Please read the updated notes on my previous article about how to email the embassy.


As we know, Judge Mehta has asked for a report of progress on September 25, and he has deferred the decision about whether to order the extension or not. So in order to support that argument, Curtis Morrison is planning another lawsuit which is purely to add weight to the argument for the extension. In theory any person could join the lawsuit – including those in group 4 and 5 as I have categorized them. If you are interested, there are details below. I cannot help you make a decision about this, you must decide for yourselves.

This is what Curtis has said.

If you are #DV2020 winner, but not a named plaintiff in Mohammed, Aker, Fonjong, or Gomez, and you face barriers to entry that not resolved by today’s order, we are filing another lawsuit, called DV 3.0, on Mon., September 14 just for you.

The purpose of DV 3.0 lawsuit will not be to expedite your visa applications. It’s too late for that ask. The goal of this lawsuit will be simply to ask the court to extend the time for you to get your visa from Sept 30, 2020 to Sept 30, 2021.

Which #DV2020 winners should consider this lawsuit?
(1) European who still may not get interviews because subject to PP 9993
(2) Cubans who can’t leave island
(3) Iranians who don’t yet have PP 9645 waivers
(4) other 2020 DV winners wanting to increase odds of getting visa.

The cost to participate for DV winner is $1,000, payable as $500 up front, and $500 after the DV winner is in the USA. (Each beneficiary is $500 more, but that is due on the back end after arrival in the US).

If this interests you, please complete this form and I will prepare an onboarding email to send you with a proposed retainer agreement.

Note: this opportunity will not be available after September 14, 2020. This is an attorney advertisement.

For more information about DV 3.0, contact:
Curtis on telegram: @curtisatlaw

Rodolfo (español):
Othman (Arabic):
Kristine (Russian/Armenian):
Amir (Farsi): @amirrnaderi

Google Docs (
2020 DV winners signup form (Case 3.0)
The cost to participate for a DV winner is $1000, payable as $500 up front, and $500 after the DV winner is in the US. (Each beneficiary is $500 more, but that is due on the back end af.