OK. I have only been awake a couple of hours, and I am getting a lot of questions already expecting answers. I would need more time to be precise, but already from the data there are some obvious points. Let me summarize some of the points fairly quickly.
First, I will provide a quick spreadsheet that has some important data points. The per region max case numbers assigned are there, plus the number of actual cases (i.e. taking out the holes). Then I input the selectees announced per region to get a “starting derivative rate”. Remember, each actual case number includes any derivatives on that case, and each person (including derivatives) is counted toward the quota as visas are issued. Because of marriages, births and so on, the final derivative rate is always higher than the starting derivative rate.
I also took a quick look at how many cases were current in DV2018. Why? Well, this is a quick (but not 100% accurate) way to assess how many cases were needed last year to fill the quota. I say it’s not 100% accurate because it does not take into account country differences. Just as there is a different derivative rate per region, there is also a different derivative rate per country. Additionally people within each country do not have the same education, motivation, financial ability and so on to go through the process. So – if we took 100 winners from France for example and 100 from Uzbekistan, the number of issued visas would not be the same. So – estimating at the regional level does not adequately take into account the mix of winners, and the percentage of winners from each country within a region can vary year to year depending on many factors. So – 15000 EU cases in DV2019 may not yield the same result as 15000 EU cases from DV2018. The same can be said for all regions.
Another factor that makes predictions hard is the changing political and economic landscape both in the USA and abroad. The DV process can be affected by a great many things. For example, Trump introduced the travel ban. That affected AS region immensely since many AS region DV selectees were suddenly banned. If the travel ban continues, AS region will go current – BUT if the ban were to be lifted (and I have no reason to say it will), then numbers would change. Similarly if a country were to suddenly be involved in political turmoil or war, that might take that country out of the picture and could affect regional outcomes. Finally, new DV processing procedures like the one recently implemented for documents have an affect. It remains to be seen how those procedures will impact the lottery. So – there is a difference between the mathematical calculations of how many people can get current, and the actual reality. If you really want an accurate prediction, wait until the final VB is released in July.
Now, every year when I give predictions I warn people to be careful. People ignore my comments and just remember the numbers. They ignore my cautions and later whine that “you said something and it turned out different”. So for the 1000th time of me saying this (and knowing that some people will ignore my warnings and later act like little children) – BE CAREFUL with assumptions and predictions. One additional word of caution. We might have some inaccuracy in the CEAC data due to the way it was collected. I believe it isn’t too significant, but again, just another reason to be careful.

So – comments for each region.
Africa did not hit it’s quota last year, and the quota for DV2019 is slightly increased. There are less cases in AF region this year than went current last year. So – mathmatically and theoretically, AF region should be able to be current (all numbers able to get an interview). I am a little concerned about how AF cases will deal with the new document procedure. Generally speaking AF region is slow to respond to changes, meaning there are AF selectees that won’t have read about the new procedure (because they don’t read my page), and will simply wait for their 2NL that will not come. They will miss the emails asking for the documents and later complain that they were never asked for that. If that happens, AF won’t fill the quota. Conversely, the new procedure is designed to allow better processing of cases prior to the interview, hopefully to reduce the AP times we saw increased last year. That could help AF and other regions cases, but it is too soon to be sure. KCC and the embassies did an AMAZING effort at the end of the year to push through as many AP cases as possible. I’m sure they are hoping to avoid such last minute work this year.
Asia’s story is all about the travel ban. If the ban stays in place there is no way to meet the quota, and AS would go current. Looking at the data we can see that Nepal hit it’s selectee limit earlier than normal (just under 6400), and Iran numbers continue until around 11000. That has changed the density of the region, but again, the ban has such a high impact, the only question is whether the ban stays or not.
EU was allowed to exceed it’s quota by quite a margin in DV2018. We cannot be certain whether that will happen again or not. If it does, EU can probably go current – but “wait and see” will be the best approach. A lot will depend on AF region processing and whether there is a surplus of visas available to allow EU to exceed the quota. If not, the last thousand or so cases (28XXX and above) might have some reason to be concerned. There was a push toward Eastern EU countries over the last couple of years, and whilst I don’t have the data, I imagine that is the same – so I expect derivative activity and response rates etc to remain about the same as last year. The new document procedure should not be much impact in EU. I would expect people in EU to receive and respond to the new instructions, so I don’t think that will cause a significant change in the outcome.
Pretty much a done deal that OC goes current. No worries mate.
South America
Again, I don’t expect any problems with SA region going current.
Nos os preocupéis, ¡amigos!
July 25, 2019 at 05:15
Hello Brit!
Thank you very much for your detailed clarifications.
But I’ve got a question: a brother of mine was selected for 2019 and we got noticed recently; we are filling a DS 260 form this Suturday on 27th July 2020. So, is there any chance of being interviewed for a visa or it’s too late?
I’m in Burundi in East Africa
Thank you!
July 27, 2019 at 01:35
Your dates are all over the place. If the case number starts with 2019AF… and you have not yet filled in the DS260, then yes – it is too late.
May 28, 2019 at 20:30
Hi brisimont if caseno2019Af44xxx and kcc say record say you submitted complete ds260 and all require documents, is any possibility for case to receive 2nl and if possibility when u think will get 2ñl
May 28, 2019 at 20:48
Please read my latest article for a full explanation.
May 27, 2019 at 01:42
Hi Brit
I am a bit confuse on the CEAC data, for AS Region, DV2019 reported with 15619 selectees, if each selectee has assigned with case number, then, the max. CN should be over 15619, but how come the max. CN assigned was 14774? I really get confused.
May 27, 2019 at 05:57
Each case represents a winner and any family. There are gaps (holes) in the series also.
May 28, 2019 at 01:01
Thanks Brit
April 26, 2019 at 08:57
Hi Brit,
I want to first of all thank you for the help you did to me when I had the difficulty of correcting my year of birth thank you .
Again l will like to inform you that actually everything worked out and the KCC has sent me a mail that I have provided all the required documents and they interviews are scheduled numerically .
As you can see , most of us are new to the system and particularly myself I’m a novice to it So what’s next !my case No AF39XXX
April 26, 2019 at 14:22
Now you wait some more.
February 18, 2019 at 14:01
Hello Brit,
I have CN 2019EU21XXX, but have not receive the email regarding the request of scanned documents. Should I call KCC?
Thanks in advance!
February 18, 2019 at 15:17
If you want, yes. Otherwise just send the documents.
February 17, 2019 at 20:07
Hello Mr. Simon,
My relative 2019EU22XXX (from Kyrgyzstan) has received an email to send scanned documents via email. The problem is she hasn’t submitted DS260 forms for her husband and 5 children (including a newborn baby). If KCC unlocks her case number (she emailed her request to unlock) and she fills out and submits all of the DS260 forms ASAP, will they still have a chance to get all of their DS260s processed and get current in time? Sorry my question is too long. I appreciate you taking your precious time to reply.
February 17, 2019 at 22:34
February 17, 2019 at 06:00
hello mr. Brit CN AF189** i submitt required document on nov 13 but still don’t recived any email from kcc that says complete documents….
February 17, 2019 at 07:27
You can email them and ask…
February 7, 2019 at 19:42
Will AF region go current 2019
February 7, 2019 at 20:19
Someone earlier today told me not to be snippy with people, and I replied explaining that some people are too lazy to read what I wrote and are not respectful of my time.
So – in the article above I have written extensive analysis about my thoughts including a paragraph on AF region in particular. I wonder if you read that?
Also – you have asked me 5 times previously about when your interview will be.
Thanks for helping me make my point.
February 5, 2019 at 14:44
There is little doubt all numbers are going to be current, not excluding European numbers.
February 3, 2019 at 05:52
Okay, Brit
Thank you.
February 2, 2019 at 18:52
Brit please
There is a ban on We Ghanaians for visa issuance, to America,.
Are we affected as DV selectees?.
February 2, 2019 at 20:44
February 2, 2019 at 06:09
Hello. What are the chances for large case numbers in Europe? Thanks for the answer.
February 2, 2019 at 15:36
I don’t know. There are too many variable factors to be sure.So – wait and see.
February 2, 2019 at 22:59
what factor can change???
February 2, 2019 at 23:42
The new procedure on documentation is a big factor.
February 1, 2019 at 17:59
>EU – limited countries, with limits EU10723 (Uzbekistan)
Uzbekistani limit is in fact about EU10636, up to EU10869. EU10723 was very precise.
January 14, 2019 at 14:38
Could even be this order – Egypt 20500, Ghana 23700, Congo 29600, Ethiopia 32400
January 11, 2019 at 20:50
Thank you for giving me good advice.
January 11, 2019 at 17:34
Region All DV Chargeability Areas Except
Those Listed Separately
AFRICA 15,300 Except: Egypt 12,600
ASIA 5,000 Except: Iran 4,600
Nepal 3,400
EUROPE 13,500
and the CARIBBEAN 750
January 11, 2019 at 16:51
Hi Brit, I hope you’re well.
I’m OC10** and have received an email requesting the required documentation. Since no interview is scheduled until I send the documents – and KCC warns that selectees should reply promptly – I’m eager to provide the necessary documents right away. In past years, my number would have been current by June/July. However, the numbers thus far have been very low, and it’s currently impossible to determine when my number will be up – at this rate, it may be after July. One of my police certificates expires six months after its issue date. I don’t want to delay sending the documentation, but I also don’t want to supply a document that may expire by the time of my interview. In your opinion, if necessary, would it be acceptable to provide an updated police report at the time of my interview should the one I send to KCC expire before I’m scheduled? So, provide the (potentially) expired certificate along with a new, valid one?
I realize you can’t speak to how authorities will handle things, but would be appreciative of your opinion on this matter if you have one.
Thanks very much!
January 11, 2019 at 18:02
The pace is not slow really. You have one of the highest OC case numbers, and they are spreading the work over the main part of the year.
You can submit a police cert now, and if you are concerned that it is too old for the interview, get another to present at the interview nearer the time.
January 11, 2019 at 18:15
Brit, thank you very much for taking the time to share your opinion on this, I’m incredibly appreciative!
Your blog is an invaluable resource, and I’m unbelievably thankful for the service you’re providing to all of us who are navigating through this experience.
Thank you!
January 10, 2019 at 15:00
the most frustrating thing about the dv is not the fact that it ‘s not garanteed to get a green cart, but it’s the lack of information ( psychological torture ) and the poor communication. this kind of work u did here sir makes it a bit easier for us to have an idea on what’s going on.
Really thank you.
January 10, 2019 at 16:04
Yeah I know it’s frustrating, but I asked a colleague yesterday when he expects to get his Green Card (as he is working on an H1 visa), and he said 15 to 20 years. Think about this. DV is still the fastest, easiest, cheapest way to get a GC which can be life changing for some people!
January 10, 2019 at 17:43
it’s crazy man
January 10, 2019 at 23:02
If you think about it, once you get that green after the interview, then you still start appreciating how simple the process is, because some people get this privilege only after 10-15 years.
January 10, 2019 at 07:50
Hi Brit my question is how to check if my confirmation number was selected? Because I applied in 2018 for dv 2019 when I try to fill in no reply.
And how to know if I’m selected. Catherine
January 10, 2019 at 14:38
You check on the ESC page and follow the simple instructions.
January 10, 2019 at 15:43
You mean you applied in 2017 ??
January 10, 2019 at 07:48
Hi Brit,
The photo is submitted for DV 2019 lottery when applying is more than 6 months old at that time. Will this create any problems for me, because I literally look like a kid in this photo, I was 14 at the time and now i’m 19.
I also would like to mention, that my family members in ds 250 haven’t aged at all, it is just me that look very much older than the photo I submitted.
Will this create problems for us. The photo follows introduction of USCIS standards in everything else.
January 10, 2019 at 14:37
If you are a derivative it probably won’t cause a problem.
January 10, 2019 at 14:44
In my opinion, as long as your photo complies with the instructions listed by the USCIS, you should be good. You will be requested to upload new photos anyways before the interview is scheduled, and normally these photos will be used for the VISA. So unless you look like a completely different person in the initial photo you uploaded, you should be OK.
January 9, 2019 at 22:36
All regions, including Europe, will be Current by July or August at most
January 11, 2019 at 20:20
What do you about the new March VB for EU region?is this seems EU will go current?
January 9, 2019 at 21:39
For EU I believe this year will end up somewhere between 27K – 29K. This gives me the chillies because I am EU27XXX.
I hope we will all be able to get current and go to the U.S! Best of luck to all of us.
Here are some conclusions from my analysis for EU:
– The hole rate is greater than 2018 for the first 25000 cases by 10.6% (47.9% v.s 37.3%) This means we have 10.6% more room this year.
– The derivative rate looks basically the same so far.
– For both Jan-5 of 2019 and 2018, these are the absolute numbers of visas issued: 3181 vs. 4006. If we assume there is 15.000 spots for both years ( I ignore the fact that 2018 exceed quota), the rates are 21.2% and 26.7% respectively. So the kcc is 820 visa behind right now. Since the avg. derivative rate is 2, it is about 410 case numbers.
– If 2018 was not over quota, the last case number would have ended up about 24100. (=25775/16023*15000).
If the no show up rates of 2019 and 2018 these would be the last case numbers:
This year may end up with 24100*1.106 + 410 = 27064 in the end. Hopefully we will get additional quota, and the result will be at least 28917.
However it seems like the issued rate is lower this year, that means the last current case number would be somewhat higher this year. Hopefully 🙂
January 10, 2019 at 01:15
you are unable to make a final calculation based on the initial data……..410 can increase 800 ,900 or 200 in the end of a year
January 13, 2019 at 22:05
@summer hope da best for u….nd I really really hope all of u get current…I am really current…do I am happy
January 9, 2019 at 18:53
Hi brisimon, you have a wonderful website. My case number is 2019AF19XXX in Egypt. My question is there good or bad chance for an interview to be scheduled according to my case number, because someone told me it is not safe and i’m now very worried.
Another question is do you know what is the cuff off number for Egypt last year in 2018 lottery. In visa bulletin website in August, it states that the it was 39,000 in Africa does that also apply for Egypt. (since Egypt is one of the limited countries as exception for everything)
thank you
January 9, 2019 at 19:35
Sorry, i would like to correct myself, the 39,000 cut off number is in September and not August.
January 9, 2019 at 20:45
You should be OK.
Egypt was not cut off in the final bulletin (but was 21,325 for August interviews)
January 9, 2019 at 15:49
Please briit can you help me to canculate??how issued 19789 visa for dv 2018????response rate is 34 % 16000 ral case go cuurrnet derivate start 1.99 Final derivate is 2.35……..ap + refused + ready is 10 % ….i am coorrect????please help me
January 9, 2019 at 17:23
You have the data. Go look at it.
Also – decide on a user/screen name and stick with that. I do NOT appreciate your tactic of posting multiple questions from multiple screen names and multiple email addresses. It appears to me that you deliberately switch those names in an deceitful way.
January 10, 2019 at 01:11
You are right … I have used many email addresses and names ….. my intention is not at all a “rogue” “….. I thought I would be irrational by asking you many questions with the same name ….. thanks for your opinion
January 10, 2019 at 01:18
That explanation makes no sense at all.
January 9, 2019 at 12:11
Peace Britsimon is coming out of kcc dv as soon as the full 260-pound DS completes and goes to the Kentucky Caucasus Center. But I did not receive a Happy Thanksgiving program. What dost thou say to me? thanks you
January 9, 2019 at 17:12
I would say ask a sensible question is a sensible clear manner.
January 10, 2019 at 00:00
what are you expecting to receive ?
January 9, 2019 at 10:54
Hello brit last time i have asked you that does the photo which we have uploaded in our entrant period affect visa approval or denail ?? You have answered yes
In what conditions photo uploaded in entrant period affect visa refusal sir ??????
Hoping for you answer brit
Thankyou very much
January 9, 2019 at 17:10
Not following instructions. You either did or you didn’t.
January 10, 2019 at 01:43
Sorry brit i really dont understand what you are saying ??? What sort of photo will create problem brit ??? Many many thanks brit plz give me advice
January 10, 2019 at 03:09
What sort of photo you did you submit to website? Is it your selfie photo? or Candid photo with your puppy?
your Question :
In what conditions photo uploaded in entrant period affect visa refusal sir ??????
Britsimon answered :
Not following instructions.
so Did you or didnt you follow DV photo instructions?
if you follow instructions then you wouldnt upload your Selfie.
January 10, 2019 at 03:31
What I am saying is you whether followed the photo instructions or you didn’t. If you did – no problem.
January 9, 2019 at 09:04
Bret Simon Why Egypt is always late for Africa in its monthly publication??
January 9, 2019 at 17:02
Because it has a high number of selectees and they are condensed in the early number ranges, so they spread out processing over the full year.
January 9, 2019 at 08:39
Hi brit is there any problem if i send my documents without asking them, my case no is AF21000 region kenya yet i didn’t recieve any mail after the ds260 thanks for your time
January 9, 2019 at 17:01
No. I have said that in other recent articles.
January 8, 2019 at 19:28
Hi Brit
Based on your analysis. Do you see a 2nd draw happening or its too late for that.
Thank you
January 8, 2019 at 19:36
Far too late.
January 8, 2019 at 18:23
Hi I was selected once , but I didn’t attended on my interview day at Embassy , is there anch chance I would be selected again ?
January 8, 2019 at 18:53
You have asked this several times before.
January 8, 2019 at 18:02
Hello Brit,
My case numver eu25xxx. When my interview will be scheduled? Guess?
January 8, 2019 at 18:51
What do you think?
January 9, 2019 at 10:34
May or june ?
January 8, 2019 at 17:49
Hi, in DV17, there have been the same number of selectees in AF(38k) and the highest caseNumber was around AF43k; so can this year make it like 2017 (5 current VBs for Africa) ?
January 8, 2019 at 18:50
Please read the article above.
January 8, 2019 at 19:08
? am i a joke to you ?
January 8, 2019 at 19:39
Excuse me??? Where the heck does that comment come from? I have spent time to explain something in a certain way – is it a problem that I expect you to read that???
January 8, 2019 at 23:05
I’ve read almost your entire blog; almost all the comments; and solved the CAPs as my internet speed did permit it(sorry i didnt put a username before the script was updated and i did myself the update when the page turned from Status to status.aspx), so I deserve a little reply Quand-meme; my question was that you’ve been comparing with the DV2018 basing on the number of CNs that got an interview; so why not to do the same with DV17 which most likely DV19(number of selected entants is the same).
January 9, 2019 at 00:58
Since the number of case numbers and actual cases is similar in Africa in 2019 and 2017 just look at the visa bulletin for both years.
The number that was current for February 2017 was 28,700.
For February 2019 it’s 13,800. Obviously the visa bulletin will not be the same in 2019 as in 2017.
If your question is if Africa will become current this year, then it’s possible. However, with the changed procedures a lot of people might miss out on the updated procedures and miss out on the opportunity to actually get processed and get invited for the interview. Brit Simon explained that in the article.
If your question is if Africa will go current in May like it did in 2017, then no. Brit Simon didn’t answer that in the article. That’s something you can look up yourself very easily on the official state department site or on this blog.
Here’s the thing: you can’t look at 2017, because 2018 the dv process was changed. So 2017 is a terrible reference year. You can tell by looking at the starting VB numbers (meaning October) for each year. You’re better off looking at 2018 if you want to know how 2019 is going to go.
So when Brit Simon says to look at his article, then that’s all you need to know. He only draws comparisons to 2018, because 2018 and 2019 appear to be similar in terms of VB. If 2017 was a good year to compare to, he would have done that in his analysis.
Every year is different. Some years are similar. But one thing is for sure, 2019 is NOTHING like 2017 in terms of how fast the visa bulletin goes and when each region will go current.
January 9, 2019 at 06:29
Thank you ?
January 9, 2019 at 10:20
You are wrong in some points…dv 2017 intinial holes 1 case number -14000cn is 20% 16700 real case for 30660 case number max derivate starts is 1.8 final derivate is 2.3 DV 2019 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>INTINIAL HOLES is 35 % 15000 real case for 30717 case number max derivate start is 1.99 ………….Visa bulletin can increase for three months with 6000 case number or 5000 …..look historical visa bulletin ………Dv 2019 for me is very good year comprare >>> with dv 2015 dv 2017 dv 2018
January 8, 2019 at 17:27
Hello Brit, I’m current for February interview. But I haven’t been scheduled yet. I even have completed ds 260 and sent the documents asked from KCC. Do I have to wait and see?
January 8, 2019 at 18:47
Is there some alternative?
January 8, 2019 at 17:12
‘Thanks Sirr..
January 8, 2019 at 17:36
chat [email protected]
January 8, 2019 at 15:59
Hi Mr brits. Still haven’t received any email to send documents. Af 23xxx and am worried
January 8, 2019 at 17:06
Stop asking me the same question over and over again.
This was your question and my answer from YESTERDAY.
January 8, 2019 at 14:31
Hi brit I am a Dvist 2019 I have changed mail kan I filled my ds260, I would like to know if it is on the address that I put when incription or c is the address that I put when filling the ds260 that i will receive the kcc msg to scan the documents and send
January 8, 2019 at 14:14
hello my case is EU 278XX can not understand even if I read many articles, I can not understand what I know or the real possibilities … from what I read here are at high risk of not participating in the second interview, right?
January 8, 2019 at 14:49
No one can be precise. You have a good chance, now wait and see.
January 8, 2019 at 12:24
Hello Simon,
for EU 25XXX number – what is your forecast ? When will be the gratest day of interview? DS-260 was fulfiled June 2018.
January 8, 2019 at 14:44
January 9, 2019 at 03:57
January 9, 2019 at 04:00
January 9, 2019 at 09:24
ok, EU, so if there are cut off at vb28000 and last vb was 10000 for feb, 7 months left. lets assume even distribution 18000k per 7 months, apox 2500 cases
March 12500
April 15000
May 17500
June 20000
July 22500
August 25000
Sept 28000
So sept. If they decide to call more higher numbers in VB maybe August.
January 9, 2019 at 17:05
Density reduction means that 2500 case numbers at 12500 yields more available cases than 2500 case numbers at 25000. For that reason, numbers tend to NOT be linear in regions where there is density reduction.
January 11, 2019 at 17:19
EU 13500 for March. Good start in New Year
January 8, 2019 at 11:05
Hello, I am basing my post only on EU region and its like Simons.
– FY2018, jan data to compare with current date we have, 3 months oct,nov,dec VB 6000, issued 4006, 1764 cases, hole 20%, AtNVC 48% (out of real cases)
– FY2019 jan data, 3 months oct,nov,dec VB 6600, issued 3174, 1405 cases, hole 36%, AtNVC 50% (out of real cases)
So YoY we see that hole is higher and that overall visa issues are slower, and approx. same % of people have responded for interview
In FY2018, 19795 issued, 16023 cases, ratio of 1.24
For FY2019, quota is 18021, with ration of 1.24 that would mean approx. 14533 cases, If you look at data approx. VB29000 have that number of real cases
On the other way, looking at VB28000, there are 14108 real people if we estimate that 55% of people would continue their application process and no of 2.3 of visa issued per case 14108 x 0.55 x 2.3 = 17847 issued (close to quota)
// derivates 2.28 FY18, 2.24FY17, 2.26 FY19 (currently)
So unless there is visa quota distribution cut off will be aprox. VB 28000 or 29000.
January 8, 2019 at 15:52
For 2018 non response rate is 34% for 1-25775 22% in ap+ready+refusal for dv 2019 comprare with dv 2018 15000real case x 0.66 response rate =9900 case real x0.78 [ case ready ap refusal]=7722
7723x 2.3 visa issued= 17.760 visa for all …