The visa bulletin has been released, covering the numbers which are current in November. Now, this does not mean that you can be interviewed in November if your number is under that published number because you need to be “documentarily qualified” (DQ) AND your embassy has to be able to accept your case. Of course with the tiered prioritization (DV being on the bottom of the priority list), that won’t be the case. Few interviews will happen in November, just as few interviews will happen in October.
The DV2021 lawsuit has made clear that the government should be processing cases and should NOT be prioritizing DV cases as they have, so if this behavior continues despite the DV2021 ruling, then a new lawsuit will be needed for DV2022. We will see how the government reacts to the order for DV2021, and whether they change the priority scheme. To be clear though, that is not ordered by the Judge, because his order ONLY relates to DV2021 cases.
The movement in the VB is low, but that does NOT mean anything about being able to predict how the year will go. You can also see historical VB movement in the link above, but please don’t assume that this year will move like XXXX year simply because the numbers are similar, it doesn’t work like that.

In normal times (but probably not in this month), the following is true.
Those that are current, and have forms processed and documents early enough, can normally expect their 2NL in the next 2 to 3 weeks from now. This is supposed to be the same every month. VB from the 8th to the 15th of each month, and 2NLs in the second half of the month. For the last few months there have been 2NLs in daily batches. I would expect all the October interview 2NLs to have all been sent by the end of this month. The end of the month really means THE END OF THE MONTH. Please don’t waste my time later this month asking about 2NLs. Please. They can be sent right up until the last day of the month.
To those new to looking at VBs, let me explain what the “except” XXX country means – and you can also read this post on how to read the visa bulletin.
Processing is spread out over the full year. You can see the progress of the two previous years in this post about basic questions. However, some countries have a high number of selectees and those selectees are concentrated in the lower case numbers. For various reasons, mainly to do with embassy capacity, KCC slow down certain countries as compared to the region. So – in Africa, any case with a case number shown as under the new number can be interviewed but for cases from Egypt, that number is lower. That isn’t a big problem, it just “slows down” those countries a little more than the rest of the region. Since selectees from those countries all have lower case numbers, this slowing down does not present any risk. It does not (at this point) mean they won’t allow all selectees an interview from those countries.
To understand why some countries get lower case numbers, read this article about the lottery draw process.
October 9, 2021 at 06:57
2022EU4K, I submitted DS 260 on 11 May, unlocked on 5 August resubmitted the same day, I have not received documents request email.i have heard that KCC process DS 260 basing on date of submission, not case number, Does it mean KCC consider my submission date as 9 August? I’m current November, I’m very worried. Does every year KCC process DS 260 in date of submission order? Thanks for the reply
October 9, 2021 at 15:43
The process hasn’t changed as some people seem to think. Yes in your case you might have slowed down your case. But everyone is going to be delayed.
October 9, 2021 at 06:53
After unlock does KCC consider first date of submission or resubmission?
October 9, 2021 at 15:41
It generally doesn’t matter. The date of DS260 submission is not relevant once you are DQ.
October 5, 2021 at 12:38
Hello! Thank you for all your advice and posts, it has been really helpful.
I have been waiting for an interview for DV2021, and I see the reservation order from the judge. Despite me getting in touch with the firm representing Goodluck, unfortunately we missed the date to join the plaintiff action.
I would like to confirm that the reservation order provided by the judge only applies for those involved in signing up to the legal action? Not any other 2021 lottery winners who had not joined?
Does this effectively spell the end of our DV2021 journey?
Thanks, Brett
October 6, 2021 at 05:19
Unless you are a plaintiff in the lawsuits, DV2021 has ended. There is some chance of legislation being passed to recover lost visas from DV2020 and DV2021, but it is by no means certain yet.
October 4, 2021 at 11:07
Hi Simon,
I m a DV 2022 winner, my wife is the crew at one of the Airlines, and she traveled a lot of countries because of her job, and when we will ds-260, we listed out the countries she traveled to and also on the field that requests her current profession, we clearly put she is working airlines as crew, but recently I checked our ds-260 online and find out all the countries we listed in the ds-260 is removed and no option is also selected (Yes, NO). As you know it was mandatory to select one of the options otherwise the system will not proceed to the next step. So my question is, do you think KCC reviewed our ds-260 and removed the countries list because she is a crew and clear out the selection.
October 6, 2021 at 05:05
I don’t know.
September 29, 2021 at 15:01
Hello Britsimon…am a dv 2022 winner with CN AF 46***.i was requested for documents and i sent it with my accademic transcript too…will the accademic transcript affect me from receiving a DQ?
September 30, 2021 at 06:00
When you submitted Ds 260
September 30, 2021 at 06:55
I submitted on 13th May
September 30, 2021 at 18:50
September 29, 2021 at 11:10
Hi Simon,
Thank you so much for this website. I’ve been searching all over the internet for some answers that you seem to be the only one providing. Thanks a lot.
I’m stil confused about a few things though:
I’m 2022EU17XX so from what I’m seeing, pretty low number for EU, that is now current if I understand this correctly (I swear I ready everything, I’m trying to get it). Submitted my DS260 in May.
I haven’t been asked for documents yet.
From some of your posts, I understand that DV2021 are being processed now, following the lawsuit, and that it slows down the DV2022 process.
On you recommend sending the documents to KCC without waiting around for them to ask. I’m confused because my number is current, but my DS-260 hasn’t been processed yet.
My question is : Should I send the documents anyway in my case ? I’m worried this could be detrimental if I don’t do it right (say, for example, if the 2022 docs procedure has changed compared to the one you give on your website) ?
Thanks a lot for your help,
September 30, 2021 at 18:47
Send the documents.
September 29, 2021 at 01:30
Hi Brit, please disregard the question above. I managed to save everything successfully. Thanks
September 29, 2021 at 00:38
Hi Brit! I’m a plaintiff in DV2021 and we were instructed to save the DS260 submissions in pdf files from the CEAC US dep of state page before the 1st of Oct since we are going to lose access. I have followed the instructions and entered the correct information (tried multiple times) but I get the error “Your request cannot be processed at this time.” Do you have any suggestion or maybe a workaround for this issue? Thanks
September 30, 2021 at 18:37
Change browsers, try incognito mode, try another computer.
September 23, 2021 at 02:27
Hi brit,, i am a dv 2020 aplicant am already in us,, I am filling a form online l-130 , for my husband and I am stuck somewhere.
1) must I provide a document of Affidavit of support before submitting the form online because I have been here for 5 months and I don’t have any documents to prove that
2) must I fill every thing on the form before submitting or just does that concern my case. Thank you .
September 25, 2021 at 23:17
I can’t advise on the I-130 process.
September 23, 2021 at 00:40
Hi Simon,
I am a DV2022 winner, when I sent our documents (My, My wife’s, and child documents) to KCC, in the subject line, I put the case number but in the body section of the email, I mentioned the following ( Case Number: 2022AF000xxxxx
Principal Applicant Name: xxxxxxx.
Date of Birth: xxxxx) but correctly follow the guideline when I attach the documents based on the instruction I got from your videos. do you think it will affect me because I put the body section when I sent the documents?
September 25, 2021 at 23:15
September 21, 2021 at 18:07
Good evening sir, please I which to ask which date are the going to start applying for the dv 2023 in coming October. ? Thanks
September 22, 2021 at 13:23
I don’t have the exact date yet
September 19, 2021 at 18:44
1. can every person get an interview my case number is 34k
2. what happens if the visa bulletin going that slow
September 19, 2021 at 22:18
Your case number is meaningless without a year and region.
September 18, 2021 at 06:59
What to do if your number is current but yet to get email for KCCDocument??You submit ds260 4 months ago and you have alreads send to kcc your blooddocument without asking?
September 18, 2021 at 14:05
You simply have to wait.
September 17, 2021 at 17:19
hello Breton,
I am dv20, I am waiting for the programming of my interview, my question:
Can I sponsor (or take charge of) someone to study in Spain (this means signing an commitment with the Spanish Embassy)?
does it not influence my immigration procedures?
September 18, 2021 at 00:10
I don’t know.
September 17, 2021 at 14:22
Hi Brit, giving that there will be no class motion, does it mean that whatever the judge’s order will be it will only benefit the plaintiffs, or do we still have to wait for the prioritization on the order if there will be any?
September 17, 2021 at 14:25
We have to wait to see what the Judge orders.
September 15, 2021 at 12:04
hi sir ,
as of now in ASIAN Region almost 4,100 Visa Bulletin has been allocated for year 2022 DV winners.Oct – 1,400 & Nov 2,700 Total 4,100.
base on the current Visa Bulletin when can i expect my case ?
just to get an update on.My case no AS8k.
September 17, 2021 at 05:06
I won’t be predicting.
September 14, 2021 at 09:07
Hi Simon
I have been reading your blog and another forums for years, and now that I’m one of the selectees I have a tone of silly questions. My case numbers is 2022EU14xxx and I already sent the DS260 but as soon as I send it I started having doubts:
1- I have a bachelors degree and a masters degree and in highest education level I put “Other” and the I wrote “masters degree” on the space they put it to write, instead of university degree or Advanced degree. I don’t know why, I just didn’t see masters degree so I thought that other was correct, but now I think that’s not correct and I’m worried if that can make my visa being denied. Do I need to unlock the form to change it?
2- I’m going to another country on my honeymoon, a country I have never been before to, so do I have to unlock it to add it to the list when i come back?
3- to the question “have you ever been issued a us visa before? The ESTA is not a visa right ? It’s just an autorizathion I think. So the answer no it’s correct.
Thank you in advance for all the great work you do here and on Twitter. Thank you for helping all of us
September 17, 2021 at 04:27
1. It’s not a big deal.
2. No
3. ESTA is not a visa.
September 13, 2021 at 20:07
Hi britismon. Am a selectee from Africa Liberia there is any good news about the us Embassy interviewing dv applicants?
September 17, 2021 at 03:53
Not really. The best hope at this time are the lawsuits.
September 13, 2021 at 18:53
Thanks Simon! Fingers crossed for people to get their dqs and interviews scheduled! We could be around Dec. Yikes
September 13, 2021 at 18:19
Documentarly Qualified aka DQ,that is where the secret lies….Most shows that as of now they have processed ds 260 submitted by 14 May.This is a tricky and I may say KCC used that trick to slow down the process.If they are willing to issue more visa,they should be processed lower can number ds and asked those that are in Current and has submitted ds260 to send their docs…Yes,we may send the doc,but I am not sure if they are working on the docs submitted that i they have NOT request a selected winner to submit..That my thoughts I am be wrong tough.
September 13, 2021 at 17:29
Hi, hopefully we will all get 2NL. 2022EU26 **
September 13, 2021 at 17:21
Hi Brit,
My wife and I are DV2021 winners. She is the principal selectee. Today morning (Sept. 13th) we received a letter for an interview on Sept. 20th. The letter clearly states that we must obtain our visas prior to Sept. 30th. My wife is 38 weeks pregnant (she will be 39 weeks by time of the interview date), we have very short notice to do the medical exams and to travel to the interview location (Montreal) as we live in a different city (more than 5 hr. drive since we can not fly considering the pregnancy). Is there anything we could do to postpone the interview date past Sept. 30th (the due date)? What are our options?
September 17, 2021 at 03:15
Unless the lawsuit achieves a reservation order (which is not guaranteed), delaying past 9/30 would guarantee you would lose your chance.