DV Lottery information and other stuff....

Tag DV lottery

Entering the DV lottery – does the timing of the entry matter?

So is there any way to increase your chances of selection based on the timing of the entry? No! It is a random selection. The following two screenshots show a distribution of selectees in EU, AS and AF regions in… Continue Reading →

The regional quota mystery – solved????

We all know that there is a global quota of 50,000 visas available (up to 55,000 with the NACARA visas), but what has been more mysterious has been the split between the regions. Not understanding the regional split, has led… Continue Reading →

Final DV2014 CEAC Data

  Here is the “final” DV2014 data file. In theory there could be some updates to the CEAC data in the next day or two – but pretty much this is our ending position. As you can see in the… Continue Reading →

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