Because this is an important topic I have created a video and this article which covers the same information. So – watch the video and/or read below – your choice.
I enjoyed watching much of the inauguration day process as I could today. It was awesome to see the return of America, the return of decency and wisdom. We have seen very little of that for the last four years.
I was pleased to see that Trump ran away with his tail between his legs and didn’t spoil the days activities by his presence. Honestly, that was the best decision he has made while he was the President.
Biden and Harris were sworn in at around noon, and had many formalities to go through. Both Biden and Harris have formal roles to fulfil, and the inauguration day is packed full of events to be handled. They have to staff the government, Harris took control of the Senate and swore in three new senators meaning the Democrats control the Whitehouse, the house, and the senate, albeit with razor thin majorities. It will take skill and negotiation to get much needed politics done. But that is the job that Biden is suited for – he knows how to work “across the aisle”.
Now, for my readers, there will obviously be questions about what will happen with the bans. I explained this in a video a couple of days ago shown here:
But what exactly what has Biden done so far, and what does he need to do.
First. He has introduced an immigration reform bill. The bill has many good measures, including a measure that would stop the types of ban that Trump used, AND the increase of DV lottery visas to 80K from the current 55k. Now – don’t rejoice too soon, it is a bill, it needs to be agreed by congress, and there are significant chances that it won’t get agreed in its present form. Even if it did, the new quota would certainly not be in place for DV2021 or DV2022, and probably not DV2023 either, depending on timing. However, it does send a signal that Biden at least does not see DV as a bad thing – he values diversity.
He has revoked the Muslim ban. That ban affected people from the following countries – Burma, Eritrea, Iran, Kyrgzstan, Libya, Nigeria, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania and Yemen. However, DV cases from any of those countries are still blocked by the proclamation PP10014 as extended. The revocation is also NOT retroactive, so if you were previously refused in DV2019 or before based on those bans, you will not be able to reapply. For DV2020 cases, the position is less clear. A case not yet interviewed could theoretically be OK if we get additional cases through. But we will need to get clarification whether a DV2020 cases already refused last year could be “reconsidered”. Part of the problem might be logistics, since time will be short. If you are in that position, let me know and we can discuss that with the lawyers.
As I have previously explained, revoking the Muslim ban is a double edged sword. Because it re-instates the cases for those countries previously affected by the ban, it is bad news for high case numbers in Asia, and to a lesser extent in Africa. That is because thousands of people had little or no hope of being approved before, now have their chance re-instated. But although that will be a blow to some of you, I am sure you will see it is the fair thing.
Now – the next most important thing are the remaining bans – particularly the PP10014. Biden did NOT revoke that ban today. He has not said that he would revoke it, but he has set a timeline of when he will be working on certain topics. He will be working on remaining immigration issues on January 29th, so if he does revoke PP10014, that is the most likely date. He may also address the 14 day regional bans (like the Schengen ban) at that time, but again, there are no published plans. So – we need to remain hopeful but patient. Please don’t be impatient and selfish about that timeline – Biden has a lot of important work to accomplish, so we can give him a few days!!
OK I hope that will explain the questions you could have.
February 17, 2021 at 12:45
Puzzled, you say nearly doubling the diversity lottery is a good thing. How so? We have thousands of citizens without health care, jobs or housing. How is increasing our population with random foreign people going to help them–our own people?
February 18, 2021 at 05:09
Because driven, hungry immigrants drive the economy. While they are building a life for themselves they are consumers too, and the increase in population and workers drives the economy. Nothing is given to them, they have to earn everything. They are determined. Then later they become complacent and lazy like far too many Americans – so that is why immigration is always a good thing for growing an economy.
January 27, 2021 at 18:24
Dear Brit How do you think dv2017 who were refused under trump administration
January 27, 2021 at 18:49
There is nothing that can be done to help such cases.
January 26, 2021 at 22:53
Also what region are you from esi?
January 26, 2021 at 23:00
Europe, received Visa in September
January 26, 2021 at 21:48
Dear Brit,
find below an article from Reuters regarding the topics of the next EO related to immigration that are going to be signed by Biden in Friday:
Unfortunately the PP10014 is not mentioned.
January 26, 2021 at 22:35
I don’t think any proclamation is named, but I think it could fall underneath REVIEW OF THE LEGAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM category? Don’t you think? Since pp10014 is an immigration ban?
January 26, 2021 at 22:38
it describe the “public charge” rule.
January 26, 2021 at 22:42
That’s part of it, no?
“ As part of that effort, the order will begin the process of rescinding Trump’s so-called “public charge” rule,…”
That’s how I would take it, I’m trying to keep som faith in the Biden admin to remove it on Friday…
January 26, 2021 at 22:47
I had so much faith and I could become a Priest.
January 26, 2021 at 22:52
Don’t lose faith…it will happen.
Good luck to all of us!
Simon, please let us know if you think the immigration ban is part of this category!
January 27, 2021 at 06:24
Public charge is not 10014.
January 27, 2021 at 06:24
Let’s wait and see.
January 27, 2021 at 06:24
Yep, nothing there about 10014.
January 27, 2021 at 10:30
What I meant is that, public charge is one thing they’re going to work on in the legal immigration category…when they say “a part of that effort” they didn’t mention all efforts that fall in that category….that’s what I meant, that’s how I would understand it, it’s not just going be about the public charge…it just can’t be. This is torture, I just want this ban to be over so I can finally be with my husband….
January 27, 2021 at 15:20
Understood. All they have said is “immigration”.
January 27, 2021 at 15:42
So would you agree with how I’ve interpreted it? Keeping the faith?
January 27, 2021 at 15:52
Let’s wait until Friday.
January 24, 2021 at 06:01
Hi Simon,
me and my wife are reissued visa holders in Schengen. We are planning to fly on 27th of Jan to the US (Miami) and come back 2 days later. We tried to figure it out if it is possible due to the 7 days quarantine requirement but got nothing info. I’d have two questions:
1. Do you think this is possible to travel for just 2 days?
2. We need a special insurance above the travel insurance?
January 24, 2021 at 16:51
FYI, the present administration may consider the Schengen ban still in force on the 27th, so be careful to check that.
1. I don’t know. You need to work out what restrictions there will be on you based on your travel plans, and keep checking as it could change.
2. That depends on your travel insurance terms and limits.
Take documentation to prove why you are exempt from PP10014.
January 24, 2021 at 23:02
Be aware that Biden is expected to reimplement the Schengen bans tomorrow.
January 22, 2021 at 23:13
my dear
I am the winner of the 2018 random lottery, knowing that I am a citizen of the state of Libya under the travel ban to the United States of America. On the day of my interview, May 31, 2018, the US Consul refused to grant me a visa because of Presidential Decree No. 9645, knowing that I did not appeal the rejection decision at the time because Trump’s decision is irreversible. in it .
My question / is there another opportunity to correspond with the US embassy and meet again?
We weren’t in this decision to refuse.
We hope the US embassy will write to us again for an interview, in compensation for the unjust decision.
January 22, 2021 at 23:33
No, that won’t happen. The DV lottery period ends with the fiscal year, so you cannot go back and appeal a 2018 decision with the new revocation. There are no 2018 visas they can issue.
January 27, 2021 at 17:02
Who will say you your not loyer maybe he has a chance.
January 27, 2021 at 18:12
Sure. He can pay a lawyer to try. That is up to him, but the law is clear.
January 22, 2021 at 19:49
Hey Simon, any news about today’s hearing on Anunciato case?
Thank you.
January 22, 2021 at 19:57
It is still in progress.
January 22, 2021 at 18:26
Hi brit Dv 2018 and dv2019 wings that her effect on Muslim ban do they have chance to get their visas since the Muslim ban being revoked?
January 22, 2021 at 19:04
No. As discussed above.
January 22, 2021 at 16:34
Greetings, I am dv2020, I was ready for an interview but I could not attend because I was in a third country and border and time restrictions. Will we have possibilities for March?
January 22, 2021 at 17:11
You will have to wait for the outcome of the Gomez case.
January 22, 2021 at 13:29
Thanks Brit for help
But I just want to ask for dv2020 winners who concelled their interview in April there’s any chance for getting another appointment letter for interview thank you
Be blessed
January 22, 2021 at 15:42
Possibly – it depends on the Gomez outcome.
January 22, 2021 at 13:22
Helo brit hope you doing OK I have to ask you 2 question I am a winer dv 2021
1 I have I brather who is sponsor to me but he can’t write the avidavit of support can I get some one else to write for me the avidavit.
2 second question is I am Uber driver for last 2 years ist gona help me for the 2 years work experience. Thanks for your great effort from somaliya
January 22, 2021 at 15:41
1. Yes
2. No. That is not at the level required. Read the FAQ.
January 22, 2021 at 12:02
Hi Mr Simon, thanks for the great work you are doing, really appreciate,
I have a quick question
Am dv winner principal applicant, I filled my DS260 last year and I said I will travel with my family, due to the pandemic and financial problem have decided to travel alone,
1. Do I need to open all ds 260 and indicate am traveling alone because in my wife’s ds260 I can see they asked if you are traveling with your spouse and the answer was yes.
2. At the embassy will they need an explanation as to why I left them behind or will they need to call my wife because am not intending to tell my wife about all this
Thank you
January 22, 2021 at 15:40
You should inform KCC, so that they don’t hold back your interview without the full set of documents.
1. You can change the form if you want, BUT you cannot remove additional DS260s
2. I don’t know what they will do.
January 22, 2021 at 11:57
thank you Simon, I am in the “wait and see” mode
January 22, 2021 at 10:46
Hi Brit I have got my visa and it’s expiring in Mar like all others. I just need to know that my police certificate is expiring in January, so do i need to get a new one or now that I have my visa already I don’t have to bother. Thanks!
January 22, 2021 at 15:37
You should not need a new one.
January 22, 2021 at 07:46
Hi Mr Simon,
First want to appreciate your efforts for your encouragement and updates, but here are few questions that will make me glad if response.
(1) I am a Dv 2020 holder and I & my spouse with our daughter Visa will expire March 14th 2021, can we hope to be re-issue or to have extended time if President Biden does not remove the PP10014 before that time?
(2) I understood that we will get the Court hearing January 22/2021 which is today, will that be possible?
(3) In your own opinions do you think DV 2020 Visa holders should hope to migrate to USA or not?
Thanks so much.
January 22, 2021 at 15:35
1. Lawyers are working on that now.
2. Let’s wait for the hearing.
3. Of course.
January 22, 2021 at 06:26
Hello Mr. Brit, do you think 9095 visas will be given priority to those who have been paid or the numbers will be called in turn (I know I have to wait, but …)
January 22, 2021 at 15:32
We should wait and see.
January 22, 2021 at 04:09
How to do that and How much I have to pay to the lawyer?
January 22, 2021 at 15:30
You did not use reply, so I have no context.
January 22, 2021 at 17:48
How to do that and How much I have to pay to the lawyer?
January 22, 2021 at 20:10
It is too late to join a case now.
January 21, 2021 at 19:20
Hi Brit Simon
Hope you are doing well
I am from Yemen ??
I am the winner of Dv 2020 and my case got refused in January 2020 because of the presidential proclamation and travel ban.
What I have to do now, Is there any chance to get my visa process?
Please suggest
Many thanks
January 21, 2021 at 20:59
The Muslim ban which caused your denial has been revoked. There is a provision in the Biden order to allow for reconsideration of previously refused cases. However, that probably can’t happen unless we win the Gomez case. Are you a plaintiff on any case?
January 21, 2021 at 21:44
I don’t know exactly
Applicants who had already been interviewed who seek reissuance or to overcome a prior refusal;
January 21, 2021 at 23:24
To be a plaintiff you would have paid a lawyer to be on their case. So no is the answer.
So what that means is that you will need to champion your case yourself. That means pay attention to the Gomez case and be prepared to argue your position with the embassy if we get the go ahead to issue visas.
January 21, 2021 at 16:02
Hello dear man. We received a visa in September. i am pregnant I have to fly on February 1. Then my pregnancy is coming to an end. I was very excited about my pregnancy. I shouldn’t experience this excitement.
January 21, 2021 at 15:28
Hello BritSimon,
In your opinion, is it (legally) possible or realistic to add DV2020 visa holders to the list of exceptions to PP10014?
Many thanks
P.S. Keep the faith everyone!! 🙂
January 21, 2021 at 16:36
No. It is more likely that 10014 is removed (by Biden or any of the court cases).
January 21, 2021 at 21:15
Hi mr Brit. How are you doing. I wish to ask. Those it mean that Biden has remove pp10014 ban. ? Please share the link. Thank
January 21, 2021 at 21:18
I wrote about that and created a video too. Then you ask an already question already answered. Please don’t be lazy.
January 21, 2021 at 14:44
Greg Siskind has tweeted that he believes the order under the revocation of the muslim ban requiring visas to start being issued may benefit us – he said that they should start issuing visas (which they arguably should already have been doing since the ban does not stop visa issuance), though we obviously won’t be able to able enter until the ban is lifted. Here is the tweet link, in case I’ve misunderstood:
What are your thoughts on this?
Thank you for all your work!!
January 21, 2021 at 15:18
He is optimistic.
1. The instruction to the embassies to start work is specific to those impacted by the Muslim ban.
2. I like the order, but it doesn’t help because PP10014 is still in place and in the past that has been excuse enough to not process cases. That policy is contrary to the law as ordered by several judges, BUT I think they will need to be instructed about DV2021 OR Biden.
3. At least part of the inaction at embassies could be the status of the embassies. They are generally either mainly closed, or open only for certain visa types that do not include DV. Again, we need an order by a judge, or Biden to tell them to treat the DV cases as mission critical/urgent. I have mentioned this to the lawyers (Kuck/Siskind/Joseph).
4. I have no doubt this will improve, but we are losing time.
January 21, 2021 at 15:23
Thank you so much for your response, I thought he might be being a bit optimistic too.
On another note, I submitted my documents via email as instructed, but haven’t received confirmation that my case is ready for scheduling (when that time comes). I don’t want to be impatient, especially considering the bans etc anyway, but how long is reasonable to wait before following up to ensure they’ve been received?
My number is OC13XX – am I being optimistic even worrying about this?
Thank you so much, you’re truly making this process bearable, even with all the hell of this year’s lottery.
January 21, 2021 at 16:35
Wait a few weeks after sending documents. Your number is not risky in a normal year, BUT we are running fort of time. So – we will need to see some interviews being scheduled soon.
January 21, 2021 at 14:31
Lawyers seem pesimistic about the cancellation of pp10014 by Biden? I cannot accept the idea that maybe I won’t use my visa…
January 21, 2021 at 15:19
It is their job to be prepared to fight.
January 21, 2021 at 13:30
The information you just posted has make my day thank you/ One issue I have on mine is about the reopening of embassies around the world. I have a question , Will KCC start to issue 2NL to DV2021 lottery winners since the President Biden has been inaugurated? When will dv2021 interview start?
January 21, 2021 at 13:37
It is too soon to know.
January 21, 2021 at 13:22
I am Patricia Gaye from Africa region , my case number is in 58000 ..I will be affected or I should continue with proces
January 21, 2021 at 13:25
It is too soon to be certain.
January 21, 2021 at 11:33
Regards: Sorry for my english.
I admire your work day after day, you inspire hope and faith, for which I am eternally grateful.
I want to live, create in the land of opportunities and this is America, help me please. I am the winner of dv 2020, on September 27 we were evacuated from NKR due to an unexpected and terrible war, we are refugees, now we have no status. Please, help.
January 21, 2021 at 12:16
You will have to wait and see what happens in the Gomez case.
January 21, 2021 at 11:26
Dear Mr Brit,
Thank you for explanation.
Please what will happen to such my situation.
I got my visa on April 2020 and its expired. Because of travel restrictions I could not renew it on September.
Is there any hope for me to re issuing my visa?
January 21, 2021 at 12:15
You will have to wait for the Gomez case outcome in late March.
January 21, 2021 at 11:01
Thanks for the update Simon
January 21, 2021 at 10:58
it is really hopeful for dv 2021, i would like to thanks simon for your evidence that you are feed!!!
January 21, 2021 at 10:36
I personally waited a very long time for any update and now I would like to know the DV 2020 with a big case can hope to have the documents reviewed or not?
Thank you for your support.
January 21, 2021 at 12:14
You have to wait for the outcome of the Gomez case – late March.
January 21, 2021 at 10:27
Hi Brit,
Thanks a lot for your thoughts. However, [1] states that,
“Sec. 2. Resumption of Visa Processing and Clearing the Backlog of Cases in Waiver Processing. (a) The Secretary of State shall direct all Embassies and Consulates, consistent with applicable law and visa processing procedures, including any related to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), to resume visa processing in a manner consistent with the revocation of the Executive Order and Proclamations specified in section 1 of this proclamation.”
According to this, embassies should start DV interviews regardless of the PP10014. Am I correct?
January 21, 2021 at 12:13
Yes, that is a good clause, BUT we must wait to see how it is implemented. PP10014 still blocks those same cases for entry, and up to now the administration applied the procedure as being blocked for entry means they don’t process. So anyway, wait and see.
January 21, 2021 at 10:08
I already appreciate the fact that he has us in mind. Even if I don’t succeed entering the United states I have hopes that my children will.
If by God’s grace the bill is approved then I will surely get there someday.
He’s a great man and I appreciate.
January 21, 2021 at 09:11
So, this literally means we’re (DV2021 winners) not out of the race yet!! We still have 60-40 chance of getting DV by September 30 !! I don’t know if I’m a lot more optimistic than I should be at the moment given the time we have and the pandemic thing !! Anyway, you should have a never say die attitude as they say ! ????
January 21, 2021 at 08:31
CN 2020af68——
January 21, 2021 at 08:11
Thank you brit fr this information
January 21, 2021 at 07:43
Wow thanks Simon very explicit
January 21, 2021 at 07:29
Dear Simon,
I am DV 2020 winner from Burma. My case number is AS2020171xx. I already submitted all of requirement document and have received email from KCC. My case is not yet interviewed. Do I have a chance for scheduling interview and hope to get visa. If yes, how do I proceed?
January 21, 2021 at 12:10
You will have to wait and see what happens on the Gomez case (March)
January 22, 2021 at 16:31
Dear Britsimon,
I am DV 2020 2020AS12xxx winner at BURMA , already get interview date at April but embassy cancelled interview date because COVID-19 .
Can I get the change of 9095 ( GOMEZ case )
Thank a lot Britsimon.
January 22, 2021 at 17:10
Maybe – you have to wait for the outcome of the Gomez case.
January 21, 2021 at 07:23
What is the position of those cases of DV2020 that weren’t interviewed?
January 21, 2021 at 12:10
They will have to wait for the Gomez case outcome.
January 21, 2021 at 07:18
If Biden reverses the PP10014 on 29th will this change be effective immediately or does this need to be passed by Congress?
We are in the position of having visas which expire mid-March.
Thanks Brit!
January 21, 2021 at 12:09
I don’t know. It does encourage me that the Muslim ban revocation was immediate and included a clause to direct the embassies to work on affected cases, but we have to wait and see what (IF ANYTHING) he does on PP10014.
January 21, 2021 at 07:17
Thanks BritSimon God bless you.
You have indeed done a great job it’s not easy without the Grace of the Lord.
January 21, 2021 at 07:08
My brother is a 2020 lottery winner and his visa is expiring on the 25th of March 2021 . What can he do to get a new visa and travel to America.
Thank you in advance Mr Brit.
January 21, 2021 at 12:07
He must wait.
January 21, 2021 at 06:51
Thus the increase of visas means more selection
January 21, 2021 at 06:50
Thank you brit
January 21, 2021 at 06:33
Why do you say the immigration bill will take a long time to become law? I just asked Charles Kuck and others and they said it could take 2 months or less…
January 21, 2021 at 12:07
Well we will see. Even if it did, that would not change quota for DV2021 and DV2022
January 21, 2021 at 06:18
Thanks brit for this update
January 21, 2021 at 06:56
So it’s a classic “wait and see” situation
January 21, 2021 at 12:07
January 25, 2021 at 10:54
Dear sir
My DV1 category visas were first issued on 18 December 2019 and expired on 25 May, 2020. Due to Covid-19 travel restrictions I was compelled to stay and my visas were thus reissued on 30 September 2020 and valid till 15 March 2021.
I urge a clarification that my visas and travel status are unaffected by P.P. 10014, its subsequent proclamations or their extensions and eligible to enter the United States prior to the expiry of my visas.
from the , , clearly mentioned about valid visa not affected this proclamation who have issued visa before 23 april 2020.
Before I travel need to clarify am I leagaly ok to enty USA.
links are below.
here attached all relevant documents for this clarification. need a reply asap.
January 25, 2021 at 14:08
You are not subject to 10014. Talk to the embassy and airline and check if they understand that.
January 21, 2021 at 06:05
This is good news.You are right Simon the inauguration really felt like decensy is coming back to the US.We hope for better days ahead❤