People are now receiving their 2NLs for June interviews, it will take a few hours – and possibly even a couple of days before all have gone out.
The email itself has no useful information. It simply tells you to check the ESC site for the interview details. Some people that receive the email will find the ESC site is not ready, those people should try again after a few hours. Also, some people find the email itself goes to a trash or spam folder or somehow miss it. So – if you think you may have been scheduled but missed your email, you can check the ESC site, just in case. The 1NL (you have been selected letter) is replaced by a new letter which gives the appointment details.
It would be GREAT if those that received their 2NLs would add a reply to this message saying when they submitted their DS260 and their case number. That helps us understand the processing time for the DS260 and let’s us understand the backlog
Please add your first submission date, and if you unlocked please add that resubmission date and the data you changed. That is helpful for all.
Now – if you do not get your expected interview, please come back here and read updates to this page to see the feedback I will have received.
June 20, 2016 at 11:10
Hey brit am a greencard winner case no 2017AF26XXX…i submited my ds 260 on 27 may 2016…i have been wondering how long i will wait till they send me a2NL…PLEASE ADVICE
June 20, 2016 at 14:09
June 1, 2016 at 13:39
Hi simon sir
I would like to know if the dv holder get the visa do they have to stay in the US in the place where they have mentioned their sponsor place while submitting DS 260 form or they can stay anywhere inside US.
Please simon sir clarify me on the above queries.
June 1, 2016 at 22:30
They can live where they want.
May 28, 2016 at 15:56
Hie Brit!Got one more question.The friend who filed an i-34 for me derives an annual income of 27000 and has a family of 3.I intend to migrate with my wife and child meaning to say that would make us 6 in his house hold.Do you think its above the poverty datum line for a family?What would be the implications of an affidavit without copies of proof of employment,income,etc inspite of the affidavit having been signed by the sponser?
May 28, 2016 at 16:35
The income is not sufficient. An I-134 that doesn’t meet the income levels or does not have the supporting documents is useless.
May 26, 2016 at 23:23
desr brit
is opening an account at any bank has to wait till i get the ss card in hand !!??
there is no other way even with the immigrant visa to show that u r legal resident ???
i tried but the answer at the bank was proof if address or social s card or tax id !!!!
fo you know other way !!?
thank u
May 26, 2016 at 23:44
Not all banks insist on having an SSN. Try other banks.
May 25, 2016 at 18:43
Regarding Next VB for Nepal
Hello there, just ran the CEAC data manually upto 6700 and now there are total 1629 cases with 3114 including family members( including AP and refused)
with 131 ready cases for 229 visas this time ( from 6200-6700) , and also taking in account for backlog and case processed from other embassies. It seems that VB for Nepal will move ahead next time too so as per me 7000 is totally possible if Nepal is to hit 7%. and processing about 100-200 cases monthly is totally within capacity of KDU embassy.
Now only factors which may be affecting the VB I see is density and derivatives rate. Mainly density in cases beyond 6700. And ROA and Iran taking visas of Asia … but since i heard that they fill the quotas of a region to next. That may also not be a problem.
May 25, 2016 at 19:39
I think you are seeing the 7% as a hard number they are “bound” to hit. It isn’t. They will aim to issue less, probably around 3300.
May 26, 2016 at 12:51
dear siimon
i hv a question please
when we filled the ds 260 form i remmember a part about the issuing ss number and the green card
meaning that i agree on issuing a ss card and a green card and then they wilk send it to my mailing address in america
i think i said yed for that question
so i eill expect the social card to come by mail ni need to go to the office ???
May 26, 2016 at 13:38
It should arrive within 2 weeks if you checked yes to that question. If not, go to the office.
May 20, 2016 at 13:37
Dear Brit!Please shade some light on this!
Do they mean in your previous job you are basing your experience on,you must have been on contract/permanently employed and not have temporarily employed or that the job you are applying for should be permanent and not temporary?Do they use the same standards for assessing an individual for DV immigrant purposes or the below referenced particulary applies
only to employment based immigration?The reason im asking is that i have experience but was employed as a casual and not on a contract basis in a job category that falls in the 7.0-8.0(SVP) range.
Thank you
May 20, 2016 at 16:43
Forget the link.
The type and length of experience is what matters, not the contractual basis.
May 18, 2016 at 23:26
Hi BritSimon!
So it’s 4 weeks till my interview (aaahhhhh!) and getting everything together still. Vaccinations slipped my mind! I’m not sure what vaccinations I have/don’t have and don’t have a record of them! Do I need to make sure I obtain them all before my medical to prove im vaccinated for everything? If I don’t have some is that ground for refusal? Also, do you think it would be cutting it too close getting the medical a week or two before the interview?
Thanks 🙂
May 19, 2016 at 03:44
They will give you any needed vaccinations at the medical. So, your providing records might reduce the number of jabs – that’s all.
May 16, 2016 at 15:03
Hi Brit,
I hav received interview appointment letter. But my spouse name is is missing. And I have added her in my case in October 2015 after wedding. That why I ask your suggestion that appointment letter is based on initial dv entry?? I am worrying.. And I sent mail to kcc regarding this. No response. My visa status showing ready.
May 16, 2016 at 15:11
It’s normal.
May 16, 2016 at 14:20
Hi Brit ,
Is 2NL based on dv entry??? if we add people in middle stage of process , they won’t consider added people in appointment. letter. Is n ‘t?? Am I wrng??
May 16, 2016 at 14:36
I don’t understand your question.
May 16, 2016 at 13:32
My case n as81xx . We haven’t been able to find supporter yet. We are a family of 4. My husband is a principal applicand and a student in korea. Me and my children moved here in August. I’m currently not employed. We can show bank statement wirh 25 thousand dollars and land and house proof in our home country. We brought our money in cash and planning to put in a bank soon. Do you think co will ask resource proof of our money? Also is this money going to be enough? Bank statement alone is ok ? Our interview location is in Seoul. Thank you very much.
May 16, 2016 at 14:01
That should be enough – just.
Having an I-134 would be safer.
May 14, 2016 at 15:47
Hi Simon, one of my friend from usa provide affidavit of support to me and my spouse. He send me scanned copies of signed 1-134 form and income statement. But it is not enough ( I feel) .. And I wil arrange financial documents to show from here. Any limit amount to show for affidavit of support?? and I am a physiotherapist.. I can get job there and also to my wife.. Guide me in case of affidavit of support.. Thank you
May 14, 2016 at 15:53
Please get used to searching my site….
May 13, 2016 at 07:06
Dear Brit!Is it possible to include experience for two different jobs that falls into the same job range on O*NET when preparing for qualification by experience?
May 13, 2016 at 12:25
May 10, 2016 at 13:30
Dear britt,
Please could you advise me about the following:
-70k dollars should be enough for 2 applicants in abu dhabi embassy or the i134 is still needed?
-36*** will be called earlier or late july ?
May 9, 2016 at 11:02
Dear Brit
first of all thanks a lot for helping the people, May God bless you
My case # is 2016SA000035XX . Unfortunately I was not able to complete my application before May, 5, 2016
I have two question:
1) Do you think the KCC will be able to process it before the end of September or I might loss my chance for immigration
2) My daughter turned to 21 years old (between the result and application period), she is still unmarried and I already submitted her application, do you think they will process her application like other family members?
once again thanks a lot
May 9, 2016 at 15:06
There is no SA number that high – is it AS region or it really is SA region as you wrote.
1. I can’t be certain but you might have a chance.
2. It depends when she turned 21 and when you interview. You might have ruined her chances because of the delay you have caused.
May 9, 2016 at 19:49
Sorry sir you are 100% correct, its AS region. Actually she is turned to 21 on 15 Jan. Someone told me this is the CO decision. Is that correct?
Another question, can we expect the total number of approved cases in AD region as of may 2016!
May 9, 2016 at 20:10
Sorry again, typing mistake, its AS not AD
May 9, 2016 at 22:54
It is up to the CO to review the law on this – they can only work within the law. I explained the whole thing in a post blinked below.
She will age out in August. That means that IF you get scheduled she could be included on your case. If you get scheduled in September she cannot be included on your case!!!