Breaking news – As many of you will know the US embassy in Cuba had announced what I believe was the planned entry period for the DV2022 visa lottery. That period was designated to start on the 1st day or October.

However, that date has changed because in the last few minutes the official announcement has been released with the entry period defined as October 7, 2020 to November 10, 2020.

Of course, it’s possible that this was the correct date all along, but the timing of the announcement makes me think it was a changed date.

There are TWO countries that have been made ineligible – Honduras and Hong Kong.

The passport requirement is still there. I will be checking to see if there are any other rule changes, and of course I will guide you through the entry process as we get to the entry date.

The website for entry is here.

So, the full instructions are available at the link below: