The Department of Homeland Security are complying with the order to suspend the travel ban. Things have returned to the position BEFORE Trump signed the Executive Order. Visas that were “provisionally revoked” are automatically reinstated UNLESS they have been physically stamped as revoked.

The Whitehouse is looking for ways to fight this and will probably try to reinstate the ban, but for now ALL ASPECTS of the ban are lifted.

It is important to note that once a person holding an immigrant visa activates their status by entering the USA, they are then an LPR. Although the order initially affected LPRs, that was very quickly corrected, so LPRs were not affected by the ban. So – if you hold the visa right now and can make travel plans in the next few days, you may want to consider doing just that.

IF the situation does not change again over the weekend I would expect embassies to reschedule the cancelled interviews for February and March.


Let’s hope this common sense will hold.


*** UPDATE February 5th ***

The government filed an appeal yesterday as expected. Part of the appeal asked for an immediate reinstatement of the ban, so that “security” was in place while the lawyers make their arguments over the next few days. That immediate reinstatement of the ban was rejected.  The appeal will be heard over the next few days, but for now, the ban doesn’t exist.  🙂