The “August” visa bulletin has just been released, which is the final visa bulletin for DV2023. It will come as a coup de grace for some and give some light to others.
So who are the winners and losers. Well the biggest increase went to OC region, with a bit of an increase for SA region. Those two moves (particularly OC) look completely logical to me – and relate to the quota – more on that below.
AF region became current – but that region was already effectively current – this VB made only ONE single case current in the region that was not already current. No increases for any countries. That increase (affecting literally only one case) was a nod to the quota system (and regional reallocation).
For EU, the region did not move but Uzbekistan received a small bump. Hopefully some Uzbeks can make use of that increase.
In Asia, the region held at 21000 again, but Iran and Nepal got a small increase. I suspect that will help a few Nepalese cases, but the Iranian increase probably won’t help many. For Iranians, the post interview processing and existing backlogs mean this increase is largely a pointless one.
Now this VB also settles an “argument” about quotas. I have always explained that quotas are applied to the issuances. There are some that believed the regional quota as described in the INA was somehow not applied to visa issuances, and instead was only applied perhaps in the draw. This VB utterly refutes that view. If quotas are not applied, then it really means that a region such as EU or AS should have been allowed to take visas if there was embassy capacity in that region. There is CLEARLY capacity in EU, and yet, only OC and SA got bumps in the VB. Well that shows that those two regions were behind in the quotas as compared to other regions. So those two regions were given some additional help. AF was made current symbollically to demonstrate that the reallocation of visas away from AF was justified, but EU and AS had already benefitted from that reallocation whereas OC was looking like it would not even reach it’s default quota. Hence the changes we see.
So for DV2023 this is the final VB. It won’t change, this is it. I’m sure there are some that are bitterly disappointed, but hopefully they have been listening to my comments and were somewhat prepared. But it is still a blow.
So for those that became current, we will see some more 2NLs for September interviews (where embassy capacity/backlogs allow). However, as I have already said, I am not expecting a large number of 2NLs because we are very close to the global quota.
For DV2024 I had hoped we would see the selectee numbers in this VB, but it means it will be published in the next VB in about 1 month from now.

Those that are current, and have forms processed early enough, can normally expect their 2NL in the next 2 to 3 weeks from now. This is supposed to be the same every month. VB from the 8th to the 15th of each month, and 2NLs in the second half of the month. For the last few months there have been 2NLs in daily batches, but we seem to be moving to a more normal procedure where almost all the 2NLs are sent before the end of the month, with just a hadful being sent earlier this month. I would normally expect all the interview 2NLs to have all been sent by the end of this month, but we can see recently they are exceeding that to try and get as many interviews in as possible. They can be sent right up until the last day of the month, and even the first few days of the following month during exceptional times.
To those new to looking at VBs, let me explain what the “except” XXX country means – and you can also read this post on how to read the visa bulletin.
Processing is spread out over the full year. You can see the progress of the two previous years in this post about basic questions. However, some countries have a high number of selectees and those selectees are concentrated in the lower case numbers. For various reasons, mainly to do with embassy capacity, KCC slow down certain countries as compared to the region. So, for example – in Africa, any case with a case number shown as under the new number can be interviewed but for cases from a few countries, that number is lower. That isn’t a big problem, it just “slows down” those countries a little more than the rest of the region. Since selectees from those countries all have lower case numbers, this slowing down does not present any risk. It does not (at this point) mean they won’t allow all selectees an interview from those countries.
To understand why some countries get lower case numbers, read this article about the lottery draw process.
September 5, 2023 at 23:34
Hi Simon
I am from Nairobi and had filled in DS260 in September 2022 for DV 2023, I haven’t received 2NL… is it likely to come through or this is it? As we are already in September?
September 5, 2023 at 23:43
No you won’t get an interview. No more interviews are being scheduled anywhere.
September 4, 2023 at 21:42
Pls Mr Simons. If you say no more 2Nls will be sent. What does it means that Case in Africa are current in September?
September 5, 2023 at 09:56
It means many cases are still eligible for interviews, but won’t get interviews.
August 28, 2023 at 09:59
So no more chance for interview on September for 2023 if that, what happened for this year or September interview been programed already or what?
August 28, 2023 at 22:05
Yes all the interviews are programmed. No further 2NLs will be sent.
August 24, 2023 at 05:05
Dear simon,
Is DV2021 closed?
August 24, 2023 at 09:28
Unless you were a part of the lawsuits, yes.
August 28, 2023 at 05:13
Hi, i send my DS260 on November 16 my case number is 12xxx you think i can get interview now buy September?
August 28, 2023 at 09:47
Yours is a DV2023 case, there will not be any more 2NLs sent for DV2023 cases.
August 30, 2023 at 04:00
Hi Simon, nothing new for dv2020? it’s over like this i had received ok since march of 2020 and i also participated also as plaintiff in gomez
August 30, 2023 at 09:28
No news.
August 10, 2023 at 17:05
Hello Brit. 2023AF0005004* Went for the interview yesterday August 9th along with my son and stepson without my wife as she will do a follow to join (High Risk), and thankfully our Visas were approved and it shows now August 10th on CEAC Status Check “ISSUED”. But as you always say, ” The visa is only good when it is on our hands” I am patiently waiting on them to call for me to pick-up the passports as they stated they would.
August 10, 2023 at 17:36
I am EXTREMELY THANKFUL TO YOU BRIT for ALL your useful support/guidance as by following them, the consular officer collecting the documents expressed her admiration on how precise and organized my documents were, and even later verbally expressed that to the interviewing officer, although I did not hand them all supporting documents I had available with me (I-134 / DS5535 / Minors Custody Letters, Copies of previous US Visas / I-94 History of Arrivals/Departures, Letter of Employment, Pay Slips). For those 2023 and 2024 who have future interviews, I cannot EMPHASIZE more what Brit always says “READ THE BLOODY INSTRUCTIONS”
August 11, 2023 at 11:07
August 8, 2023 at 18:03
Hi Mr Simon’s I had sent my Ds260 on the 29th of December 2022 and my case is AF367** up to now the 9th of August I still haven’t received a 2nl but they said my case is ready since it’s only 1 month and some change left for 2nl to be sent is there any chance I will receive a 2nl? Because I’m worried maybe they haven’t sent it yet because I sent my Ds260 too late.
August 8, 2023 at 18:19
I don’t think you will get a 2NL now.
August 8, 2023 at 20:50
Thank you for your attention Mr Simon. By now you mean they’ll send it but not now or there’s no more chance of getting it?
August 8, 2023 at 23:07
No more chance.
August 3, 2023 at 22:25
Hey brit I’m from AF REGION I’ve been current since april vb comes out but i haven’t receive 2nl up to day what’s that cause of that problem
August 4, 2023 at 00:10
As I have been explaining for at least 7 months, certain embassies in AF have caused a backlog, and now we are at the end of scheduling – so you are at great risk of not getting an interview.
August 4, 2023 at 14:15
Greetings Simon, writing on behalf of my friend.. please we need a clarification on this.. case AF , my wife is a Liberian , and i am a Nigeria, we both live in Nigeria .my wife won the visa lottery .. played in 2021 result out 2022 .. we have submitted all document since January 2023 waiting for 2NL BUT tilL now NO 2NL sent to us .. we summit ds260 to get interview in Nigeria and seem there’s whole lot of backlog in Nigeria.. please is there a way we can call or email for a change of interview location to my wife home country Liberia?? look like there is more open slot in Liberia … please you advise will be appreciated
August 4, 2023 at 15:49
The US embassy in Nigeria has not accepted a single DV2023 case. They seem to have decided to ignore local selectees completely.
Now the final 2NLs have been sent out, and there is almost no chance of getting an interview anywhere. It really is too late to switch embassies.
August 3, 2023 at 22:14
Mr Simon
Qatar government allows Afghan citizen to travel.
Can I transfer my embassy to Qatar embassy
August 4, 2023 at 00:09
Possibly, but that won’t guarantee you an interview because visas are all allocated.
August 3, 2023 at 17:48
Please Simon is there anything like Affidavit Of upport (AOS) Fee on dv lottery. 120$ , IV Application Processing Fee $325.
August 3, 2023 at 19:35
No fee for the I-134.
August 2, 2023 at 23:26
Hi brits,is there any news on Nairobi abt more 2nls for dv23
August 3, 2023 at 19:31
No. I don’t think that will happen.
August 2, 2023 at 23:08
Hi BritSimon!
Just wanted to say a huge thank you. I’m a long time listener, first time caller on your page from OC Australia!
Interviewed in July and have officially moved to LA last week! Partner stayed and transferred with his company and I’m starting up a small marketing agency, we’re both enjoying the summer heat coming from a Melbourne winter!
Just gave a donation as a small thank you for everything as I wouldn’t have been able to get through the process without your page and time on YouTube!
Thanks again!
August 3, 2023 at 19:31
Congrats on the move. I’m grateful you announced yourself after being silent – I love to hear the happy stories. And many thanks for the generous support!
August 2, 2023 at 22:23
Hello Mr Simon.
How are you doing?
I am a winner of green card 2023. My Embassy is U.S embassy Pakistan. I live in Afghanistan. I was current in July. My case number is under 20000. Still did not receive the 2NL. I emailed to KCC and U.S. embassy in Pakistan but they did reply. 2 months left. I am so worried. I live in A country everything is banned for Girls. I am a dentist. I just graduated from university the situation get bad. This green card is the only hope for me. Because I am a girl not a boy I can not pass my final exam to have permission to work I all the time stay at home. I can not imagine what will happen to me if I lost my chance. I do not know what to do anymore. Mr Simon please help me 🙏🙏🙏🙏
August 3, 2023 at 19:21
There is really not much you can do. Visas have pretty much run out, and I don’t think there will be many more 2NLs sent.
August 2, 2023 at 22:11
Hello Mr Simon
July 31, 2023 at 01:46
Hi Mr Simon
Can you please tell me how to contact with USA embassy in Pakistan. I searched in Google but the phone number was not connect. Please help me 2 months left and I still did not receive the 2NL. I was currented in July.
July 31, 2023 at 10:37
I don’t have a contact number for them, but even if I did, they don;t have any information about your case until it is passed to them by KCC.
July 30, 2023 at 12:40
Good afternoon,
I asked a question on the Youtube live we just finished but we didn’t get to it on time. Anyways,
Burundi DV Winners have to got to Nairobi for an interview. Burundi has got a Very Big embassy and an Ambassador but doesn’t process IV Visas.
Anything burundi selectees can do (petition,…) to Have interviews in Burundi.
Or even in Kigali which is much Closer and proved to be fast lately?
Emailing US dept of State? how?
I am a DV 2018 winner and preparing for my naturalization interview now Brit!
Just looking out for my people!
Got great help from you when I was in the process. Couldn’t thank you enough!
July 31, 2023 at 10:27
I think the DV cases are too small a group to influence the Barundi embassy to re-organize. Individuals could ask for Kigali with the justification that is it easier to travel there. Not certain to be honored by KCC though.
Best of luck with the naturalization. It’s easy.
July 30, 2023 at 01:25
Hi brit
I’m Iranian , my case number is below 16,005 And it’s very close to 16,000 and the embassy of my interview is in Thailand
will they announce all current in August?
July 30, 2023 at 10:37
The final VB for 2023 has already been published. The cap on Iranian cases will not change.
July 21, 2023 at 23:15
Hi brits,I hope I can get the answers am looking for name is Mike from Kenya,I submitted my DS 260 last year July and after sometime it start reading Nvc on the xarthius report.all along I have been contacting kcc and they have always told me that my DS 260 is processed and ready for an interview.i think I got current in January.Nairobi has been slow bt now it shows that they hav added 132 cases on their 2nl list,bt what shocks me is that they are at around 36000 and my case is 2023af00031*** and it’s still reading Nvc and I have not received any hav been a year of waiting and I don’t understand.this is the second time and I don’t understand.i also failed in dv 2020.
July 22, 2023 at 00:26
It dounds like other cases were processed before yours, and entered the queue a month before you. That’s why it happened. Unfortunately I do not believe there is any chance of more 2nls for Nairobi.
July 20, 2023 at 22:52
Hi Brit, I’ve been trying to access DS260 form and the site says “This site can’t be reached”.
Is this a general issue? Note; I have tried different browsers
July 21, 2023 at 00:51
July 19, 2023 at 22:17
Hi brits,hav kcc started sending the final dv23 2nls and how is Nairobi case af2023***31xxx
July 20, 2023 at 12:04
Yes the final 2NLs are being sent. Nairobi took just over 130 2NLs for September, so I think that will be their last.
July 20, 2023 at 12:36
Please am curious,do they follow the sequence of the case numbers while allocating the 2nls
July 20, 2023 at 12:49
July 18, 2023 at 11:02
Hello Brit. I have my family interview scheduled for August 9, 2023. Since DV2023 is very close to the end, I cannot afford on being put on 221g. So, thinking ahead, I have prepared my DS-5535 (altough Luanda Embassy does not have a history of asking) just to have it handy on the side in case they ask for it.
1- Do I also need one individual form for each derivative, or just one for the main applicant
2- Do you think it’s going to help if necessary to have it ready on the side?
July 18, 2023 at 15:17
1. One each adult.
2. It won’t harm….
July 17, 2023 at 00:41
How is Nairobi doing
July 14, 2023 at 09:30
2024EU4625X here.
We now know that 2023EU had a highest CN of 2023EU35525 and that CN 32001-35525 (10%) did not get a chance to be scheduled. I am impatiently worrying before the release of the next VB with the 2024 CEAC data. Hoping and assuming more holes, a similar amount of derivatives etc. I am deducting that I would also be in the lowest 90% of CN if the highest number issued were 2024EU51400 which I believe is realistic. Which was the highest EU 2024 CN heard so far, again? (Sorry for asking again. It would be great nie you made a dedicated updatable blog page with this info pre official release.) Having sent our half complex DS260 on JUL 8, I expect to be processed in JAN-FEB and an interview in mid to late summer. Am I way off with my guesses given the best interpretation of the little data available today?
July 17, 2023 at 11:49
My CN is 2024EU54XXXX so you’re probably good. I recall seeing case numbers on another thread on this site of 6XXXX, can’t remember specifically, so i think i may be good too, but who knows..
July 17, 2023 at 18:10
The problem is that the density is not the same throughout the whole case number range in the top 3 regions. Country limits during the draw have the effect of increasing the hole rate in later number ranges – thus creating a longer tale.
So – the top 10% of numbers might be somewhat less than the top 10% of cases.
I don’t 100% trust any highest numbers right now.
July 14, 2023 at 09:14
Hi Brit!
My husband is selected for DV Lottery with Case Number EU30032 in Tirana Embbasy Albania. It’s possible that he can take 2NL for September? For August American Embbasy in Tirana has given 2NL to 29976(max). Thank you
July 14, 2023 at 10:38
Hi Arisa,
Unfortunately, your husband’s luck fell short, and nothing can be changed at this point. The final cutoff for EU region is 30,000 (That means BELOW) which basically is EU29999. So no, unfortunately, your husband will not receive a 2NL in September and the chance is gone.
Good luck if you decide to apply again in October. 🙂
July 17, 2023 at 18:43
That is incorrect. The EU cutoff is 32000.
July 17, 2023 at 09:03
I don’t have a crystal ball.
July 14, 2023 at 01:10
Hi Mr, Simon
How can I find USA embassy in Pakistan email address or phone number
July 17, 2023 at 08:59
Google perhaps?
July 13, 2023 at 22:25
Bula Brit,
My Case number is 2023OC2260 when can I expect my 2nl.
July 13, 2023 at 22:40
In the next couple of weeks…
August 6, 2023 at 01:11
Hi britsimon,
I have won the 2023/2024 dv lottery from Oceania….
I have case number as 496*.
I assume it’s high…however would you be able to advise me if I have a chance or it’s too high case number ???
August 6, 2023 at 13:51
It is too soon to know whether that case has a chance or not. In a week or two we will have more information.
July 13, 2023 at 20:47
Hi Brit,
We fall under OC and our number is in the 2300s. Since the new updates shows 2500 as their cut off number what does that mean for us? Still trying to figure out where we stand. If you can please help us understand. Thanks
July 13, 2023 at 22:39
You are now eligible for an interview assuming your DS260 is processed. So you have a chance of getting a September interview.
July 13, 2023 at 19:55
Hello Simon,
Have messaged you previously. Well, after a slow old time of it Oceania got the bump there to 2,500 for Sept! With a number in the the 2100s and a 1NL submitted as soon as possible after notification last year, is it hopeful to think that Auckland could process a visa by the 30 Sept cut off? At this point that is the only thought that it may not come to fruition…and I wonder what your wise head thinks there? Thank you for your support of people on this journey.
July 13, 2023 at 20:10
The bump to 2500 was a nice surprise!
Visas are tight, but the move in the VB number only makes sense of they plan to schedule some more in OC. So – you have a chance. You should get a 2NL within a few days.