I am seeing lots of confused people at the moment. People don’t seem to understand how the scheduling works and why cases don’t seem to be scheduled in a set order.
So let me try and capture everything here.
DS260 processing.
Not all DS260s are processed at the same speed. Cases can be different based on travel history, education or even something as simple as your name. For instance. If you have a name that appears on a terrorist list (by coincidence, we’ll assume), then your case will be flagged for additional name checks. Obvious right? The number one concern for the US is the safety of people here. Delay to your case is not a concern for them.
People don’t seem to understand why document processing could vary between cases.
It should be obvious that processing documents could also vary case to case. One case might be very simple, with a minimum of documents for a single selectee, that selectee was born and raised in a country with very reliable paperwork standards. Perhaps that person has no travel history so only needs one simple police certificate. All very simple.
Now contrast that with another case where there are several adult selectees (principal selectee plus adult derivatives). So that ios more documents. Maybe those documents have to have translations, or maybe the documents come from countries where documents are frequently fraudulent. That will add to the time. More police certs could cause the same thing.
Do you see? It’s nuts to think that all cases would take the same time to process.
Couple that with a very common occurrence that people don’t send the correct documents or make other mistakes and we can see delays. Of course it doesn’t help that KCC have set themselves up with no way to monitor or report the progress. If you fail to send a required document they generally don’t tell you what is missing. For this reason YOU need to be VERY careful to understand and follow the instructions. Quite simply, your Greencard DEPENDS on this. You will not be scheduled for interview if you get this step wrong, and you will have months of frustration trying to sort it out.
Is there an order in the way they process cases?
Next there is the sort of “weird” way they process. It really isn’t that weird but too many of you place importance on case number ordering without considering other factors. That is why you don’t see me tracking where they have got to in document request emails or whatever, because I know that is not a reliable measure. Some of you think it is cast in stone, and are confused when you hear about someone with a higher number than yours being “ready for scheduling” or scheduled before you.
So – does case number order play a part in processing. My answer – it does, sometimes.
What do I mean by “sometimes”. Well if KCC had only a few cases to process at any given stage, the case number ordering wouldn’t matter much. They could theoretically process any case number. In the early days after the results are published that would have been the case – and that meant that any case number might have been processed. However, if KCC has a backlog of work (like a pile of cases to work through) then they will process cases in an approximate, case number order, except that DS260s, and documents take different times to complete based on the individual case. Of course, it would be possible for KCC to handle all their work and remove the backlog – so again we could see high case numbers being asked for documents.
KCC resources
Now you have to remember that KCC seem to have stopped the majority of their operations over the last few months. They stopped answering the phone, they gave only very generic answers to emails, and don’t seem to have made much progress. So if you submitted your DS260 or documents at that time you are probably in a backlog of many such cases. In that scenario, people with higher case numbers might find themselves waiting for months. So – patience is called for.
The embassies
Remember not all the embassies will be working at the same level. Some will be almost fully open. Some will be open for most visa types including DVs. Some will be open, but won’t process DVs. Some will be fiully closed.
Then some embassies will use restrictions such as the Schengen area 14 day rule to not schedule cases. Other embassies will schedule the cases even though selectees are affected by the identical ban.
Some will accept some level of transfers, others won’t.
In short, every embassy is different, and they could all change from day to day. There are about 130 embassies and I am not even going to try and keep up with their current status.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: Does being asked for documents mean I will become current soon?
A1: No – you should not read anything into that.
Q2: Does receiving the reading for scheduling email mean I will get an interview if I am already current?
A2: Not necessarily because not all embassies are processing DV cases – so if your embassy is closed ( or open but not doing DV cases) you will not be scheduled.
Q3: Can I be scheduled before my case number is current?
A3: No. In no circumstances can that happen – even if you are a named plaintiff on some lawsuit.
Q4: I am current but I have not had my ready for scheduling email. Will I be scheduled?
A4: Probably not. If they have not cleared your documents you will not be scheduled. It is possible however that you missed the email, so that is why I say “probably”.
Q5: Does the case number order determine when in a month I will get scheduled, or will I always be scheduled before other people because I have a lower case number than them?
A5: No. Once two case numbers are both current and ready for scheduling, either one could be scheduled first. The case number doesn’t matter at that point.
Q6: Do people who were current in an earlier month (say October) go before people who were current in a later month (say November) OR do people who submitted their DS260/documents first get scheduled first?
A6: No. Once case numbers are current they are all the same. A case submitted a month ago could be scheduled before a case submitted 6 months ago if both cases are ready and current.
Q7: Something you said above (insert gripe here) seems unfair to me.
A7: Life isn’t fair sometimes.
Q8: I think they should do XXXX because it would be smarter / more efficient / fairer or whatever.
A8: Oh well. It is what it is.
I hope this helps. Please don’t ask me questions I already answered above.
April 11, 2021 at 03:39
Hello sir , i am a winner dv 21 i have already submit my ds260 and documents to kcc on December 2020,
My passport will be expired on august 2021, Please I want to know should I change my passport information and add the new one in DS form or no .
April 11, 2021 at 15:34
You could simply take the old and new passports to the interview.
April 3, 2021 at 22:17
Has anyone from Liberia received an interview letter? Has dv interview started at the US embassy located near Monrovia?
April 4, 2021 at 22:04
@Dave, I’m from Liberia as well and I also want to know coz my case has been current and I have received a “ready for scheduling email” but I have not received 2NL yet. I don’t know why
April 4, 2021 at 23:24
According to the Visa Appointment Wait Times
Monrovia is only doing Emergency Appointments
March 27, 2021 at 14:02
Dear MR Simon
l am a winner in the lottery of 2021 and my case number is 27k, and I have not received any letter from the Kentucky Center. Can I participate in the lawsuit that the lawyers will file? Thanks,
March 27, 2021 at 20:59
If you want.
March 22, 2021 at 02:19
Hola Sr Brit:
Estoy haciendo un AOS. Fui seleccionada DV2021.
Recibí una notificación donde me decían que mis huellas fueron “waived”. Eso es positivo o por el contrario negativo??
O será que pronto me programan para entrevista?
Muchas gracias
March 22, 2021 at 02:39
It’s good.
Questions in English.
March 19, 2021 at 04:48
Hi. Brit,
If one requests kcc to change their interview location:
1.will the be notified that it has been done or notified to edit the ds260.
2. Roughly how long would it take for kcc to head to the request.
Thank you.
March 19, 2021 at 21:37
1. They confirm by email.
2. Varies.
March 18, 2021 at 17:02
Hi Brit,
After submitting documents, I received this messages. But haven’t yet receive request to submit documents
“The Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) has received your email and is currently processing your documents. This email address, [email protected], is only used for applicants to provide the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) with documents required to continue processing Diversity Visa applications. [email protected] does not respond to inquiries. If you have any Diversity Visa related questions, please email [email protected] with your case number, complete name, and date of birth, as entered on your original entry.
Document processing generally takes 3-6 weeks. Please give us time to complete that process before sending questions about your application”
What is this mean?
March 19, 2021 at 04:16
It might mean you did noyt send the complete set of documents, or you sent them, but they are not processed yet. Wait a couple of weeks then ask KCC if they are satisfied.
March 18, 2021 at 07:41
Hi Brit,
Does it make sense to “preemptively” join chuck’s lawsuit? I am saying premptive because while my country is on his list (as eligible to join), I read here in the forum that this embassy actually scheduled at least one case of its about 50 selectees or so. My case number is high above EU35k.
Thank you!
March 19, 2021 at 04:00
It’s up to you. Can you afford the money – if so it won’t harm your chances.
March 17, 2021 at 19:07
Hello Brit
I am DV 2021 winner with case no 2021AS378 and still havent received 2NL
But 18 2NL have been already issued for my country people on 2nd march.
I just wanted to know in how many days difference KCC again Schedule interview or send 2NL ?
March 18, 2021 at 03:23
More 2NLs will be sent later this month.
March 17, 2021 at 12:30
Is there anyone here from Liberia ?? who has received his/her 2NL?
March 17, 2021 at 10:44
Hello Brit
I am dv 2021 winner and I have a new baby now, I have updated my da260 but my number is current now and now working on the baby’ Passport , should I submit my documents or wait for the baby passport
Thank you
March 18, 2021 at 03:13
Submit now using a parents passport number, then update the passport when you get it.
March 16, 2021 at 13:01
Hi Simon,
I’m EU8k so according to you embassy at France will not be scheduling interviews till the Schengen ban is lifted?
You think we have some hope? I’m sorry, I find it hard to follow the news and I just need direct answers!
March 17, 2021 at 03:05
All I can say is wait and see.
March 15, 2021 at 18:10
Hello BritSimon I would like to know that the tax statement is still valid for the DV winners of some countries such as the candidates of Mali, the gambia, Guinea Konackry and I could go on
Because I would have learned that with the financial assistance given by the American government to the American people prevents families or persons wishing to sponsor from not sponsoring DV candidates
What do you think of this situation of tax statement and affidavit of support
March 16, 2021 at 02:52
I have no idea what you are talking about.
March 15, 2021 at 09:18
Hello, sir , I am from ethiopia , I sent my document to kcc at March 03, 2021, inorder to make my interview around June (based on your advice. Case number in the range of AF 14k to 15k).kcc send a message with in a week as my case is ready for scheduling when my number is current and appointment is available . I am working at sea and I will finish my contrat in may 10,2021 thus I want to ask you those question.
1, how do I know the schedule time and my number is current?
2, could it be possible to postpone the interview , if I can not reach at the exact time?
Your answer helps me to decide to go home country by leaving my contrat job from ship. Thank you for your help
March 16, 2021 at 02:28
1. You will get an email once scheduled.
2. Your interview will not be in May – so you should not need to reschedule. You will have plenty of notice of the date.
March 15, 2021 at 09:13
Thanks for britsimon
March 14, 2021 at 05:26
Hello Mr Simon
If my passport expired after filled of DS260, what the formula of explanation should send with the documents? Pdf for example?
March 15, 2021 at 01:41
Use your judgement.
March 14, 2021 at 01:49
Hi Brit
today I resended the documents to kcc because I noticed errors in the previous translations of my police certificate
This is a delay in reviewing my case since I first sent it on October 29, 2020
case number2021EU119 **
March 13, 2021 at 20:27
Good day Simon,
The US embassy in Bulgaria are giving this two statements:
The First one is their answer to an e-mail question when the interviews for DV2021 will start and the Second one is official on their page.
1. Due to Covid 19 situation the consul department in Sofia is working with limited capacity and at the moment we can’t give a date when we will be able to start with the interviews for the DV2021. You have to wait and see if KCC will send you an e-mail if and when you interview will take place and the date.
2. Expansion of the Interview Waiver applications:
Holders of nonimmigrant B1/B2 or C1/D visas that expired within the last 48 months may now be eligible to apply for a new visa of the same category without appearing for visa interview. Previously, only those applicants whose nonimmigrant visa expired within 24 months were eligible for an interview waiver. This policy is in effect until December 31, 2021. For detailed information, please visit: http://ustraveldocs.com/bg/bg-niv-visarenew.asp.
Is this means that US embassy in Bulgaria won’t work properly until the end of 2021? And they won’t do any interview in Bulgaria this year?
In Romania, Macedonia and Ukraine have need scheduled interviews for April. My case number is actually very low. Do you think I can ask for a change of the location of the interview for another country?!
Thank you very much for your time. Much appreciated.
Kind regards,
Nick G
March 15, 2021 at 01:26
Wow they are using my “wait and see” catchphrase!!!!
As for your assumption of what it means – no it does NOT mean that.
March 15, 2021 at 08:26
Good day Simon, the mail was in Bulgarian, that is why I translated it in English and the way was written in Bulgarian was “you have to wait and see if KCC…”
Due to in Romania, Macedonia and Ukraine have been scheduled interviews for April already, should I ask for a change of the location of the interview for another country?!
Thank you very much for your time. Much appreciated.
March 16, 2021 at 02:24
If you want, you can ask KCC.
March 16, 2021 at 09:47
Thank you for your time and help
March 23, 2021 at 18:51
Good day Simon,
After I’ve watched you live Facebook, I got confused.
I don’t mind to pay this $1.5K, but Do I need to? Please advise me!
I’ve got confused if I’m ready for schedule do I need to join the lawsuit?!
My case number is very low and current since November. The last e-mail I received from KCC in august(2ndNL) was saying “ready to be scheduled”!
Is the Schengen restriction is the reason in Bulgaria are not scheduling interviews.
I’m from Bulgaria, as a know we are still not in Schengen, but maybe I am wrong, I am not 100% sure that Bulgaria is not in Schengen, but it is in Schengen proposal area for sure.
Thank you for your time!
Kind regards,
March 24, 2021 at 05:48
Your case is ready for scheduling and not Schengen. However, I don’t know if Bulgaria is accepting interviews. So you must decide whether to join the lawsuit just in case.
March 13, 2021 at 16:44
Hi Brit
I am from Iran and my number is current. I asked KCC about my case and they said:
“Records indicate you have submitted a complete and valid DS-260 application for each family member, and you have provided all required documentation to the Kentucky Consular Center. Interviews are scheduled numerically based on case numbers that have completed processing. ”
However, A month has passed and I have not gotten an Interview appointment. I chose Turkey since we don’t have an embassy in Iran. I emailed the embassy and no response. What do u think I should do?
March 14, 2021 at 23:05
Just wait a couple of weeks.
March 13, 2021 at 11:33
Does Submitting Supporting Docs WithOut Getting An Email From Kcc To Submite It Have A Chance THe Case To Be Processed Fastly Mr
Thanks With Best Regard
March 14, 2021 at 22:54
We will see.
March 12, 2021 at 20:58
Dear Brit,
I sent an email to US Embassy Nairobi recently asking them when they will begin scheduling DV 2021 interviews. This was their response.
“Thank you for your email.
Please note that the Embassy is yet to receive cases for DV2021.
Please contact Kentucky Consular Center for information regarding DV2021.
Customer Representative 4
Immigrant Visa Unit
Does that mean the embassy is only waiting for KCC or they are just not ready for DV2021?
March 13, 2021 at 04:12
I don’t know.
March 12, 2021 at 18:23
Hi. We have just crossed the USA border and got an LPR status but we haven’t paid the Green Card fee. Can we pay it online right away or do we have to await the notice requesting payment? Also will this notice arrive by mail or email?
March 13, 2021 at 03:57
You don’t need to wait for the notice. Congratulations!
March 12, 2021 at 18:12
Hello sir,
since the visa bulletin of April has been published does this mean that the embassies will start scheduling interviews for May next week ?
March 13, 2021 at 03:57
March 12, 2021 at 17:57
Hello brother Britsimon! One issue:
1. I have filled DV 2021 without Passport. Fortunately, I won that. And I get new passport and I have sent my DS260 with this new passport. So, May it will have a problem that will have on my interview? Thank you!
March 13, 2021 at 03:56
Yes you will probably have a problem because it sounds like you were not entitled to claim to be exempt from the passport requirement. I’m not even sure you will get to the interview because KCC will want proof of your justification of exemption.
March 12, 2021 at 09:24
Dear Sir,
I’m the winner of DV2021AS36K , I have already submitted my DV260 on last October , as preparation I need to ready my police certificate , regarding that I have to clarify that I worked in Saudi Arabia in 2002 to 2004 under work visa, I mentioned it on my DV260 as working experience, in that case am I have to get police clearance from Saudi Arabia or not , it is very difficult to get it as I am now in Sri Lanka. ( I have obtained recommendation letter from that company, is it enough or is it compulsory to get the police certificate from them? pls advise ,
March 13, 2021 at 03:42
Read the instructions and reciprocity pages.
March 12, 2021 at 07:33
hello birtsimon. i want to ask some information. i heard some information in our country that , marrying after interview but before entering USA is not good thing, its illegal because the visa is given as single so the better thing is to get in USA and getting the green card and then come back to the country and marry then file for marriage green card. can u please make this issue clear for me?? kindly asking please what is better to do … and i forget , they also give us info that it is possible to tell on interview that you are engaged and have fiancé and planning to get married after u go America …so that they will have the information when . please brit help us kindly asking
March 13, 2021 at 03:39
It’s not illegal at all, but of course it is better to marry well before the interview.
March 12, 2021 at 04:59
First of all, thank you for your great work. I have been following your blog for several months now and found it very informative.
Charles Kuck has announced in his twitter (https://twitter.com/ckuck/status/1369822132373454857) that they are about to start another litigation. Do you found it reasonable for someone with high case number – EU33xxx – to join?
Thanks you in advance!
March 13, 2021 at 03:37
I don’t know. Look out for updates over the coming days.
March 12, 2021 at 04:18
Hello Mr Simon.Please, my cse number is AF21xxx.I sent my documents without received email from kcc to request them on december.At the beginning of March, I got again an email for KCC to request my supporting documents.What does it mean.Should I send them again.Thank you
March 13, 2021 at 03:37
Yes, send them again, but check them very carefully, it sounds like you are missing something.
March 12, 2021 at 03:33
Hello Brit,
I am a DV2021 selectee with case number AS7XXX. I have submitted my DS-260 form for myself and my family in June, and received email to send documents in Sep from KCC. I sent all required documents. I emailed once to KCC to confirm whether they received docs and if anything is missing. I got the email that they processed my DS 260 form and nothing about documents. As I understood, I’ll be current in April. Please advise, do I need to send documents again or should I wait. There are 4 of us in my family, and I thought maybe it takes time to process our documents.
Thank you in advance.
March 13, 2021 at 03:28
Wait a couple of weeks, then Ask them specifically about the documents.
March 12, 2021 at 00:43
Hello Sir,
Thank you for your support in this journey. I have a similar question as Eleonora. Our CN is AFxxxxx7xx which is already current. We have also received ready for interview scheduling letter. US Embassy in Kenya ?? where we chose as our interview location has not resumed DV visa interviews. Is it advisable to request KCC to change our interview location to Oman where we are currently or should we wait?
March 13, 2021 at 03:24
You might be able to change if you ask them immediately.
March 12, 2021 at 00:16
Hi Brit.
Thanks for your efforts. Much appreciated.
I’m 2021AS17k and received document request email and submitted since Christmas. I wonder how can a high case number like me get requested for further documents while some other lower AS cases didn’t even get the document email yet?
March 13, 2021 at 03:19
Timing. Simplicity of the cases.
March 11, 2021 at 22:55
Hi brit,
My cn is AF 35k from egypt i submitted my ds in July can i send my documents now or wait until i receive a documents request email?
March 13, 2021 at 03:18
You can do either. Submit now, or wait to be asked. You can decide.
March 11, 2021 at 21:24
Hello Brit
I am a DV2021 selectee. My residency is in Italy and my case number is 37xxx. I am currently based in Australia – do you think it could be beneficial to change my interview location (now set in Naples, Italy) to Sydney, to avoid Schengen delays? If that’s the case, should I wait until my cn becomes current? Cheers
March 11, 2021 at 21:42
You could do, but since your case number is so high you may not get an interview anyway, and if you do it would not be for months from now.
March 12, 2021 at 10:04
Hello,Thank you for your Support.
My CN is eu37000 also and I want to know , is it important to sent my documents? or my CN is too high and I need to wait?
March 13, 2021 at 03:45
Your case is very high, and waiting won’t cause any further delay.
March 12, 2021 at 18:04
Hey Eleonora, Italian here. Similar situation and 37k cn. Happy to connect if you like (hit me up on FB if you like, Alberto Furlan – beach pic background). Cheers.
March 12, 2021 at 21:08
Hi Alberto, what’s your city? Or what’s another detail in the pic? Not sure to pick the right one
March 19, 2021 at 12:43
Beach pic on the background. Head shot wearing sunglasses, black t-shirt. Home city Padova. 😉
March 11, 2021 at 20:57
Brit a cousin of mine received 2nls today his CN 2021OC172 and mine is 2021OC162 should i email or call kcc coz i recieved my ready email in august 2020 my cousin also forward me his 2nls today.
Should i wait again for a while or contact them?
Thanks so much for everything you’ve done
March 11, 2021 at 21:40
Just wait.
March 11, 2021 at 19:52
Hi brit
hope you doing well .
Is this below correct ?
WASHINGTON – Most U.S. visa applicants who were denied because of former President Donald Trump’s travel ban on 13 mostly Muslim-majority and African countries can seek new decisions or submit new applications, the State Department said on Monday.
if so , how do i submit new application ,..
i am 2019 DV lottery winner
Thanks in advance
March 11, 2021 at 21:36
No. The report by the government singled DV cases saying they could not be reopened. So – for DV2017 to dv2019 cases denied because of the Muslim ban, there is probably not much more that can be done.
March 11, 2021 at 16:51
Do you think that will be a cut off in egypt, if the answer is yes, what is the highest case number for the last Visa bulletin for egypt?
Second question about my case number 37k AF for egypt, do you think there is a chance?
March 11, 2021 at 20:19
I have no predictions.
March 11, 2021 at 16:08
Hi Brit,
Regarding for the documents which asked by KCC,, need any Certificate Authentication from foreign affairs or ((the embassy which the document issued from the original country of this embassy)) for police clearance , Court record and brith certificate ?
March 11, 2021 at 20:16
The document requirements are fully detailed (by country) in the reciprocity pages. Look there.
March 12, 2021 at 09:39
For Jordan documents need to notarize the certificate at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
March 13, 2021 at 03:44
What does it say in the reciprocity page?
March 13, 2021 at 06:42
Like below, but I saw it’s for non immigrant, it’s mentioned for immigrant or for lottery as l saw
Certificate of Non-Conviction
Fees: Six Jordanian Dinars
Document Name: Certificate of Non-Conviction
Issuing Authority: Ministry of Justice
Special Seal(s) / Color / Format: The document is issued online and can be downloaded in PDF format. To apply or search for the document, go to https://ncrc.moj.gov.jo/default.aspx then enter the required information under the Search Requests tab:
Reference Number: listed on the document
Nationality: listed on the document
National number (for Jordanian citizens only) or Document number (for non-Jordanian citizens): listed on the document
Issuing Authority Personnel Title: Ministry of Justice
Registration Criteria: Adults over the age of 16
Procedure for Obtaining: Applications to obtain the certificate can be submitted online through this link: https://ncrc.moj.gov.jo/default.aspx.
Certified Copies Available: Certified copies are available.
Alternate Documents: There are no alternate documents.
Exceptions: None
Comments: Available to current and former residents of Jordanian citizens and foreigners regardless of the nationality or the length of stay.
Police Certificates
March 13, 2021 at 08:23
I didn’t see notarize the certificate at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
It’s for immigrant visa and non immigrant visa as well?
Thanks in advance
March 14, 2021 at 22:43
Really – you can see the instructions as well as I can.
March 11, 2021 at 14:41
Dear Brit,
My case number is 2021AS71XX. I am from Afghanistan living in Turkey with residence permit. There are two changes since I submitted the DS-260.
1. My wife has started a job as a nanny and her residence permit has changed to work permit.
2. My friend in California (a US permanent resident) whose address I had given for my PR has since moved to Afghanistan. I have another friend in California whose address I can give.
My question is should I unlock my DS-260 to edit these changes? Or should I mention these in the interview?
March 11, 2021 at 20:13
You can make these changes at the interview.
April 2, 2021 at 17:45
Hi Brit I am in AF2021 and have never received a message from the kCC and my case is 43xxx what should I do ??
April 3, 2021 at 21:59
Have you submitted the DS260? Have you sent the documents? Be less vague!
March 11, 2021 at 12:40
Hello, any winner here from Cameroon? Hello Brit, so, right after the ban was lifted, I contacted our embassy here in Yaounde, to find out when they plan to resume interviews since the ban is off. This is their response. I think things are finally moving around for good.
“Greetings from the U.S. Embassy in Yaoundé. Congratulations on winning the DV Lottery! Immigration to the United States is governed by the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) and applicable federal regulations. Your DV case is at the Department of State, Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) awaiting the availability of an interview date.
After the DV winner has been scheduled for an interview with our office, KCC will forward the file to us for visa processing. KCC will advise you of the date and time of the interview that has been scheduled. Please email us back immediately if you did not play the DV Lottery with your legal spouse and/or all your biological children (even if they are not traveling), as this will affect your visa case and interview timing. You will find additional information about KCC and preparation for visa interviews on http://Travel.State.Gov, under Immigrate. More information about KCC and the DV process is also available online at http://dvprogram.state.gov. You can check our website for our operating status or any new information for visa applicants. Thank you for your patience and cooperation in these challenging times”
I’v checked the embassy’s website and they have update the information concerning the ban:
“As of February 25, 2021, the United States Embassy in Cameroon is providing immigrant visa services for all categories of immigrant visas as well as certain nonimmigrant visas, including F1, M1, and J1 visa classes not subject to Presidential Proclamation 10052, and E, I, O, P, and K1 fiancé visas. Interviews for all other nonimmigrant visa categories, including B1/B2, remain suspended. The U.S. Embassy in Cameroon will continue to provide emergency and mission-critical visa service for urgent humanitarian, medical, and business travel.
The embassy will notify DV 2021 applicants once their interview has been scheduled according to local conditions.”
March 11, 2021 at 20:09
Yes – that’s sounding positive.
April 12, 2021 at 05:37
Hi guys anyone from Cameroon here , plse send me a list of documents to be submitted I have not received any email yet but my case is current
March 11, 2021 at 01:26
Buenas noches estimado, mi caso es 2021SA6xx ya esta actualizado hace varios meses me respondieron que mis documentos estaban procesados y listo para programar. La consulta es deberia enviarle un mail a la embajada (en mi caso es la de buenos aires) y al KCC para ver en que estatus estaria mi caso??
March 11, 2021 at 05:29
You can do that, yes.
Post questions in English please.
March 10, 2021 at 21:32
Birt I have written to KCC on many occasions and lately they reply to me with this email
Thank you for your inquiry.
Your DS-260 has been processed. You should have received, or will soon receive, an email from the Kentucky Consular Center giving you instructions to complete in order for your case to continue processing. Please follow the instructions in the email. Interviews are scheduled numerically based on case numbers that have completed processing. Please refer to the visa bulletin at travel.state.gov to locate the current numbers being processed. This bulletin is updated after the 15th day of each month. Once an interview date has been scheduled, you will receive notification via email to check dvlottery.state.gov. I SENT MY DOCUMENTS FROM NOVEMBER 2, 2020 AFTER THEY WILL SOLO ME IT AND THEN ON DECEMBER 3 BY MY OWN ACCOUNT. WHAT DOES KCC MEAN WITH THIS MAIL? SHOULD I SEND AGAIN?
March 11, 2021 at 05:24
They don’t have your documents
they have them but the documents are incorrect or incomplete
they haven’t got to your documents yet and aren’t prioritizing your documents because your case number is high.
March 10, 2021 at 17:39
Hi Mr. Simon,
I’m a 2021 DV selectee with a case # of AF8K. I tried making inquiries about my case, this was what I got through my email from KCC.
Thank you for your inquiry.
Your case number is now current for interview processing. Once the interview date has been scheduled, you will receive notification via email to check https://dvlottery.state.gov. If you need to make changes to your DS-260 you should contact the consular section where you will be interviewed, or bring the information about your changes to your interview appointment. Because your case is ready to be scheduled, KCC can no longer unlock your application.
What does this actually imply?
March 11, 2021 at 04:26
As described in the FAQ, it means you will be scheduled very soon.
March 10, 2021 at 14:49
Dear Brit, thanks a lot for your help and support. A friend of mine is a DV20 winner who was now allowed to do his activating trip to the U.S. (he still has a valid visa until the end of March). He arrived last week and was able to enter the U.S. But unfortunately, his fingerprints were not taken as part of the immigration process. Do you know if this could be a problem of if there is no longer a need to have his fingerprints taken when doing the activation of the Green Card? Thanks a lot for your help.
March 11, 2021 at 04:20
They normally take the biometrics, but as long as they took the brown package, that is fine.
March 11, 2021 at 07:30
Thanks a lot 🙂
March 10, 2021 at 11:37
Pls if anyone from Ghana receives 2NL he\she should kindly post here for me
March 10, 2021 at 11:39
I’m AF2*** and have submitted all documents awaiting interview now
March 10, 2021 at 13:19
Hi Austin. Private text me on whatsup 0027784865871
March 13, 2021 at 22:37
Has anyone received email requesting for documents in Liberia?
March 28, 2021 at 21:42
Yes I have. Case number AF16xxx. Got the email on Jan 5th.
March 9, 2021 at 23:55
Heyy Brit
Does a DV-3 consider a previous visa ?
I cant find that type of visa in the question asking about the previous US visas in The DS260?
What should i answer
Yes or No ?
March 10, 2021 at 03:16
March 9, 2021 at 18:25
Hello sir,
Am a dv2021 winner, ds260 sent already. My wife is a dv2020 visa holder and she’s now on her way to USA. I’ll like to know if I should send her ds260 or not?
Did her ds260 cause a delay on my case?
March 9, 2021 at 15:26
Does Dakar US embassy schedule dv interviews now?
March 10, 2021 at 03:00
I don’t know.
March 9, 2021 at 13:36
Has any one received 2NL or any update from U.S Embassy in UAE?
March 9, 2021 at 10:09
Can you possibly just paste the subject or any excerpt from the email body / subject of the email from KCC requesting scanned documents? I want to make sure I keep searching for that phrase / words in my gmail because I get so many emails and I am worried I may miss the important email from KCC. Thanks in advance.
March 10, 2021 at 02:52
I have an article on that. Please take a look at my recent articles.
March 9, 2021 at 08:35
Hi Simon,
One of my friend who lives in Cambodia just got email for interview date, but the status of his DV in https://ceac.state.gov/CEACStatTracker/Status.aspx?App=IV still shows as In Transit. He got the email last week and his interview date is April 13th. His case number 2021AS4XXX. What is the next status after In Transit? And how long does it take to change the status?
March 9, 2021 at 10:43
Hello Ly, When did your friend got his “Ready email” from KCC? Thank you.
March 10, 2021 at 02:30
He got it last week.
March 10, 2021 at 15:48
So he got the “ready for scheduling” email and 2NL in the same week?
March 10, 2021 at 02:49
It’s in the FASQ. It will become ready when the embassy updates CEAC.
March 9, 2021 at 04:32
As you know I’m from Iran and Iran is one of the countries that has a geographic ban now
But Iran doesn’t have an embassy and our interviews are in Turkey, UAE and Armenia.
and we can go to these countries 14 days before interview if required.
Does this situation make a problem?
March 9, 2021 at 04:51
They might allow that.