It seems people are misunderstanding the importance and impact of the new document procedure. To those that apply a little logic, it should be clear that this new procedure is impacting the process already, and it should also be clear that this may impact the year as a whole.
So – first of all, and as previously described, the new procedure was introduced for interviews from January (in other words, cases being scheduled in November). Since that time, as far as I know, no case has been scheduled unless the DS260 was submitted AND the documents had been submitted and processed. Of course, cases cannot be scheduled unless current (meaning below the number shown for the region on the Visa Bulletin).
People are being contacted by email to send in their documents, BUT the official instructions have also been updated for the new procedure so it is NOT necessary to wait for the email asking for documents to send them. However, it is also unwise to send them much too early (because the police certs will be old) – so people need to apply some common sense about when they send the documents. Basically if you think your case number will be current in the next month or two, you need to send your documents to KCC whether they have asked for that or not. On the other hand if your case is clearly not going to be current for several more months, then hold on to your documents another month or two before sending.
Now – in terms of effect on the process. I have explained this in various responses numerous times. However, there are some people who still seem confused. So – let me, once again, clarify a couple of the effects – and I apologize for the repetition to those that already understand this.
Backlog (short term impact)
Just as we have seen previously, the new procedure tends to inject a bit of chaos into the process. With the new procedure, cases cannot be scheduled that would previously have been scheduled. There is a lag introduced which causes backlog – meaning some of the interview places available each month are used by cases that have been current for more than a month. That has always happened to a small extent, but with the new document procedure that is MORE likely.
Long Term Impact
OK – so how about longer term – what will change because of the new procedure. Well imagine 100 cases in some region. Of those 100 cases, some will want interviews and be waiting for their 2NL. If they are not readers of my blog or similar sites, and if they are not paying attention to the official instructions, they might not realize there has been a significant change. They might not find out until it is too late, so there will be some number of cases in our imaginary 100 cases that want an interview but never get one. That is immensely sad for people that will lose out that way, but it does mean that visa issuances will be lower. And that gives a little more hope to those with high case numbers.
Low issued visa numbers and interview numbers
If you check the data available from Xarthisius from CEAC and the official numbers two things are clear.
- Visas issued numbers are behind where they should be at this point in the year.
- Interviews are behind the normal pace.
On the visas issued, the low number of interviews scheduled (particularly in January) due to the new procedure, has meant a large shortfall in the visas issued we would normally have expected by now.
EU region can see about 1300 to 1400 interviews in a month (based on previous years). AF can see over 2000 interviews. Neither region is seeing anything like those numbers at the moment – so the next few months need to be much busier than what we have seen.
So what will happen with the Visa Bulletin?
The new document impact tends to mean larger increases in the VB pace (except when many of the interview slots go to backlog from previous months). The pace should be higher because less of the “next” cases are able to be scheduled, so KCC have to increase the range faster to yield enough cases. That was particularly apparent in EU region last month when the VB was increased by 5000 numbers. From those 5000 case numbers there were nearly 2300 actual cases (because more than half the case numbers in that range are “holes”). However, from that range (13500 to 18499) there were only about 400 cases scheduled (and eventually something like 1300/1400 of the 2300 cases will need to be scheduled. Another 480 cases we scheduled from “backlog” (meaning cases under 13500). So – it is clear that a great many cases have not had their documents submitted/processed, and those cases will need to be allocated interview slots in later months.
AF region had a smaller VB increase, but had nearly 1300 interviews arranged for April (nearly half of those were from backlog). That is not where the region should be in terms of interviews and pace.
However, I do NOT have any predictions for the next VB, because, quite honestly there is too much uncertainty. There are FIVE remaining VBs for DV2019. So – no need to panic, but we do need to see increased pace for AF region in particular, and I suspect we will see that beginning soon. EU region just had a big jump, BUT must have a big backlog starting to build, so that might keep VB numbers low either in the next VB or the one for June.
AS, SA and OC region are all behaving “as expected”. Asia region is of course heavily impacted by the travel ban and both the pace/final outcome is less of a concern for that region.
So – how about some final cutoff predictions then?
If you think issuing predictions is a good idea with all this going on, you are simply not thinking straight! It should be obvious that the process is being impacted, and the chaos is causing uncertainty. The ONLY sensible answer is “wait and see” – and I am a sensible person….
I hope this helps clarify things a bit. I was planning to release a video to explain some of this, but I have two very busy business weeks of travelling ahead of me so wanted to get something out.
May 2, 2019 at 01:09
Hi, I read your Q&A and I did not see an answer regarding my question that is : Are you automatically approved for the green card after being approve at the interview at the consulate/embassy or is it when you fly to the USA to activate our LPR status ? I don’t know where I had read the info ( not on your site ) but I had read somewhere that it is the border agent that will have the final word if they approve the visa meaning that they can refuse your entry and that would mean refuse the green card is that true?
May 2, 2019 at 02:35
The border inspection is theoretically a decision point of whether to admit you, but in practice it is a simple formality.
May 2, 2019 at 02:46
Thank you and my apologies I think I posted a few times my Q as i thought it didn’t work, your website is very useful, great work! Kind regards.
April 10, 2019 at 21:56
Hi Brit,
I would like to ask you whether we need to get supporting documents translated to English, even if the document has partial translation of the important information (name, last name, DOB, etc.). I apologize if this question is out of place.
April 10, 2019 at 22:53
If you are unsure – get it translated.
March 29, 2019 at 07:50
Dear Brit,
My Case 2019AS11XXX, could I sent the document support on April.
currently I check my case in CEAC still at NVC.
For police certificate in my hometown is period 3 month. I estimate my case will current on July. please advise me.
March 29, 2019 at 17:13
Your case number could get current in the next send soon.
March 29, 2019 at 06:44
hi brit my case number AF22XXX i send all the required document without asking kcc 3 times by week interval, still now not receive valid or invalid message from kcc and finally asks TO INQUIRE THE STATUS OF MY CASE ,i send documents satisfied or not ,and kcc send me 2 times the same message your forms have been received and are currently processing. allow several weeks for processing.interview are scheduled ………..etc =my question is this is normal procedure ? if it is normal what advice to me brit please thanks
March 29, 2019 at 17:07
Normal. Be patient.
March 30, 2019 at 06:36
thank you so much
March 27, 2019 at 19:23
I understood from Some comments that they have sent docs more than once and the have received a notification From KCc saying all the documents are fine.. I’m sorry may be I’m little too irrational. And I should be more patient.
But is there any chance that the docs we send missing out in some way..?
March 27, 2019 at 21:37
Yes – you can fail to follow the instructions which would mean they would not mark your documents as having been received. You can check with KCC.
March 27, 2019 at 18:50
Hi Brit..
I submitted all the documents late last month (25th Feb) .. And I still didn’t receive any acknowledgement the documents are received and complete. My case was supposed to be current in April but I was little late in submitting DS 260, so I have to wait in that case.
But Should I be sending those documents again?
My case number is 2019AS56**
March 27, 2019 at 19:04
March 26, 2019 at 19:38
Let’s imagine people who will not be able to receive that mail from kcc around the date of seprember 30?! So patience will not be so nice at that time. Even me with my 236** have some emotions:(
March 26, 2019 at 20:31
Of course… which is why I suggest that people apply some judgement in deciding whether to send the documents without being asked.
March 26, 2019 at 17:21
Hi Brit,
My case number is EU14xxx. I sent required documents To KCC on December 24, 2018, I received automatic replay that they received my email and currently processing my documents. I was waiting for 2NL till now. Yesterday, I sent an email to KCC with questions about my case and received answer that says “Your DS-260 has been processed. You should have received, or will soon receive, an email from the Kentucky Consular Center giving you instructions to complete in order for your case to continue processing.”
I sent all required document one more time and got the same automatic replay that they received my email and currently processing my documents. However I didn’t receive an attachments which they states should be in this automatic replay.
My question is should I receive an automatic replay to my email WITH ATTACHMENTS ?
After sending documents to [email protected], you will receive an automatic reply to your email. If there are no attachments, the auto reply explains there are no documents attached to the email. If there are attachments, the auto reply explains we received your email and are currently processing your documents. Please allow time for processing of your documents. Documents are processed in numerical order, based on lottery rank number. Once KCC has processed your documents, we will let you know if anything is missing or if we have received everything needed.
Thank you for your help!
March 26, 2019 at 18:29
My case number is 2019EU78xx.
I sent in my documents mid November 2018.
Early December 2018 I got an e-mail saying my documents and DS 260 have been processed and that cases are processed in numerical number, bla bla bla (standard response).
Late December 2018 I got an E-Mail saying I should check the entrant site. I checked and was scheduled for an interview in February.
Unless they changed the process in the last 4 months, you don’t receive an attachment. You just get an e-mail saying to check the entrant status website and there you will get all the information you need for the interview.
Trust that they will reach out to you if anything is missing, but if you followed the instructions properly no need to worry. According to VB my interview was supposed to be scheduled in January so “technically” I was a month late. I know it’s hard, but be patient 🙂
March 26, 2019 at 21:52
Why would they send you attachments. That is NOT what their email says. Read it again.
March 25, 2019 at 05:09
In how many days kcc check documents? A 4 members family..DS was send in may and resend in march. Also in march they asked all docs…
March 25, 2019 at 13:32
I don’t know exactly.
March 21, 2019 at 13:27
Dear Simon, thank you so much for your good advice! I’ve already got the approval, that my documents is ok!!! EU26***.
March 25, 2019 at 10:25
Hello Svetlana. You have sent the documents after you have emailed from Kcc or you have sent them yourself.
March 26, 2019 at 01:53
Hello Deny. I’ve sent the documents by myself without any request. And two weeks later I’ve get the email that my documents were admitted.
March 26, 2019 at 11:34
Hello Svetlana. My number is EU 29 *** Albania.
When I spoke to Kcc I asked if I should send the documents?
You have to wait for our e-mail to tell me about sending the documents. I don’t know what to do.
March 18, 2019 at 12:08
hi brit my case no AF241xx i send all required documents on Feb 20 with out asking kcc but still now not received email from KCC documents are valid and complete , it is possible to receive 2NL for May interview
March 18, 2019 at 13:29
Wait and see.
March 23, 2019 at 09:31
My brother has the same problem
He sent e mail for kcc asking them that he sent the documents many times with no reply from tgem
They replied the will check
Then in same day sent that they receive the docunent
March 16, 2019 at 15:53
Hi brit if you were past schedule i send my documents almost 5 times but i resend the last on this monthy early kcc received was valid will be interview on may CN 10***
March 16, 2019 at 15:59
Wait and see.
March 14, 2019 at 21:16
Hi Brit. Thanks for helping us. Please could u name documents that have be sent to Kcc. Thanks once again
March 14, 2019 at 22:48
March 14, 2019 at 11:39
Which month will be EU257** and can I send in kcc my documents.
March 14, 2019 at 19:35
Send your documents now.
March 14, 2019 at 10:07
Simon wating for your Post and specially for your precious Comments:)))
March 14, 2019 at 10:05
AFRICA 24,500 Except: Egypt 18,400
ASIA 7,800 Except: Nepal 4,925
EUROPE 21,900
March 14, 2019 at 11:14
Which month is this visa bulletin for ?
March 14, 2019 at 11:37
April 2019, interview interview for May 2019.
March 14, 2019 at 10:01
eu 21900
March 14, 2019 at 00:06
Low more than 2500vb numbers.and when I need send to kcc my dokuments.
March 14, 2019 at 15:11
Use your own judgement.
March 14, 2019 at 00:03
Hi Brit can you make analize for May increase for EU will be low?
March 14, 2019 at 15:11
The numbers are out.
March 13, 2019 at 20:46
My case number is in Asia 12xxx so my CS is close to next visa bulitten I want send my document without any receiving email that ok .
Plz answer
March 13, 2019 at 22:45
March 13, 2019 at 14:03
My husband recived his green card in USA. Mine was send back to KCC because of “insuficient address”, I know it was my fault because I forget to put my Name in boxoffice.
Now I am back in Europe, mu husband has his green card, but I still have only stamp in my passport. Question is – Can I come back to USA without any problems? They will not cancel my GC because that “insufficient address”? . I wrote to USCIS but now I have to wait for answer. We came back to Europe for 4 months.
March 13, 2019 at 22:35
Your original visa is valid for re-entry for up to 1 year after initial entry.
March 14, 2019 at 14:22
yes but this is just stamp in passport. so this stamp is like visa?
Visa (that what I had in Passport) was valid for 6 month. During this 6 months I had to “activate it”.
March 14, 2019 at 19:45
Yes – the FAQ covers this.
March 25, 2019 at 00:36
Hello Simon
Am in Togo . My case number is 32XXX. I sent my DS260 since 03 August but I did not receive a mail telling me to send my documents from KCC…
Should I send them without receiving their mail please
Thanks in advance .
March 25, 2019 at 02:58
Yes – if you want.