Hello Simon. I submitted my DS- 260 but I fear that I made some mistakes:
. Do you have documentation to establish that you have received vaccinations in accordance with U.S laws? My Answer was YES
. Do you seek to enter the United States for purpose of performing skilled or unskilled labor but have not yet been certified by the Secretary of Labor? My Answer was No
I need your advice. I am from Africa, DV winner 2025, case number 29xxx
Hi Brits!
If an embassy is slow in scheduling interviews for cases that are current, what possible steps should the applicant take to ensure they are interviewed?
Hi Brit,
Is this normal, I’m OC2689 for AUK embassy (submitted 260 back in May 2023 its all processed) i can see on the link above that OC2692 for AUK embassy received their 2NL Aug 5th. Why have they rewarded a higher case number before ours? Gutted we have missed out but anything i should learn for next time?
Thank you!!
I am dv 2024 winner my case AF66k my interview location is Riyadh Saudi Arabia do you think Riyadh embassy can reach 66k or should i do transfer
Thank you
Hi Simon,
First of all thanks for all the effort you put in this. It’s been really helpful.
My case number is EU34xxx and my Embassy is Athens , GR. I understand that my case will be near the cutoff and I will need to wait until last minute to find out if I ‘ll make it. I would really appreciate it if you could help me with the following questions:
1. Based on you analysis we ‘re probably looking at a higher cutoff than last year (i.e. >32000). Isn’t it worrisome that Feb’s cutoff this year (13,500) is lower than the corresponding of last year (15,000)?
2. Could shed some light on the final steps of the process? Let’s say I get an interview mid September. What other steps need to be completed by the end of the FY before I actually get my visa and be able to migrate to the US.
3. Can my dependent(wife, also Greek) forfeit their GC now and join me at a later date through family sponsorship? Our baby daughter is already an US citizen by birth so I don’t think she will be included in the process and can stay with her mother.
4. I think Athens hasn’t processed any visas yet which might make sense since the number of selectees is low (66). Do you have any reason to believe that it would be better to transfer my interview location to Bern,CH ? I might be able to do this because my wife and daughter are permanent residents there.
Thanks in advance for your time and responses here. Happy 2024!
1. Not especially.
2. The visas are usually issued a few days after the interview. No need to worry about other steps.
3. There is no “forfeit” of something she doesn’t have. Can you sponsor her later – yes, but it will take years.
4. Either embassy is fine.
BritSimon, I had done interview in December 2023 for dv lottery 2024 and I was given 221g letter under AP so when I checked my CEAC data status, it is reflected with “READY”.
What does it mean or is it good/bad sign?
I’ve a concerns, what about countries with smaller numbers of selectee in the diversity visa program like Liberia, where there was 1221 peoples selected for dv-2024, but some of them with high case number around the range of AF-72522 does this also main there number or cases are too hard to be schedule though they’re from a very smaller embassy with good performance?
High case numbers are at risk assuming the whole region behaves well. Individuals of a particular country are still in the region, no processing is by country.
Dear Britt, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
What do you think about 38*** EU ( Russia?
There are 15671 cases before and 6834 after you in the EU region.
Dear Britt, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Wishing you and your relatives good health and prosperity. Thak you for all what you are doing for the people! DV lottery 2024 CN 36k (Russia). Me and my husband completed DS-260 forms last year in May. In September my husband went to France to study on the post-grad program. I’m currently in Russia and he is in France (I have a short stay visa of France, but not allowed to stay for more than 90 days out of 180, he has temporary resident permit). We chose Warsaw embassy in DS-260. The questions are:
– should he open DS-260 and add some information about husband’s current residence?
– Are we allowed to move our case to Paris (I’m a primary applicant have only short-stay visa)?
– Vaccination rules differ between US and Russia and some vaccinees (as for COVID ones) were never available in Russia, but we have done all vaccines in full according to the Russian requirements. Should we retake vaccines in Europe before taking medical test? (I’m planning to take medical test in Moscow, Russia and my husband in Poland, Warsaw).
best regards, Sofi
You can choose between Paris and Warsaw. To choose Paris you would update the address for both of you. Warsaw will be more used to handling Russian cases.
The physicians understand what is available regarding vaccines, although if you say you are in Paris they would probably expect you to have taken the shot locally (and would expect you both to have medicals in France). There may be an exception for the medical to be performed in Russia when interviewing in Poland, but typically medicals are performed in the country of interview.
Hi Brit, thanks for the information. I would appreciate your view regarding the performance of the Lusaka Embassy in Zambia. My case number is AF35K. In your latest YouTube video on your channel, you did highlight the performance of Africa in general but I did not capture about Lusaka in Zambia.
Hi Simon!
Just and FYI: in EU the first case drop-off (or a cliff) are Uzbekistan cases which go up to 17k. Uzbekistan also has a pretty harsh “except” cut-off both in DV23 and DV24.
Russian cases go up to at least 45k. On Russian chats we’ve never encountered a case higher than 45k as of yet.
Bearing that in mind, does EU24k from Russia sound risky to you?
With that in mind 24K Russia should be safe (as being only halfway through the Russian range, and lower than the regional cutoff). EU analysis coming soon to explain more.
Great video and content, you are being super helpful for the DV community!
After release of CEAC data I still don’t know howto evaluate my chances for EU342** (Russia, consulate will be either Tokyo or Taipei)
According to CEAC data:
There are 14502 cases before and 8003 after you in the EU region. That yields approximately 32322 people before and 17837 after you.
Do you think there is a chance to get 2NL for August/September in such case?
Hello and thanks for the informative posts. My case number is EU 55xxx and there’s 44k people in front of me according to xarthisius. So my chances are slim at best. Should I completely forget about getting a GC and move on?
Thanks. What’s the latest i can leave it to file the application form? I presume I want to avoid filing it if I won’t have a chance, as it can count against you if you apply for nonimmigrant visa, but I also don’t want to leave it as late as, say, August?
Hi Simon, happy New year. Please is case number af 59k safe, embassy is Yaounde Cameroon. Base on ceac data There are 21344 cases before and 11798 after you in the AF region. That yields approximately 35439 people before and 19589 after you.
Hi, According to xarthisius website there are 7992 cases before and 5980 after me in the AS region but I am not sure how I convert this data into the probability of me getting an interview. How can I determine that? thanks
Hi Brit,
Happy new year,,
What do you think about 2024AS14*** from Iran?
I changed my address to Canada so I changed the location of interview to Montreal.
I dont understand what do you exactly mean?
I am a canadian citizen born in iran,,
My son is a canadian citizen born in canada,
My wife is an iranian citizen born in iran but has residency of canada through me,,
-Do you think they will ask for more documents at the interview?
-will we have the chance to be scheduled for an interview and when do you think it will be?
As an Iranian you can expect to experience delays after the interview. Those delays can last months, and sometimes mean that cases cannot be cleared in time before the end of the year (September 30th). That is why only 1100 Iranians got their visas last year out of 5500 selected.
I don’t know when you will be scheduled and yes they may ask for some additional documents.
December 29, 2024 at 09:16
Hello Simon. I submitted my DS- 260 but I fear that I made some mistakes:
. Do you have documentation to establish that you have received vaccinations in accordance with U.S laws? My Answer was YES
. Do you seek to enter the United States for purpose of performing skilled or unskilled labor but have not yet been certified by the Secretary of Labor? My Answer was No
I need your advice. I am from Africa, DV winner 2025, case number 29xxx
December 29, 2024 at 15:53
I would have reversed both those answers, but neither answer will cause a problem. No need to change anything.
November 16, 2024 at 02:58
Hi Brits!
If an embassy is slow in scheduling interviews for cases that are current, what possible steps should the applicant take to ensure they are interviewed?
November 16, 2024 at 09:40
A person should consider moving their case to another country
October 13, 2024 at 16:18
Hey Brit I need your help I won the dv 2025 cas number 43***. Do u think I stand a chance for an interview already submitted the ds260 in may 2024
October 13, 2024 at 16:26
Your number is meaningless without a region.
August 27, 2024 at 19:55
Hi Brit,
Is this normal, I’m OC2689 for AUK embassy (submitted 260 back in May 2023 its all processed) i can see on the link above that OC2692 for AUK embassy received their 2NL Aug 5th. Why have they rewarded a higher case number before ours? Gutted we have missed out but anything i should learn for next time?
Thank you!!
August 27, 2024 at 23:23
I can’t see any justification for that. It’s clearly unfair.
August 9, 2024 at 14:26
I’m refugee in Egypt & i win DV lottery 2024 my case number is 104*** is possible to win under UNHCR to DV lottery
August 9, 2024 at 14:51
It was possible, but it is likely that you would not be scheduled for an interview if you are not already scheduled. Time is running out.
July 25, 2024 at 11:43
I am a DV winner of2023 and my case number 2024as 10.82k . i will get my 2nl or not ?
July 25, 2024 at 12:14
DV2023 is finished.
July 12, 2024 at 11:32
Hi Brit,
I am a winner of the DV 2024 and my case number is AF114509. Now that Africa have gone current, do i stand a chance of getting an interview.
July 12, 2024 at 12:00
It depends on your embassy
May 30, 2024 at 01:00
I am dv 2024 winner my case AF66k my interview location is Riyadh Saudi Arabia do you think Riyadh embassy can reach 66k or should i do transfer
Thank you
May 30, 2024 at 09:44
You must decide for yourself.
June 19, 2024 at 09:02
heye brite iame dv2023winner my case no AF27kf from ethiopia what doesnt? it is good /bad sign? or i have apatient? plese give me the ansewer
June 19, 2024 at 21:37
2023 is finished.
May 19, 2024 at 23:09
Hey brit
Case number AF82k from somalia what do think, i chose mumbai embassy to be Interviewed
May 20, 2024 at 07:04
No year…
January 8, 2024 at 14:50
Hi Simon,
First of all thanks for all the effort you put in this. It’s been really helpful.
My case number is EU34xxx and my Embassy is Athens , GR. I understand that my case will be near the cutoff and I will need to wait until last minute to find out if I ‘ll make it. I would really appreciate it if you could help me with the following questions:
1. Based on you analysis we ‘re probably looking at a higher cutoff than last year (i.e. >32000). Isn’t it worrisome that Feb’s cutoff this year (13,500) is lower than the corresponding of last year (15,000)?
2. Could shed some light on the final steps of the process? Let’s say I get an interview mid September. What other steps need to be completed by the end of the FY before I actually get my visa and be able to migrate to the US.
3. Can my dependent(wife, also Greek) forfeit their GC now and join me at a later date through family sponsorship? Our baby daughter is already an US citizen by birth so I don’t think she will be included in the process and can stay with her mother.
4. I think Athens hasn’t processed any visas yet which might make sense since the number of selectees is low (66). Do you have any reason to believe that it would be better to transfer my interview location to Bern,CH ? I might be able to do this because my wife and daughter are permanent residents there.
Thanks in advance for your time and responses here. Happy 2024!
January 8, 2024 at 17:10
1. Not especially.
2. The visas are usually issued a few days after the interview. No need to worry about other steps.
3. There is no “forfeit” of something she doesn’t have. Can you sponsor her later – yes, but it will take years.
4. Either embassy is fine.
January 5, 2024 at 08:52
BritSimon, I had done interview in December 2023 for dv lottery 2024 and I was given 221g letter under AP so when I checked my CEAC data status, it is reflected with “READY”.
What does it mean or is it good/bad sign?
January 5, 2024 at 08:56
It’s not necessarily good or bad. Just be patient.
January 3, 2024 at 15:54
I’m af 98k from Zimbabwe. Are there chances to be scheduled for interview
January 3, 2024 at 22:53
Very very low. Almost no chance.
January 3, 2024 at 05:52
hi brit im 65xxx cs in EU do you think i got a chance
January 3, 2024 at 09:11
Realistically, no.
January 2, 2024 at 18:32
Hello. What do you think about EU25xxx? It is safe number?
January 3, 2024 at 09:02
I will look at EU data and publish a video later today.
January 2, 2024 at 16:39
Hello Simon, could you give any suggestion for AS363**
January 2, 2024 at 16:54
January 2, 2024 at 15:29
I’ve a concerns, what about countries with smaller numbers of selectee in the diversity visa program like Liberia, where there was 1221 peoples selected for dv-2024, but some of them with high case number around the range of AF-72522 does this also main there number or cases are too hard to be schedule though they’re from a very smaller embassy with good performance?
January 2, 2024 at 16:10
High case numbers are at risk assuming the whole region behaves well. Individuals of a particular country are still in the region, no processing is by country.
January 2, 2024 at 11:46
Greetings Brit.
Am AF 59k Cameroon.
Do I have a chance to be scheduled?
January 2, 2024 at 14:11
January 2, 2024 at 11:27
Dear Britt, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
What do you think about 38*** EU ( Russia?
There are 15671 cases before and 6834 after you in the EU region.
January 2, 2024 at 14:09
I’ll be creating a video on EU in the next couple of days.
January 2, 2024 at 10:56
How about as39***?
January 2, 2024 at 14:05
Obviously risky.
May 18, 2024 at 21:54
how about as37***
May 18, 2024 at 22:38
No year, no idea.
January 2, 2024 at 08:45
Hi Brit,
Happy new year.
What do you think about 2024SA50** from Ecuador?
January 2, 2024 at 10:28
January 2, 2024 at 08:33
Dear Britt, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Wishing you and your relatives good health and prosperity. Thak you for all what you are doing for the people! DV lottery 2024 CN 36k (Russia). Me and my husband completed DS-260 forms last year in May. In September my husband went to France to study on the post-grad program. I’m currently in Russia and he is in France (I have a short stay visa of France, but not allowed to stay for more than 90 days out of 180, he has temporary resident permit). We chose Warsaw embassy in DS-260. The questions are:
– should he open DS-260 and add some information about husband’s current residence?
– Are we allowed to move our case to Paris (I’m a primary applicant have only short-stay visa)?
– Vaccination rules differ between US and Russia and some vaccinees (as for COVID ones) were never available in Russia, but we have done all vaccines in full according to the Russian requirements. Should we retake vaccines in Europe before taking medical test? (I’m planning to take medical test in Moscow, Russia and my husband in Poland, Warsaw).
best regards, Sofi
January 2, 2024 at 10:27
You can choose between Paris and Warsaw. To choose Paris you would update the address for both of you. Warsaw will be more used to handling Russian cases.
The physicians understand what is available regarding vaccines, although if you say you are in Paris they would probably expect you to have taken the shot locally (and would expect you both to have medicals in France). There may be an exception for the medical to be performed in Russia when interviewing in Poland, but typically medicals are performed in the country of interview.
January 2, 2024 at 07:54
your opinion AND VUE AND VISION AND ANALYSIS in this dv24
January 2, 2024 at 10:19
There is some risk at that number range.
January 2, 2024 at 05:26
Hi, Brit.
Am from Liberia with case number AF72522, do I have any chance of being schedules for interviews?
January 2, 2024 at 10:14
You have some risk.
January 2, 2024 at 05:21
Am from Liberia with case number AF72522
January 2, 2024 at 04:28
Hi Brit, thanks for the information. I would appreciate your view regarding the performance of the Lusaka Embassy in Zambia. My case number is AF35K. In your latest YouTube video on your channel, you did highlight the performance of Africa in general but I did not capture about Lusaka in Zambia.
January 2, 2024 at 10:14
I won’t be doing embassy specific requests but you can see the data to check on your own embassy.
January 2, 2024 at 03:57
Hi Simon!
Just and FYI: in EU the first case drop-off (or a cliff) are Uzbekistan cases which go up to 17k. Uzbekistan also has a pretty harsh “except” cut-off both in DV23 and DV24.
Russian cases go up to at least 45k. On Russian chats we’ve never encountered a case higher than 45k as of yet.
Bearing that in mind, does EU24k from Russia sound risky to you?
January 2, 2024 at 10:13
Thanks that is helpful.
With that in mind 24K Russia should be safe (as being only halfway through the Russian range, and lower than the regional cutoff). EU analysis coming soon to explain more.
January 1, 2024 at 17:43
Hi Simon my case number is 19**. According to Cecac data, there are 830 cases before and 1289 after in the oc region. Is it safe ?
January 1, 2024 at 18:11
Look.out for my analysis in the next few days.
January 1, 2024 at 17:14
Hi Simon
Great video and content, you are being super helpful for the DV community!
After release of CEAC data I still don’t know howto evaluate my chances for EU342** (Russia, consulate will be either Tokyo or Taipei)
According to CEAC data:
There are 14502 cases before and 8003 after you in the EU region. That yields approximately 32322 people before and 17837 after you.
Do you think there is a chance to get 2NL for August/September in such case?
January 1, 2024 at 18:09
I haven’t studied the data yet, and plan to publish a video about chances once I have done so.
January 1, 2024 at 15:24
Hello and thanks for the informative posts. My case number is EU 55xxx and there’s 44k people in front of me according to xarthisius. So my chances are slim at best. Should I completely forget about getting a GC and move on?
January 1, 2024 at 16:23
Hi Simon how should I feel about OC13xx?
January 1, 2024 at 16:59
January 1, 2024 at 17:00
That is up to you.
January 2, 2024 at 08:02
Thanks. What’s the latest i can leave it to file the application form? I presume I want to avoid filing it if I won’t have a chance, as it can count against you if you apply for nonimmigrant visa, but I also don’t want to leave it as late as, say, August?
January 2, 2024 at 10:22
Did you not understand the word “fine”? Your number will be current.
No one should file after about May.
January 1, 2024 at 14:51
Hi Simon happy new year
CN Af30***2024
When do you think my interview will fall( probably)
How do I check my case status from ceac thanks
January 1, 2024 at 17:01
Your status will be NVC until you get the 2nl. I do t know when that will be as it could depend on the embassy
January 1, 2024 at 13:58
Hi Simon, happy New year. Please is case number af 59k safe, embassy is Yaounde Cameroon. Base on ceac data There are 21344 cases before and 11798 after you in the AF region. That yields approximately 35439 people before and 19589 after you.
January 1, 2024 at 17:02
I will be posting analysis in the coming days.
January 1, 2024 at 13:40
Hi, According to xarthisius website there are 7992 cases before and 5980 after me in the AS region but I am not sure how I convert this data into the probability of me getting an interview. How can I determine that? thanks
January 1, 2024 at 17:02
I will be posting analysis in the coming days
January 1, 2024 at 12:21
Hi Brit,
Happy new year,,
What do you think about 2024AS14*** from Iran?
I changed my address to Canada so I changed the location of interview to Montreal.
January 1, 2024 at 17:05
The main risk is probably the post interview 221g.
January 2, 2024 at 13:58
I dont understand what do you exactly mean?
I am a canadian citizen born in iran,,
My son is a canadian citizen born in canada,
My wife is an iranian citizen born in iran but has residency of canada through me,,
-Do you think they will ask for more documents at the interview?
-will we have the chance to be scheduled for an interview and when do you think it will be?
January 2, 2024 at 16:57
As an Iranian you can expect to experience delays after the interview. Those delays can last months, and sometimes mean that cases cannot be cleared in time before the end of the year (September 30th). That is why only 1100 Iranians got their visas last year out of 5500 selected.
I don’t know when you will be scheduled and yes they may ask for some additional documents.
January 1, 2024 at 11:16
Hi Brit, how should I feel about EU 44k
January 1, 2024 at 12:09
There are 17236 cases before EU44000 – so clearly there is some risk.