and wants to unlock DS-260 for changing address. KCC says:
“Your case number is now current for interview processing. Once the interview date has been scheduled, you will receive notification via email to check https://dvprogram.state.gov. If you need to make changes to your DS-260 you should contact the consular section where you will be interviewed, or bring the information about your changes to your interview appointment. Because your case is ready to be scheduled, KCC can no longer unlock your application”.
By the way US embassy in Canada accepted my case.
How to persuade KCC to be unlocked form? Thank you.
June 19, 2023 at 06:38
You would need the Canadian embassy to contact KCC on your behalf.
March 11, 2023 at 11:57
Hi Ms britsimon
My wife is the winner, but she lives with me in my country, and she chose the American embassy here. Now she wants to travel to her country, and change the location of the interview to there. We will open a ds and change the current address as you explained
My question is, should I also open my ds and change the current address because I don’t want to travel right away، I will follow them when the interview time is near
March 11, 2023 at 14:52
No need to open yours.
February 24, 2023 at 14:19
Hi Simon Iam current for interview and my case 39k how I can change my interview location?
February 26, 2023 at 10:10
The only way once you are in that situation is to ask another embassy to take your case and then forward their acceptance to KCC. It might work.
February 5, 2023 at 02:08
Hello Simon
Am AF55*** and my interview embassy is Nairobi. Concerning changing of the embassy, I was thinking of moving it to Tanzania however I dont have any relatives there but have a friend is it possible to stay in my home country and monitor on the progress of my case while at home and once scheduled God willing I move to Tanzania and complete the process?
February 5, 2023 at 09:47
As I mentioned, they are usually cooperative with people that have actually moved, and may want assurance of that.
June 22, 2022 at 10:42
Hi Brit,
I am a Kenyan but currently working in Qatar. During Dv application I filled that I working in Qatar. On my 1Nl they stated my post as Doha. When I filled the Ds 260 I choose on the drop down that I would like to change my Embassy from Doha( as they had stated) to Nairobi, Kenya.
1. Does this change of embassy hold or will I still need to write to KCC to change the embassy?
2. If I need to write to KCC, do I do it now or wait till they assign my case?
June 26, 2022 at 17:55
1. They will ignore your selection unless you email them and explain why you chose that embassy.
2. Do that now.
June 12, 2022 at 14:37
Appreciate your prompt reply sir. ????????
(1) I wonder whether I can wait till early August to initially submit DS260 because by that time I will get to know of Helsinki address; so that, I can fill that as the mailing/present address, primary occupation in present work/education section as “student” and then the interviewing embassy as “Helsinki” at once.
(a) As per your expertise, will there be any disadvantages sir?
(b) If so, can you please explain me them.
(c) Or else still the best option is to fill DS260 with Helsinki embassy as interviewing (by changing initial DS260’s by default my own country embassy), mailing/present address as the address here in my own country and once I move there to unlock and update the mailing/present address to Helsinki’s address sir? (Because as I understood, if put my own country embassy initially and request after going Helsinki to change the interviewing embassy till I get 2NL there will be no gurantee whether KCC will amend it sir.)
(2) Am afraid and a bit worried as I have applied for student visa in a foreign country and being a 1st year student (at the time of next yr interview) and then again I may have to face the interview for DVisa for USA in that same foreign country’s US embassy will be an issue sir?
(3) One final question sir. As per your knowledge what are the reviews on HLS embassy please?
Thank you so very much. All the blessings to you sir????????????
June 12, 2022 at 16:01
1. Waiting until August won’t cause any harm. Your case number won’t be current for a long time anyway.
2. Interviewing in Helsinki will be a little more complicated since your documents will not be recognized. They may need to contact the embassy in your home country to check them.
3. It’s too small to have a track record.
June 11, 2022 at 16:55
Hi Sir, appreciate your kind heart…
I am 2023AS14***. Still in my birth country; but will be soon flying Helsinki for a degree. I didn’t submit DS 260 yet.
(1) Initial form has my country embassy. Though I change it to Helsinki, I can’t provide an address prior going there.
(a) Should I change embassy to Helsinki in initial DS 26 and submit with my present address in home country; then after going Helsinki request unlock to put Helsinki address as “Mailing and Present”? Or
(b) Should I keep my home country embassy as it is in initial DS 260, submit with my present address in home country and after going Helsinki unlock to put Helsinki address as “Mailing and Present” and change embassy too to Helsinki?
(3) I was previously employed but not now; and in few weeks will become a “student” after going Helsinki. Can you sir please suggest me the “Present Work/Education/ Training” section? What should I put; “not employed” or “Student” or “other”? (Degree will only start in September.)
Thanks again so much sir.
June 11, 2022 at 18:34
1. Once you move, unlock and change your address, and then email KCC and ask them to update your embassy. You cannot change the embassy choice in the DS260 once you have selected it.
3. Whatever is accurate on the day you submit.
May 15, 2022 at 07:06
Hi Brit. 2022OC25** Basically given up hope, as I chose Sydney, plus my number is almost the highest one… Is there any point of my trying to get an embassy change to Melbourne, Perth or even a New Zealand one? I’m not holding out hope but would appreciate your advice. Is there any option available to me or should I just let it go?
May 18, 2022 at 18:04
Suva. Switch to Suva. People are getting really fast results there – meaning a couple switched this weekend to Suva and got their 2NL Tuesday.
April 29, 2022 at 20:13
After receiving “current for interview process”, no 2NL yet, and assigned to slow embassy (~20 interview so far).
I am thinking of mixing (transferring) and (changing), by first contacting Embassy B and inquire if they accept my IV application (as states in 22 CFR § 42.61), explaining honestly my situation and that I’m not a resident. Second, in case of a positive feedback from Embassy B, I will email KCC for Changing interview post, also honestly explaining that I am looking to improve my chances to have an interview. Finally, I am expecting that if they don’t want to put any more barriers in my path to perform this (change or transfer).
Is that possible or I might be daydreaming?
Thanks Simon for having time reading my question.
May 2, 2022 at 03:59
It’s not possible, you are now locked into the embassy, and if the embassy doesn’t get your case you can’t move.
May 3, 2022 at 18:41
“embassy doesn’t get you case”
How to get my case? Is that a 2NL or something else?
Thanks Simon.
May 3, 2022 at 19:48
KCC send the case to the embassy at the same time they send the 2NL.
May 12, 2022 at 15:43
Hi Simon my case is current and I recieved an enquiry response saying my case is ready to be schedule and my embassy is Abu Dhabi 46k but I want to change to the embassy in my country as I will be moving back to my country soon Abu Dhabi is very slow I don’t think they do my interview any time soon will KCC allow the changes.
May 13, 2022 at 05:55
I don’t know.
April 28, 2022 at 06:48
Good day, Brit! I am from Russia, my case number is 18k. I asked embassy B to accept my case without any reason and the embassy agreed. At the moment my DS-260 has not yet been checked out. I have already sent a request to KCC many times to transfer my case from embassy A to embassy B, but KCC sends a standard reply hank you for your inquiry.
“Once the DS-260 for the Principal Applicant has been submitted, the Interview Location can only be updated by the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC). Please send your request to [email protected]. You will need to include information that explains why you need the interview location changed. Unless they are in the U.S. and adjusting status, all applicants on the case will be scheduled for interview with the Principal Applicant….”
I do all this, but again I get this reply. What am I doing wrong, tell me, please?
Thank you very much in advance!
May 2, 2022 at 03:39
I don’t know, but it sounds like you did not explain why you wanted to change.
By the way, tell your countrymen to get the F out of Ukraine!
April 27, 2022 at 00:20
Hi Simon goodevening,I made an inquiry about my ds260 and I had a response that my case has been scheduled for interview appointment on june 14 and that I should wait for 7 to 10 days to receive my 2nl but my embassy of interview is accra on the ds260 and in the response from the inquiry it was sent to me that I will have it at Kinshasa, Congo. Is there a mistake from kcc or I should wait to see if indeed it has been scheduled to Kinshasa. Case number 2022AF27***
April 28, 2022 at 04:58
Wait and see the 2NL
April 26, 2022 at 11:44
Hello Dear Simon,
What if I’d like to change from the embassy A to B based on currently living in the country B, but my DS-260 has been processed (e.g. I’ve been DQ-ed and received so called ‘4th letter’) so KCC wouldn’t unlock my DS-260 to update the address in the country B — and in general sends me copy-paste answers?
Is being DQ-ed a kind of a limbo? From where I only can wait for interview or fiscal year ending ☹️
April 28, 2022 at 04:49
If you have received the email that says you are “current for interview processing” then KCC will not unlock or allow any changes.
May 6, 2024 at 15:47
if your status reading is current, is that a surety for scheduling an interview?
May 6, 2024 at 20:42
No. Some people won’t be scheduled because their embassies are backlogged.
April 21, 2022 at 10:15
Hope you are doing well,
My embassy is Addis Ababa and they are not working at full capacity i am planning to change the embassy. my DS 260 has not been processed.
Does unlocking my DS 260 have any negative impact like delays in processing?
Which embassy should i change to?
Thank you.
April 24, 2022 at 23:36
I cannot guide you about which embassy to change to – and can’t be certain that changing will help or not.
April 16, 2022 at 19:38
Thank you sir.
April 16, 2022 at 19:15
Hello Sir can you pls answer my question
April 16, 2022 at 12:56
Hello Sir pls me help understand this,my family and I won the DV 2022 and send our ds260 June 6 2022 but recall it to make some corrections, and resend it October 29 2022 but have not received 2nl and we are current since March, we email KCC and this was their respond to us.case# Af202241*** pls sir can you explain to me what this mean.
Thank you for
Your inquiry.
Your forms have been received and are currently processing. Allow several weeks for processing. Interviews are scheduled numerically based on case numbers that have completed processing. Once the Kentucky Consular Center has finished processing your DS-260, you will receive an email from the Kentucky Consular Center giving you instructions to complete in order for your case to continue processing
April 16, 2022 at 19:34
You, like many thousands of similar cases are waiting to be processed. There is nothing you can do except wait. Many of the cases will lose their chance.
April 13, 2022 at 22:49
Hey brit is Oceania region current now
April 16, 2022 at 18:56
April 7, 2022 at 22:44
Hey Simon,
Just thought I would give you an update/summary on our transfer from Sydney to Suva so far –
1. Suva contacted both KCC and Sydney to request our case
2. I also emailed Sydney to ask them to send the case to Suva
– Sydney also then emailed KCC to ask for re-assignment from Syd to Suv
– Received confirmation from Sydney that KCC has acknowledged the change
3. Emailed KCC myself to confirm the change of location and confirm that we are completed processing (DQ).
– KCC confirmed both.
KCC has advised SUVA “they will forward DV cases initially posted for Sydney processing to Suva once they (KCC) finish their processing.” …. We are current so now just waiting on 2NL *fingers crossed*
April 16, 2022 at 17:59
Fingers crossed indeed. I am wondering if any of the OC 2NLs were for Suva.
May 20, 2022 at 12:38
Hi Kate,
I am looking at a similar situation to you, and would be interested to chat if you are keen. My DV 2022 number is in the single digits, originally due to be interviewed in Sydney but obviously looking elsewhere as nothing is happening here apparently. Have you had any luck? I have sent an email to Suva asking if it is possible to change my nomination from Sydney to Suva, but yet to hear back. Any further information you have would be most helpful! Hope your situation is going ok!
April 6, 2022 at 13:35
Hi birt, please want to ask if they Will start offering dv 2021 VISAthis April?
April 6, 2022 at 23:42
No. It will be September at the earliest.
March 29, 2022 at 09:43
Hello Brit..
From the look of things participants for 2023 will have a good standing?
April 2, 2022 at 19:06
We have to wait and see the conditions at that time.
June 16, 2024 at 14:31
‘On Ds 260 I filled in my current address including 2024 as Djibouti, but my Djibouti visa was issued in June and my appointment is July 23. Could this be difficult?
Sincerely, Britt
June 16, 2024 at 22:12
March 28, 2022 at 16:22
Hi Brit, I am a DV 2021 winner, thankfully my husband and I received our visas in early Sep 2021 and moved to the US in January 2022. We are originally from Venezuela, but we were leaving in Costa Rica where all the process including the interview was done. I wanted to thank you for the work you have been doing all these years and for all the information you share, you were a very significant factor in all our decisions in this process, most of the time you were the only guide we had. We never lost our hope, and based on your recommendation we joined a lawsuit, and thankfully everything worked as expected, we were very lucky. Then, my husband was transferred by his Company and we are happily living here.
Brit, your work has a positive impact in so many lives, I hope you can receive back all the good you do .Thank you very very much!
April 2, 2022 at 19:05
Thank you very much for letting me know the outcome. All the best in the USA!
March 26, 2022 at 08:04
Thank you for the good info ????
March 25, 2022 at 18:07
Good day sir!
Let assume you are living and working for example in Dubai but you are a citizen of sierra Leone and have wife and son in sierra Leone which may be too expensive to arrange visa for your family to interview with you in the UAE considering airway fees and visa fees, and you decide to meet your family in Sierra Leone for interview instead, because of the costs involve in letting them meet you. (Q) Can this be a good reason for KCC to grant your request.
Another part of the same story.
But taking into account that this can be done when you move and ask KCC to open your DS to update your address and ask for the change. But here is the case now that you can’t move immediately to your country because you are on a contract with a company, but want to have the change made first and you take official excuse from your employer let say a Week to your interview because you don’t want to come to your country and be jobless and moreover it a lottery and don’t want to loose your job back in UAE.
(Q2) In that case can KCC grant your request taking into account this second situation added to the first one?
April 2, 2022 at 18:51
1. Maybe.
2. I don’t know.
March 25, 2022 at 16:52
Thank you Mr Brit for the information given
March 25, 2022 at 16:09
Hi Brit, thank you for writing a thought on this on this subject. My CN AF24k. I live here in the Czech Republic and a permanent resident. Have been back and forth with KCC to get my interview location change from Accra embassy to Prague embassy. In actual fact, Prague Embassy have acknowledged but KCC is refusing to change my interview location. I don’t get it because my permanent address is in Czech Republic so why are they refusing to change my interview location. Thank you.
April 2, 2022 at 18:50
I don’t know. I assume the Czech address is on your DS260.
May 10, 2022 at 21:41
Finally KCC changed my location when they requested pdf format of Prague embassy confirming acknowledgment. I did that yesterday and I received my 2nl today. I am scheduled ????????????
March 25, 2022 at 15:50
Thank you for information.
My country is Myanmar.
It is crazy situation now.