This week the government revealed a number of interesting secrets about how the draw process works, including when the draw happens, what is the biggest reason that causes entries to be disqualified prior to the results being announced and some insight into the processing and technology they are using to screen the cases.

Please watch the video for my thoughts and below the video I have posted some excerpts from the document that show some insights.

January 2020

DV2020 scheduling starting better than DV2019 – well yes – because the document procedure caused chaos for early DV2019 scheduling

Week Ending Jan. 3rd KCC scheduled DV applicants for February 2020. At this point in DV-2020, KCC has scheduled nearly 2,000 more DV cases than in DV-2019.

Processing DV2021 entries – massive holes rate from photos. Holes rate was noticeably lower in DV2020 compared to DV2021. “Initial Photo quality review” – meaning it is multi staged. This work is happening months before the release of results. Also speaks to holes rate, which was noticeably lower in DV2020 compared to DV2021

Week Ending Jan 24th DV-2021 Photo Quality Review: KCC performed its initial photo quality review of DV-2021 selectees and disqualified 60,000 of 143,000 selectees, a slightly lower rate than DV-2020 selectees. While further FR and biodata reviews are still coming, KCC remains optimistic that the number of selectees for DV-2021 is on track to use all available DV numbers.

February 2020

Emailing DV2020 cases for documents

Requesting Documents from DV Selectees: KCC DV Unit will proactively communicate to 10,686 selectees who have completed their DS-260 application but have not yet submitted their required documents to KCC. The hope is to expedite pending cases to documentarily complete for scheduling at posts ahead of the beginning of the DV-2021 season in May.

Week Ending in Feb. 28th Increased DV correspondence volume: KCC received a higher than normal volume of inquiries related the DV scheduling difficulties caused by COVID-19 related disruptions. The majority of the inquiries were Iranian applicants unable to travel to appointments in Ankara and UAE. A smaller number of inquiries asked about new public charge regulations, which we directed to

April 2020

KCC gets the winners in April and pre-processes them

DV-2021 Ingestion into DVIS: KCC received the full package ofDV-2021 cases from CST for ingestion into DVIS. KCC will begin pre-processing of those cases in the coming weeks. As the launch of Entrant Status Check will be delayed by one month, this gives KCC a chance to examine the data to prepare to handle the new passport requirement implemented in DV-2021.

May 2020

KCC asking for a second draw before the results are released. Target goals mentioned for regions.

KCC engaging with CST to add DV cases for DV-2021: KCC has requested that CST perform another draw of DV-2021 cases in order to meet expected processing demands. Initial numbers were short of target goals for AF, SA, and OC regions, and given the expected rise in disqualifications due to the new passport requirement, KCC felt it prudent to add cases in those regions. The work should be ready for ESC launch on June 6.

June 2020

1 million concurrent hits!! Lower than usual because of launch on a weekend.

Week Ending Jun 12th DV 2021 Entrant Status Check Successfully Launched: The 2021 Diversity Immigrant Visa Entrant Status Check website was successfully launched on Saturday, June 6, with over two million DV applicants checking the status of their applications and over 20,000 receiving positive responses. The website saw a peak of one million concurrent hits which were successfully handled by DOS systems. Website traffic was lower during this launch than in previous years, possibly because it took place on a Saturday rather than on a work day. The website will be available for applicants to check their status until September 30, 2021. DV-2021 interviews are scheduled to begin on October I, 2020.

10,000 DS260s in first 2 weeks

Week Ending Jun 19th DV 2021 Interest High: In the two weeks following the launch of ESC for DV-2021, KCC has received nearly 10,000 DS-260 applications from applicants pursuing their DV selection. Kee has also noted a large increase in email and phone inquiries regarding the status of the DV lottery in light of the temporary suspension of routine visa services worldwide.

October 2020

Lottery entries being reviewed as they come in, during the entry period and photos already passing through the FR software

Week Ending in Oct. 23rd Diversity Visa Lotter Enrollments Up from Last Year: KCC has received a total of 3,365,672 entrants and derivatives so far for DV 2022, up 18 percent from this time last year. Initial participation was actually twice as high when compared to the previous year. Also of note, KCC received its first two DV entrants with seemingly legitimate passport exemptions due to their inability to obtain Cuban passports in advance of the lottery.

Week Ending in Oct. 30th

DV Photo Processing: KCC has reviewed an average of about 1,000 photos each day since the entry period opened. These photos are referred for Manual Eye Placement (MEP) because the software could not recognize a face. Typically, many of the images are not faces but random or blank images, while some need a human to mark the eye location to assist the facial recognition software. The update to our FR software this year appears to have been very effective as we have not received a single face photo in MEP. VO/I believes that starting next year we may be able to automatically block the upload of a photo that is not a face, and MEP could be discontinued.